Xu Haihai is very smart and honest. He knows that it will take some time to fully win their trust.

Su Li went downstairs, picked up the steel stick used by the bald man and gave it to Ding Longyun. The steel stick was one meter long, which was easier to use than the hatchet in his hand.

Gong Xiao gave Xu Xuehui a baseball bat when he had a military thorn.

When Su Li asked Xu Haihai what special abilities he had, he was surprised to know that he didn't have any special abilities.

"You were promoted to level 4, but you didn't kill several elite monsters?" Su Li thought it was unreasonable.

Xu Haihai smiled bitterly and said: "I've followed Chen Xiangyu behind them these days. They only give me some ordinary monsters. Stronger monsters won't be left to me at all. So although I've been promoted to level 4, I can't get special abilities. Now everyone knows that killing some powerful monsters can get special abilities. That's why once powerful monsters are robbed by those powerful guys First of all, it's not our turn at all. It's also called afraid of us taking risks. In fact, they just want to grab those special abilities and become stronger. "

Zuri let out a sigh and nodded slightly. He didn't expect such a situation.

"But it would be completely different if he was promoted to level 5." Xu Haihai's face showed an excited look and said, "I heard Chen Xiangyu say that as long as he was promoted to level 5, he can understand the 'Lingyuan skill'. He said that this' Lingyuan skill 'is much more powerful than the special ability obtained by killing those monsters. His' iron skin' is the 'Lingyuan skill' when he was promoted to level 5."

When Su Li observed Chen Xiangyu with the "peeping symbol pattern" before, he had noticed that one of the materials was that Chen Xiangyu had a kind of Lingyuan skill. At that time, he didn't know what the "Lingyuan skill" was. At the moment, he immediately understood what Xu Haihai said.

"You mean you can understand a kind of 'Lingyuan skill' when you rise to level 5? This' Lingyuan skill 'is similar to a special ability, but much stronger than a special ability." Su Li is curious about this "Lingyuan skill". After all, Chen Xiangyu's "steel skin" is really abnormal. If Xu Haihai didn't know his weakness, it would be almost difficult to kill him.

Xuhai watercourse: "Chen Xiangyu said that there will be a qualitative improvement from level 4 to level 5. Anyway, the change is very big. It is impossible for several levels 4 to deal with a level 5 together. Su... Brother su... You are not level 5?"

Just now Su Li said that several people would be promoted to level 5 together. Xu Haihai thought that he only meant himself and Ding Longyun, excluding himself. At this moment, it seems that Su Li doesn't know the "art of Lingyuan". This is a surprise. Isn't Su Li really a level 5 Lingyuan in front of him?

He always thought that Su Li's ghostly footwork was his "spiritual skill".

Su Li shook his head and said, "I'm level 4, just like you."

Xu Haihai took a deep breath, then felt shocked, and then his eyes were filled with excitement and tension.

If Su Li is really only level 4, but can beat level 5 Chen Xiangyu, then if he rises to level 5 and makes another qualitative leap, what level should he be strong?

Xu Haihai "brother Su, you are really great. Level 4 can beat level 5 Chen Xiangyu..." the more Xu Haihai thought, the more shocked he was, and then he kept breathing.

Su Li himself was very calm and didn't get carried away. He said, "you just said that there may be a powerful monster hidden under every building to attract other monsters to go, and finally form a monster nest. If the monster is killed or left, the monsters in the nest will also disperse?"

"Yes." Xu Haihai nodded and looked at Su Li. He didn't understand his intention of suddenly asking this.

"I see." Su Li determined the accuracy of this guess according to the changes in the past four weeks, and had a plan in mind.

"Everyone has something to eat and have a rest. We'll leave here right away."

Ding Longyun brought out a pot of just cooked rice and said, "let's leave here? Where are you going? Don't you mean to rise to level 5 and then go to Zifeng building?"

Su Li said, "not to the purple wind building, but to find monsters that can hunt. Otherwise, how can we upgrade?"

Ding Longyun gave a cry and said, "I thought I would go directly to the Zifeng building. It scared me. Hey, hey."

Gong Xiao smiled and said, "can't you see that brother Ding is afraid?"

Ding Longyun said, "good guy, there are four level 5 spiritual sources, each of which is similar to that Chen Xiangyu. Tut Tut, think about it. Who else is his opponent except Su Li?"

Gong Xiao nodded slightly and said, "yes, so even if we want to go to Zifeng building, we should be careful, think carefully and don't act rashly."

Su Li said: "all this is based on the premise that we can rise to level 5 today. Let's eat quickly. We should hurry up."

After a quick meal, everyone brought their own weapons. Under the leadership of Su Li, they came to a balcony on the 30th floor damaged by demonic beasts. Outside the balcony, a raft was parked.

Su Li said, "wait for me here first. I'll go into the water and come up right away."

Ding Longyun's eyes lit up and said, "go into the water and take me with you."

Suli shook his head. He was not completely at ease with Xu Haihai. He had to keep Ding Longyun and Gong Xiao to monitor him. If Ding Longyun followed him into the water, only Gong Xiao and Xu Xuehui were left. He was not at ease.

After refusing Ding Longyun, Su Li jumped into the water with a machete in his right hand and quickly dived down the building, passing through the 29th, 28th and 27th floors immersed in the water

While diving, he looked into these floors. He saw some corpse animals and sea spiders, but both corpse animals and sea spiders were scattered. Unlike the corpse animals and sea spiders that could be seen in the water before.

"Sure enough, after the mother of the corpse shop died, the monsters here dispersed one after another. No wonder throwing down the corpse only led to a few monsters."

Su Li looked down at the five floors all the way. It was almost the same. He no longer went down, but floated upward and decided not to waste time here.

He came quietly and left quietly. Without disturbing these sporadic monsters at rest, he soon surfaced and breathed a long breath.

"Well, what do you find?" Ding Longyun asked.

Su Li turned over and boarded one side of the raft and said, "the monsters below have indeed scattered almost. There are some sporadic ones left, which are not enough for us to rise to level 5. Let's all come up. We need to go to other places to find monsters."