Zhang Hao said with a smile, "what does the captain of the ten guards mean?"

Gao Shengyi said: "the captain of the ten guards should be similar to the captain of the ten in ancient times, managing a team of ten people."

He saw that the watchman of the lighthouse happened to be a ten member team. In front of him, Gu fan was the captain of the ten member team.

Ge'an nodded: "Yes, although we are all survivors gathered from the surrounding areas, since we have gathered together, we must establish some rules to make everyone play the greatest role as much as possible. Therefore, we have borrowed some ancient military establishment to adapt it. According to our current number, we have formed a 'lion brigade' with 1000 people, of which 10 are a basic group The combat unit is a team of ten people, with one ten Guard commander and one deputy, a squadron of 100 people, one hundred Guard commander and two deputies, and a thousand Guard commander and four deputies in a thousand person brigade. In this way, it is convenient for dispatching. Compared with a plate of loose sand, it will be much more mobile. "

Ge'an said this, paused slightly and continued: "Of course, according to the different abilities you have, of the ten squadrons in our 'lion brigade', there are two long-range attack squadrons, two defense squadrons, one auxiliary Squadron, one pioneer Squadron, four melee squadrons and several backup assistance squadrons. In addition, each squadron is equipped with one or two players with healing ability as much as possible, as well as special investigation squadrons In this way, according to the different abilities mastered by each person, the team will be allocated and combined, and the effect of 1 + 1 greater than 2 can be achieved as far as possible, so as to maximize everyone's combat power. "

Su Li and others were stunned and stared at GE an in front of them.

Although they are leaders of major forces and command hundreds of people, and even now they have established Nanjiang alliance, they are not so much a force alliance. In fact, most of the time, they fight their own battles and respect the strong.

Although we also have cooperation, for example, some are mainly responsible for defense and some are mainly responsible for long-range attack, most of them are temporary combinations, which are not much better than a plate of loose sand.

It never occurred to everyone that there were only more than 1000 people in the ancient city under ge'an's command, but a more systematic organization had been formed. Even a "lion brigade" had been formed according to the army, so that everyone could cooperate with each other and give full play to their maximum combat power.

Su Li suddenly felt admiration for the current ge'an. Although her strength was not weaker than him, when it came to the ability of command and organization, she was afraid that she could not beat the current ge'an.

"This guy is so tall that he doesn't think his brain is so easy to use." Suli thought secretly and was very interested in ge'an.

Ge'an said, "I think you have a large number. I'm afraid there are nearly 2000 people. If you get rid of those who are not good at fighting, you can also form a brigade of 1000 people."

Su Li said, "brother Ge is really powerful. In a short time, he has established a team with such a perfect system."

Ge'an smiled and said, "it's only in its infancy now. It can only be said that it's beginning to take shape. It's not worth mentioning."

As he spoke, he led the crowd to the buildings on the left.

"This is our kitchen and canteen. Everyone tries hard to kill monsters and protect the ancient city, but whether our soldiers can eat enough and eat better depends on these chefs."

In the house, a fat man came out and saluted ge'an.

Ge'an introduced him to the people: "he is responsible for the food, which is also a very important link, which can not be ignored."

Then he took the people to another building.

"This is the material group, which is responsible for all kinds of materials, including food, clothing, daily necessities, fuel and energy. Now I classify them into the material group and hand them over to a special person."

"This is a science and technology group. Unfortunately, it has not yet formed a scale. I always believe that science and technology is the primary productive force. However, there is a lack of enough scientists and engineers. If we can find a way to build powerful heat weapons, it will be much easier to fight monsters."

Listening to ge an's constant introduction, Su Li thought of Yan Fang and felt that Yan Fang could be introduced into this technology group.

"Of course, there are people who are responsible for all aspects of the hygienic environment of the ancient city, and they also need someone to clean it up..."

Ge an introduced as he walked. They found that although there were not many people in the ancient city, there were only more than 1000 people, although the sparrows were small and had all kinds of internal organs, the order arranged by GE an was completely different from the scattered sand of their "Nanjiang alliance".

It's ge'an. Obviously, his ambition is not small.

Finally, they came to a long building. They found that there were many women here, ranging in age from 17 or 18 to 30 or 40. Now they were chatting outside, and in the building, more women could be seen through the doors and windows.

Zhang Hao said with a smile, "brother Ge, no wonder you hardly saw any women in your ancient city. Originally, you gathered all the beautiful women here. Do you want to open the harem for exclusive enjoyment?"

Ge an's face changed, slightly frowned and said, "I'm such a person?"

Seeing that ge'an seemed unhappy, Zhang Hao smiled awkwardly and said, "of course, I'm just kidding."

After a slight pause, ge'an turned to look at the eight Suli people, took a deep breath and said: "In fact, we should all know the situation we are facing now. It can be said that a large number of people will be killed by monsters every day. I don't know what the situation is in other areas and whether they have been submerged, but according to what I know at present, the situation of all of us is very bad."

Su Li nodded and said, "yes, brother Ge, what's your opinion?"

Ge an said, "you are from Nanjiang city. Nanjiang city is not small. The permanent population of the five districts adds up to at least several million. Just now you said you were the last surviving human in the city, but how many?"

Gao Shengyi pushed the eye frame mirror on the bridge of his nose and said slowly, "now there are more than 1700 people, less than eighteen."

Ge an said with a bitter smile, "yes, millions of people died, leaving only 1700 people. If all localities are based on this ratio, how many people are there in the country now?"

Gao Shengyi shook his head and said, "it's wrong. After all, the situation in every place is wrong. The lower the terrain, the more serious the flood is, and the fewer human beings may survive. However, in higher terrain, the flood should not be so serious, and there will be many more human beings surviving, especially in some plateau areas. The flood should not reach there."

Ge an said, "I know. I'm just giving an example to tell you that the future of our mankind is worrying. You won't object to this."

This time Gao Shengyi did not refute, but nodded slightly and said, "yes, I agree with that."

Ge'an said: "so we humans need to supplement fresh blood. We need to give birth to more humans as much as possible. If we want to continue, we must ensure that there are more newborns."

When he said this, he turned around again and looked at the building not far away. Everyone's eyes also looked at the women. Suddenly he understood.

Gao Shengyi took a deep breath and sighed: "brother Ge is really farsighted. We are still thinking about how to escape and how to find a safe place to live well, but you are already thinking about the future of mankind and how to continue, develop and expand our surviving humans."

Gao Shengyi's words were like praise and sarcasm, with a complex tone.

Ge an turned his back to the crowd. His tall back looked very thick, like a mountain.

"I know that my views may be difficult for you to accept, and even violate the current morality and values, but..."

"We must have children. The stronger we are, the more we need to have enough reproductive rights, the more we need to pass on our fine genes, and have as many offspring as possible, so that our next generation can become stronger, smarter and better. So my next step is to set up a team specifically responsible for newborn delivery, including raising and teaching new humans The organization may not be effective in a short time, but in ten or twenty years, the effect will appear. Of course, everything is still in the experimental stage. "

Zou Yingying, one of the people, was a woman. Hearing this, she couldn't stand it. She couldn't help saying, "so, we women will completely become fertility machines in the future?"

Ge Andou: "Of course not. I will fully respect everyone's choice. Just like Xia Zhihan, she is a girl, but one of my four deputies. She has a high status, and I also respect her. In fact... Both men and women have two choices. For men, one choice is to take up weapons, fight with monsters, become stronger, or die. For such strong people, they We should have the right to procreate. We should let their excellent genes pass down and make our next generation better. Naturally, the second choice is to give up fighting, which also means giving up many rights. "

When he said this, he paused slightly, looked at Zou YingYing and said, "it can't be said that the strong men fighting in front can work hard and bleed and sacrifice, but they don't get anything. Instead, the men left behind can talk about love with women and leave future generations?"

Zou Yingying smiled slightly and said, "shouldn't children be the crystallization of love? Shouldn't they fall in love freely and then give birth to offspring?"

Ge'an suddenly laughed and said, "it's really a little girl. It's still too naive. Do you think it's still the peacetime before? Do you know that sentence? It's better to be a peaceful dog than a man in troubled times. In this era, you don't know whether there is tomorrow's day or not. Do you still have time to fall in love freely?"

"Believe me, if the flood does not subside and still maintain the current bad situation, what I just said is the inevitable trend in the future. If human beings want to continue as much as possible, they must make a choice. In the future, only the strong deserve the reproductive right, and the weak cannot enjoy the reproductive right. As for free love... Well, it will be the top strong If you don't believe it, you can wait and see. "

Everyone didn't say anything to refute. When they thought about it carefully, although it was difficult to accept it, they all felt that he had some truth.

Only Zou Yingying still felt unacceptable because of her gender and couldn't help saying, "this is too unfair to women. Women can also become soldiers or go to the battlefield."

"Of course, as I said, men have the right to choose, so can women. You can choose to become strong and strong, so naturally you don't need to become a fertility machine. But little girl, have you ever thought that compared with men, women are inherently inferior in physique. Since ancient times, among the people fighting in the battlefield, are men in the majority or women in the majority?"

"Moreover, if you can choose, it's better to go to the front line to fight with monsters and die at any time, or stay behind. At least you don't have to work hard and don't worry about dying at any time. It's more attractive?"

"You said, how would everyone choose?"

Ge an said this, Zou Yingying was completely silent. Yes, if she wasn't forced and helpless, who would be willing to risk his life to fight with those monsters.

Zhang Haohao murmured, "grandma, it seems to be reasonable for you to say so."

Ge'an then said, "of course, everything is still childish. After all, there are only more than 1000 people here. With you, there are only more than 3000 people. Even the population of a town is not comparable. It is estimated that it is the scale of a village. It is still too early to talk about fertility and the continuation of the future of mankind. These are just some ideas for the future."

Ge'an took a deep breath and said, "brother GE has great aspirations. Do you have any specific plans for the future?"

Ge'an smiled and said: "Very simply, if we can gain a firm foothold in this ancient city and make it a relatively safe human base, then we need to absorb as many human survivors as possible to come here, not just passively waiting for everyone to come, but we can take the initiative to look for it. I believe that whether in major cities, counties or towns, especially some terrain In higher places, there must still be a large number of survivors. "

"As long as there are more and more people, our ancient city will develop better and have stronger power to guard here, resist monsters and form a virtuous circle. At that time, it will become a shelter for mankind and a new city."

"Once that scale is formed, we must formulate laws and regulations, train a stronger army, and have enough ability to understand the causes of the great flood and explore more regions. Of course, the top priority is to encourage childbearing, and even formulate laws and regulations such as compulsory childbearing, so as to ensure that the strong can have more offspring as much as possible Put it on the agenda. "