The city of innocence?

"What is this place? Why go here first? "

Hearing this, Lu Tianlong asked subconsciously.

He had never heard of this city before, so he wanted to know whether the arrangement made by the patriarch of the holy prison had other meanings.

"The city of innocence?"

The head of the holy prison didn't open his mouth, but the green Luo beside him opened his mouth while thinking.

"This city is also one of the eight main cities around Tianxun mountain."

"It's just that the city has become more and more marginalized these years, and there are fewer and fewer ancient warriors stationed there."

"Why is that?" Lu Tianlong is a little curious when he hears lvluo's words. Since it is the main city, how can it be more and more marginalized.

"Because of the special situation of the city of Wuwei."

The patriarch of the holy prison took the words in the past, "the city of Wuwu was originally very large, but now it is gradually collapsing. It is estimated that in a short time, the whole city will disappear."

"As a result, we have reduced the number of ancient warriors stationed there year by year, because there is no need to invest too much energy in a place doomed to disappear."

How could such a big city of vanity disappear?

Hearing this, Lu Tianlong is more and more confused. So far, he has been to stone city, Dragon City, Lihuo city and lost city.

These cities have existed for a long time. Although some of them are dilapidated, they are generally good. Moreover, with the continuous construction and rehabilitation of ancient warriors, the scale of these cities has been enlarged.

Why does the city of Wuwei slowly collapse and disappear, even the patriarch of the holy prison seems to have no way out?

"Because It used to be a testing ground for ancient super powers

The patriarch of the holy prison thought for a moment, but he said the final reason.

The testing ground of ancient super power?

Lu Tianlong's eyes widened in an instant.

"Yes, but it's also a legend, and we speculate."

The patriarch of the holy prison nodded, "because there are a lot of weird and powerful energy left in the area around the city."

"I don't know how long those forces have existed, slowly eroding the city, causing it to gradually collapse."

"The Hidden Dragon Emperor and I have tried to stop it, but we can't do anything about it. So if we don't expect it, Wuwu city will collapse in a short time."

"When the time comes, there will be no city beyond Tianxun mountain."

The patriarch of the holy prison told the whole story, which shocked the people nearby. Not only Lu Tianlong, but also green Luo, who stayed in the mountain for such a long time, did not know about these things.

"The testing ground of ancient super powers..."

Lu Tianlong thought about what the leader of the holy prison had just said and nodded thoughtfully.

According to the previous information, the land of punishment was originally created by the ancient super powers, and those ancient super powers should have stayed in the land for a long time,.

They also have to practice at ordinary times, and there may be exchanges and fights between them.

According to the leader of the holy prison, there was once a testing ground for them. Therefore, the power of ancient supreme power remained in the city.

"The reason why you go there is because there is a lot of weird and powerful power left there."

The head of the holy prison spoke again.

"I don't know. We know about it. There are many other races in the land of punishment."

"A long time ago, we and the great clans in the land of punishment tried to find ways to control or utilize those strange and powerful ancient forces, but in the end, they found that they could not do so."

"Then we gave up slowly, because those forces are so weird and powerful that we can't achieve them with our present strength."

"The city of innocence has gradually been abandoned, not only us, but also the big ethnic groups in the land of punishment."

"However, these years, there has been a place of punishment for small ethnic groups to explore, they should be able to dream through this ancient power, let their occurrence change completely."

The patriarch of the holy prison explained some specific conditions of Wuwang city. According to his meaning, the small ethnic groups who have been punished by heaven all these years try to go to Wuwang city and try to get those ancient forces to develop the ethnic groups.

Of course, what big ethnic groups can't do is even more impossible for small ethnic groups. Some small ethnic groups not only did not get the ancient power, some even directly wiped out the whole ethnic group in the city of Wuwei.

However, this did not scare the alien people in the land of punishment. Some people are still trying. After all, they are small ethnic groups in the land of punishment. If they can get the ancient power, they will fly into the sky.

"Before that, some small ethnic groups put all their eggs in one basket and went out of Tianxun mountain to the city of Wuwei."

"This time, in order to hold us back, the saints also spent a lot of resources to open up channels to let those ethnic groups come to the periphery of Tianxun mountain.""I think there will be many alien races who will take this opportunity to go to Wuwang city. There will be no big ethnic groups. There will only be some small ethnic groups that can't even pass Tianxun mountain before."

"The purpose of letting you go to Wuwang city is to take the opportunity to clean up the small ethnic groups."

"Second, I want you to try and see if you can find something out of those ancient powers."

"Of course, those ancient powers are weird and powerful. You can't do it without full assurance. Otherwise, you will stay there forever if you lose everything by carelessness."

After saying the reason why he let Lu Tianlong go to the city of Wuwang, the leader of the holy prison also gave a solemn instruction.

Lu Tianlong nodded and understood the meaning of the patriarch.

"OK, then go to the city of Wuwu."

He hardly hesitated, because he was full of adventure genes. He said that the skilled man was brave or the newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger. Anyway, this city of no illusions was a bit interesting, and he had to go there.

"Don't be impulsive Why do I regret telling you that? "

Seeing Lu Tianlong's eager appearance, the patriarch of the holy prison is really speechless. He always feels a little insecure.

"Don't worry, I cherish my life more than others."

Lu Tianlong grinned and comforted.

As he said this, he was already thinking about the wuwuwuzhi city. According to the situation introduced by the patriarch of the holy prison, the structure of Wuwang city had already appeared in his mind.

Next, the leader of the holy prison ordered several times, and then discussed with Lu Tianlong and others about the details of the next action, and everyone went back to prepare.

The next morning, Lu Tianlong, lvluo, Georgina, the holy prison, and the shadow hidden in the dark, five people set foot on the road to the city of Wuwei!