This building is the "Yingdong building" where various forces gathered this time.

Genesis was the initiator of this grand event. They came earlier than everyone. When Su Li and his party arrived at the "Yingdong building" with only two or three floors above the water, someone stood at the edge of the building to welcome them.

Su Li counted according to the number of rafts floating on the water. Many people should have come before them.

"Brother Su -" a voice came from a distance. Su Li looked up and saw that it was Ding's sister and brother who were wrapped in black robes to cover their true face. It was Ding Hui who greeted him.

There are many people around Ding Hui's sister and brother. Su Li only recognized the fat Li, but unexpectedly didn't see Chen mo.

Su Li's heart moved slightly. Did Ding Hui guess that she was going to bring Wu Feng, afraid of a breakthrough between the two sides, so she deliberately didn't bring Chen Mo?

If so, Ding Hui's arrangement and consideration are watertight. If such a person is his own, it will be a powerful help, and if he stands on the enemy's side, it will be a terrible enemy.

Several people around Ding Hui's sister and brother attracted Su Li's attention. According to each other's appearance and his previous understanding, he guessed that the man in his early twenties standing next to Ding Hui should be the third leader of Genesis, and the other man in his thirties who looked very strong should be the fourth leader Lin Feng.

The fifth leader is Chen Mo, who is not present. The sixth leader is Li pangzi, who has seen him before.

As for the seventh and ninth leaders, Su Li did not see anyone similar to them. He speculated that they should be left to guard the "Century Square".

"Please, everyone." at the warm invitation of Ding Hui, Su Li and his party of 40 boarded one after another.

Su Li left the water scale beast to accompany the crocodile toothed turtle, and didn't let it follow him to the roof, so as not to be seen by the people on the roof, which will inevitably attract the attention of many people.

I'm afraid that in the eyes of many people who don't know the truth, they will think they are showing off when they take a pet to attend such major leaders' meetings.

Suli didn't like the feeling.

As Ding Hui introduced before, although the Yingdong building has only 32 floors, it occupies a wide area. Even if thousands of people gather on the roof, it will not appear crowded.

Suli saw many people wearing red cloth strips on their left arms, indicating that they belong to Genesis.

At a glance, there are at least hundreds of people. In this way, there are fewer forty people brought by themselves.

This "Genesis" is full of hundreds of elite.

On the top of the building, in addition to hundreds of elites of Genesis, there are also a group of people gathered on the other side. Look at the number, there are 50 or 60 people. None of them are tied with red cloth strips. Obviously, they do not belong to Genesis.

When a group of Suli people boarded the roof, they looked at them one after another. It was obvious that they were very concerned about them.

"This is brother Su Li Su of the Golden Eagle alliance I told you about. This is the monarch and minister, and this is Lin Feng..." Ding Hui introduced the two sides.

The monarch and minister and Lin Feng obviously heard Su Li's name, listened to Ding Hui's introduction, and looked at Su Li one after another. Their eyes were a little dignified and dared not be slighted.

They heard Li pangzi say that the man in front of them has the strength to fight the Ding brothers and sisters alone, which is a miracle for them.

"Brother su." Lin Feng bowed with both hands, looking very heroic.

Su Li also greeted them politely. In front of them, the ranking of these two in "Genesis" is still above Chen mo. naturally, they are not simple people.

"By the way, I forgot to introduce them to you. Those people are from the 'Tianhua building'. The leader of the 'Tianhua building' who sits cross legged on the ground is Su Hao, who has the same surname as you, but I don't like him."

Ding Hui suddenly lowered her voice and introduced Su Li to another group of people not far away.

Su Li gave a gentle sound, and then he knew that another group of people in the "Qinhuai District" was another force besides "Genesis". The "Tianhua building" could resist the "Genesis" chamber. Naturally, the "Tianhua building" was not simple. Su Hao, its leader, also gave Su Li a few more eyes.

Su Hao sat cross legged on the roof and floor, looking a little lazy. It seems that he didn't sleep well last night. Now he is making up his sleep while he still has some time.

Su Li saw that he was not very old and was one or two years younger than himself. He could not say whether he was handsome or ordinary. He gave people a very peaceful feeling and looked like an ordinary big boy next door.

However, to be the leader of the "Tianhua building" against "Genesis", Su Hao will not be as simple as his surface.

Su Li's 40 people also found a place on the roof to stop and rest. They were divided into three factions, each occupying a piece of place, which was very clear.

Calculate the time. It's almost nine o'clock now, but only three forces come.

Several leaders of genesis were anxious and looked into the distance from time to time.

As the initiator of the conference, Ding Hui was not in a hurry. She accompanied Su Li and introduced the situation of each district for him.

"Not counting your 'Xinkai district' and our 'Qinhuai District', there are seven forces in the other three districts. We have contacted them. It's still early. It's not urgent. Brother Su, how many forces do you have in your 'Xinkai district'?"

Su Li moved in his heart and said: "there are two new development zones. In addition to our golden eagle alliance, there is also the national exchange center. I have seen their leader Wen Ying before. The other Party promised to come today."

I think there are seven forces in the other three districts, plus the four forces of "Xinkai district" and "Qinhuai District", that is the eleven forces. Of course, I don't know how many forces are really present today.

"Coming -"

"Coming -"

Suddenly, the people observing the north and South at the edge of the roof shouted almost at the same time, reporting excitedly, indicating that people from the north and South were coming here.

After a while, two people arrived one after another and boarded the roof.

About 70 or 80 people came from the north. After introducing each other, Su Li heard that they were from "Changfeng district", and the name of their power organization was "new world".

The number of these people from the south is small, only thirty or forty. The name of their influence is domineering, called "imperial capital" and from "Chongyuan district".

With the arrival of "new world" and "imperial capital", five forces have come, and the number of people on the top floor has exceeded 300, making the scene a little lively.

Most of these 300 people are men, and only a few of them are women. Naturally, they are the focus of attention.

Many people are talking to each other and talking in a low voice. It can be said that such a grand gathering is the first time for everyone after the flood, and it is all very novel.

Su Li quietly opened the "peeping symbol pattern" and has been silently observing and peeping around the level data of these people.

After observation, he found that the vast majority of people have reached level 10, and it is almost difficult to see the existence of less than level 10. Obviously, all the elite of the major forces came this time.

In addition to level 10, a small number of people have successfully advanced, but they are basically at level 1. This small number of people are naturally the elite of the elite of major forces and are basically at the leadership level.

With one observation, he finally found a person who broke through level 1 among the more than 300 people.

This man is from the "imperial capital" force of "Chongyuan district". He is also the only level 2 existence after advanced. He is a level 2 crazy soldier.

Su Li is now a level 1 holy knight. Naturally, he knows how difficult it is to rise from level 1 to level 2. He needs 500 spiritual sources.

This man was able to become a level 2 crazy soldier, which attracted Su Li's attention and made him feel a little surprised.

How could this man be promoted so fast?

You know, it's not just him, even the Ding brothers and sisters, who are also only at level 1. It's amazing that this person can become level 2 first.

Su Li looked at the man in his twenties. He looked very thin. After he boarded the roof, he just nodded to Lin Feng. They seemed to know each other. Later, he ignored the Ding brothers and sisters, so he silently found a place to sit down and close his eyes.

Suli didn't know his name, but he could guess that he should be the leader of the "imperial capital" organization.

About ten minutes later, almost one after another, two forces came.

First came a group of about fifty or sixty people from the northwest of Yingdong building. After listening to Ding Hui's quiet introduction, zuri knew that these people were from another force in "Changfeng district" and took "Green Town" as the name of their organization.

Later, there were more than 70 people, which was another force from the "new development zone", the national exchange center.

Su Li saw Wen Ying, Zhang Feng and Wang Xiangyu among the group, and immediately took the initiative to greet them and say hello.

If the other party can come, it can be regarded as giving himself face. This basic courtesy is still necessary.

Wen Ying also politely returned the gift. Zhang Feng smiled at Su Li, and Wang Xiangyu's eyes were dripping and looking for Gong Xiao in the crowd.

"I didn't expect so many people. It was a worthwhile trip."

Zhang Feng smiled and looked curiously at all forces.

Wen Ying smiled faintly and didn't reveal his true heart, which seemed to be hidden.

"What time is it now?" Ding Hui looked at the monarchs and ministers on one side.

The monarch and Minister stretched out his left hand, exposed the green water ghost watch on his left wrist and said, "9:30."

Ding Hui nodded slightly and said, "seven forces have come. Let's start in ten minutes."

It was originally agreed to assemble at 9:30, but now it was 9:30. As a result, only seven of the 11 forces agreed to come. She decided to wait another 10 minutes.

Of course, she is satisfied to have seven forces.

After all, the major forces in all districts have come this time, and the seven major forces have accounted for more than half of the number in the five districts of Nanjiang.

Up to now, monsters are becoming more and more ferocious and terrible. It is almost difficult for small forces to survive. There are only 11 well-known forces in Nanjiang city.

Looking at the time, Ding Hui motioned to Lin Feng, ready to let him come forward to speak.

When she signaled the beginning, two groups of people appeared on the water in the distance, from the East and Southeast.

There are hundreds of these new two people from the East, from the "taixiang district" in the East. The name of this force is very middle two, called the "doomsday club".

There are at least 30 people from the southeast, from the "Pearl City" of "Chongyuan district".

"There are still people from 'Bell and Drum Tower' and 'new Baiye' who haven't come. Do you want to wait?" the king and minister looked at Ding Hui and asked.

"Wait, Lin Feng, you tell everyone, let's start. Wait for this meeting. I don't think the two families will come."

Lin Feng nodded and walked out of the crowd.

At the moment, the nine forces each occupy a piece of ground. Some of them know or know each other and greet each other. Of course, the vast majority of people are watching.

The number of people on the roof of this building has reached 500 or 600, and they are all the elite of all parties. It can be said that almost all the strongest human survivors in Nanjiang city have gathered here.

They are the last hope of human beings in Nanjiang city.

Among the five or six hundred people, Su Li found only one level 2 crazy soldier who had reached the advanced level 2, that is, a level 2 crazy soldier in the group of "imperial capital".

In addition, another person attracted his attention, that is, a person in the "Pearl City", who couldn't peep into each other's information.

The message prompts the other party to have a special treasure that can mask the function, shielding its message data, so that Su Li's "peeping symbol pattern" can't peep into the information.

When Lin Feng came to the empty field in the middle, he first turned a circle, saluted the forces around him, and said, "I have to be honored by you to come here today, which has given us the face of Genesis. I'm Lin Feng here to thank you first."

Lin Feng was very angry. The voice came from a distance. It was very noisy on the roof. Hearing the voice, he slowly quieted down. Everyone understood that the conference was about to begin.

"Lin Feng, don't talk nonsense. We're not here to listen to your thanks."

An impatient voice suddenly sounded in the crowd. Lin Feng looked up. The voice came from the group of people in the "Tianhua building", but it was a very strong black faced man sitting next to Su Hao, the leader of the "Tianhua building".

Lin Feng smiled and said, "it's brother Li. Don't be impatient. What's the hurry?"

He recognized that the black faced man was Li Xinyu, Su Hao's right-hand assistant and the second person of "Tianhua building".

Before "Genesis" wanted to annex "Tianhua building", there were many conflicts between the two sides. Lin Feng and Li Xinyu almost got to know each other. They were very familiar with each other, and Li Xinyu didn't like him all the time.

Li Xinyu said with a black face, "before, you said you would invite us together to discuss major events. I hope everyone will unite and find a way to leave this damn place. Now you'd better hurry up and say what to do. I'm still in a hurry to go back to lunch."

Seeing that he didn't give himself any face, Lin Feng was angry and took a deep breath.

"Yes, Lin Feng, you'd better go straight to the theme." Su Hao, who sat next to Li Xinyu, always looked a little lazy. At the moment, he raised his eyelids and said.