The people of Guohui center saw all this and deeply sucked the air conditioner. Unexpectedly, Wang Xiangyu, who looked very strong in their eyes, was easily defeated by Gong Xiao.

After a short silence, suddenly there was a voice of discussion.

"She's so powerful. She's better than brother Yu."

"She looks very stylish."

"Of course, beauty."

"That spear was just so handsome."

Suddenly, among the people around, someone whispered. Looking at Gong Xiao, there was worship, love and appreciation.

Ding Longyun was not surprised by the reaction of the crowd. After all, Gong Xiao has such charm, especially for men. He laughed and said, "how about we are qualified to see your boss now?"

Zhang Feng glanced at Gong Xiao and Ding Longyun. Her last pair of eyes still looked at Su Li, smiled and said, "of course, please come with us."

After Wang Xiangyu failed, his arrogance was not as arrogant as before and he didn't speak any more. However, after he lost to Gong Xiao, he was not particularly angry. Instead, he kept watching Gong Xiao quietly and showed appreciation.

Gong Xiao was originally very beautiful. Now with her success and continuous evolution, her appearance and temperament are more and more outstanding. It can be said that wherever she goes, she is the focus of attention and is easy to be attracted by her.

With such outstanding appearance and her current strength, Wang Xiangyu was not angry after being defeated, but felt that he was attracted by her.

"She's really special, a little goddess fan. Ah, it seems a good choice to be friends with her."

Wang Xiangyu thought to himself that suddenly he no longer excluded the alliance between the two sides, but looked forward to it. Beautiful women are always pleasing.

Three rafts carrying the people of the national exchange center headed for the main building of the national exchange center one kilometer away. Su Li four rode two crocodile toothed turtles and slowly followed.

When they arrived at the main building of the national exchange center, many people were waiting for them on a large number of rafts under the building.

What happened a kilometer away, the people in the actual building have already witnessed the whole process secretly.

"Boss Wen!"


"Brother Wen!"

The people on the three rafts had just arrived and shouted at one of the people in front, looking very respectful.

Su Li understood that boss Wen, the leader of the Guohui center organization he wanted to see, came out.

In the group of people in front of him, there was a thin man. The man was about 1.85 meters tall, but he looked thin. He was not handsome, but he had a sharp temperament, like a scabbard sword.

In particular, his eyes are very narrow and long, which makes people dare not look directly, such as eagle eyes.

Su Li observed with "peeping Rune pattern" and found that the thin man was a level 1 guard nurse.

"This is Wenying, the boss of our national exchange center." Zhang Feng had a good attitude towards Su Li. With a smile on her face, she landed on the facing raft and helped both sides introduce.

"Boss, this is Su Li, the leader of the 'Golden Eagle alliance' from the north. He wants to see you and say something about the alliance."

Wen Ying listened to this, nodded slightly, looked up at Su Li with a smile on his face, and said, "brother Su came to me to talk about Union? But I don't know what kind of union method?"

What he thought was that Su Li said he wanted to unite. I'm afraid he actually wanted to annex his own national exchange center, but it was not so easy. He really had this idea. The four people in front of him don't want to leave today. He wants to kill the two men in front of him and then annex the "Golden Eagle alliance" in turn.

Suli Road: "I was also entrusted by people. The sister and brother Ding, the leader of Genesis in Qinhuai District, came to me. She wanted to convene all the leaders of forces in the five districts of Nanjiang city to hold a meeting to study how to cooperate and find a way to leave the city as soon as possible and find the land that has not been submerged. It is not the way to stay here all the time. Let alone how these buildings can be immersed in water How long can it last? Just these days, there are more and more serious animal tides. If you continue to stay here, there is only a dead end. "

Wen Ying was stunned when he heard this. Seeing Su Li's sincere appearance, did he not want to devour his national exchange center, but really want to unite?

"Yes, boss, he's right. The monster attacks in the past two nights have become more and more serious. We have lost a lot of people. As you said before, this situation seems to be getting more and more wrong. We have to find a way to leave. Now that they also have this idea, we really should unite and find a way to leave."

Before Wen Ying spoke, Wang Xiangyu scrambled to speak.

Wen Ying glanced at Wang Xiangyu and was dissatisfied with his words.

But in front of the crowd, it was not easy to scold Wang Xiangyu. Wen Ying smiled and said, "the Ding brothers and sisters of genesis? They want to unite all forces? I'm afraid it's not easy?"

Su Li said: "as long as everyone has such an idea, it should not be difficult. The major forces in the 'Qinhuai District' have agreed, and the other three districts have little problems. Our 'Golden Eagle alliance' has also agreed. Now the 'Xinkai district' is only your national exchange center."

Su Li said that the leaders of each district almost agreed. In front of the people, Wen Ying couldn't say no for a moment.

He looked at the look of expectation in the eyes of all the people around him. He knew that the monster attack had become more and more serious in the past two nights. They were really nervous and didn't want to stay any longer. They all wanted to escape the city as soon as possible.

After all, the search for new land is so tempting that it is almost irresistible for people living in this flooded city these days.

Wen Ying thought for a while and then said, "it's really a good idea to find new land. If we can find it, we survivors have found a place to settle down. But brother Su is so sure, can we find it? What if all the land is flooded?"

Su Li said with a smile, "that's why we have to gather the leaders of the major forces together. We have a meeting to study and discuss. There are many people and great power. They say that there are three smelly cobblers and Zhuge Liang at the top. So many people can always come up with ways to study together, which is better than each of us."

"Yes, boss..." Wang Xiangyu asked again, and Wen Ying glared at him.

Wang Xiangyu held back the following words.

Zhang Feng said: "boss, I think brother Su has a good point. Whether we can really find a new land or negotiate a specific result, we should go to participate. Anyway, there are many opportunities, there is nothing wrong."

After listening to Zhang Feng's words, Wen Ying took a breath and knew that it was the aspiration of the people. Although he was the leader of the national exchange center, he couldn't resist the general trend. He smiled and nodded: "that's nature. I also hope to find a new land and lead everyone to a safe place. Brother Su, where and when is this rally?"

Su Li said the time and place. Wen Ying nodded and agreed, saying that he would arrive before 9 a.m. the day after tomorrow.

After confirmation, Su Li declined the retention of Wen Ying and Zhang Feng, and left the "Guohui center building" with Ding Longyun, Gong Xiao and Xu Xuehui on two crocodile toothed turtles.

Wen Ying watched them leave. His narrow eyes narrowed slightly. No one knew what he was thinking.

Wang Xiangyu watched Gong Xiao leave and was reluctant to part with him.

"Boss, what are you thinking?" Zhang Feng said with some expectation on her face: "if all the forces in the Fifth District of Nanjiang City arrive, it must be a grand event the day after tomorrow, and I have to go too."

Wen Ying smiled faintly and said, "hope." he didn't seem to be looking forward to the event.




Su Li left the "national exchange center" and returned to the "Golden Eagle alliance" on an alligator toothed turtle.

"This Wen Ying doesn't seem to be very enthusiastic." Gong Xiao glanced at Su Li and spoke.

Su Li said: "it's normal. Now even I'm not sure what will happen the morning after tomorrow and how many leaders of forces will arrive."

Ding Longyun said, "where are we going next? The national exchange center seems to have been completed. At least this Wenying promised in front of so many people. As a leader, he should not break his word."

Su Li said, "I promised Ding Hui to handle the 'Xinkai district', and her 'Qinhuai District' is no problem. As for the remaining three districts, she said she would contact one by one, so we don't have to worry about it."

Ding Longyun said, "I can't see. The Ding brothers and sisters are quite capable."

Gong Xiao said, "but the man of Genesis killed Wu Feng's girlfriend Lin Meimei. I'm afraid Wu Feng won't give up. Now everyone is talking about unity, but what should they do if they have a conflict?"

Su Li thought about it and said, "I thought about it before. If all forces can really unite together, it's really difficult for Wu Feng to revenge."

Ding Longyun sniffed: "I think it's simple. Anyway, the grievance has a head and the debt has a owner. Whoever killed Lin Meimei, Wu Feng will take revenge on him. They have a fight, life and death, and wealth is in heaven. We can't say that for Wu Feng, we take everyone of the 'Golden Eagle alliance' to merge with genesis."

Su Li did not speak, but understood that Ding Longyun was right. Just as he killed Lin Qi, the eighth leader of Genesis, now the Ding brothers and sisters also take alliance as the main premise and did not mention it.

Of course, on the other hand, it also shows that they don't have too deep friendship with Lin Qi and won't work hard with him for Lin Qi's death.

Wu Feng is different. Looking at his previous reaction, it is obvious that this hatred will not be good. As for the final result, Su Li is hard to say. At present, he can only take one step at a time.

There was no danger and no danger along the way. The four returned to the "Golden Eagle alliance".

The day after tomorrow, there will be a leaders' meeting among the major forces in the five districts of Nanjiang city. Su Li is still looking forward to it. He is also curious about how many powerful forces exist in the five districts of Nanjiang city.

Back in the room, Su Li, as usual, went to have a look at the blue giant egg placed in the storage box.

When he got up to observe this morning, there were more and more blood veins on the surface of the blue giant egg, which were closely intertwined. The breath of life in the egg became stronger and stronger. The blood he put into the storage box was no longer reduced. It was obvious that the blue giant egg had absorbed enough blood from the Lingyuan beast.

All this means that the little life in the blue giant egg will hatch. According to Su Li's estimation, it may be in these two days.

"It's estimated that it will hatch in these two days. It's a little troublesome. I can't leave at will, otherwise I'll be in trouble if I hatch when I leave."

The first thing Su Li did when she came back, she looked at the blue giant egg again, but she found that there was a thin crack on the surface of the blue giant egg.

"There's a crack, doesn't that mean it's going to hatch soon?" Su Li was surprised, and then his heart burst into joy. He immediately decided not to go anywhere today and waited here.

He needs to make sure that after the birth of life in the green egg, he is the first person to see it.

This is water unicorn's egg. What hatched out of this egg should be a small water unicorn. Su Li is looking forward to it.

"When it sees me at birth, it will certainly regard me as a close relative, so it can easily tame it. Just wait until it grows up and ride it at that time. How majestic is it?"

Su Li thought that he could ride the water unicorn on the waves in the future. He was awe inspiring. Of course, what was more important was the power of the water unicorn.

He still remembers the scene of water Kirin fighting with the end Lord of the undead family that day. Even if he is now a holy knight, he still knows that he is not the opponent of water Kirin and the end Lord that day.

For the next half day, Su Li was almost inseparable. In order to prevent accidents, he even locked the doors and windows.

Looking at more and more fine lines on the surface of the eggshell, Su Li knew that the little life in it was about to be born.

Su Li waited for four or five hours, watching more and more cracks on the surface of the blue giant egg, and the tiny crack sounded from time to time.

Finally, the top of a fist on the eggshell, was pushed out.

Su Li, who was bored while waiting, immediately stood up and opened his eyes. It was rare that he felt a little nervous.

With the first eggshell peeling off, Su Li has seen the flesh colored material in it, which is slowly wriggling. Then, the second fist sized eggshell peels off, and then the third one

The peeling speed of the broken eggshell is faster and faster, and there are life struggling and struggling to climb out.

Su Li stood silently and looked at the scene in front of her.

In a short time, half of the eggshell had broken and peeled off, and the little life inside showed its true appearance.

It's just different from Su Li's awe inspiring water unicorn. This newly born little life is flesh colored and has a faint sense of transparency. Its head and tail are only one foot long, and its shape is about the same as a kitten.