Chapter 90 - Party In The Mansion IV

Emelia didn't know if it's the weather's fault that her face was burning up or if it's because her body was so close to Elliot's. It's a good thing she had a mask on to hide her blushing face. 

When the music started, Emelia panic not know what to do. Even if Elliot said to follow his steps, it was confusing. 

"You're too stiff. Relax a bit," said Elliot as his words tingled in her ears. "No one is here to see us dance. We're at the balcony after all," laughed Elliot. The distance between them got closer, which made Emelia feel shy. Was his shoulder this broad? She asked herself as her hand rested on his right shoulder. 

The way her heartbeats, she didn't know how to calm it down. It just happens when she's around him. The first time when she saw him back in the greenhouse. Just by hearing his voice, her heart skipped a beat. She always wonders what her relationship with him is. 

It didn't seem normal because he treats her gently as if he wants to spoil her and push other ladies who try, talking with him. He would go this far to help her out of this palace. As if he knows the pain and struggle she is now. 

"Who are you thinking about? Your focus is supposed to be on me," said Elliot, then he pulls Emelia closer to him. While Emelia tries to distance them but couldn't because Elliot wouldn't allow her to. 

"You're too close," Emelia said, but Elliot didn't listen and continued dancing. 

"You didn't answer my question," said Elliot, then muttering, "If it was another man, I would feel jealous."

Another man, he says? Emelia couldn't help but laugh at his reaction and leaving him confused. The way he frowns doesn't fit him as an Emperor. From time to time, it's funny to see the different faces he makes. But it's her first time seeing him pout. 

"Why do you think I will think of another man?" Emelia asked Elliot, who answered after Emelia made a turn.

"Because there are lots of men who want you. Of course, I would think of that," Elliot answered, only to feel embarrassed. He didn't expect to say this out loud, but in the end, he did. "You're beautiful, intelligent, and strong. Most men who are powerful would want women like you," said Elliot while Emelia blushed at his remarks. 

Elliot isn't the only man that wanted Emelia. Henry has a great obsession with her and another man who still doesn't realize his own feelings about her. And who knows, there are other men out there who are interested in her. 

"Are you curious to whom I was thinking of?" asked Emelia as she smiled. She wanted to stop herself from asking, but then she couldn't help it. Even if her memories with him and a few more were gone. She didn't feel like it. It's as if she could tell or ask Elliot anything. 

Elliot nodded his head shyly, and Emelia answered, "You. Who else would I think of?" His ears turned red, which made it visible in daylight. Emelia saw it and laughed once more while Elliot watches her laugh at him, feeling Embarrassed but relieved at the same time. 

"That's because you don't know," Elliot mumbles.

"I don't know what?" asked Emelia, curious about what he meant. 

"You don't know how much I love you."

Before they knew it, the music ended, and Elliot felt flustered, confessing out loud in broad daylight. It seems like the bet they made was nothing anymore. After all, the first person to fall in love was Elliot. He knew his first impression towards Emelia wasn't a great one, and that is why he tried repaying it. 

"I don't think the bet needs to go on," said Elliot, which Emelia didn't understand. What bet? She asked herself. Without knowing, her head was slightly tilted, and Elliot saw it saying, "Once your memories come back. I'll explain it to you."

The bet didn't need to go on because things were changing. At first, the bet was a mere entertainment for him. But later on, he realizes that this bet has to stop. Rather it was unnecessary for him to make a bet as if it was a game. 

Without realizing her own actions, Emelia cups his face with a hand after seeing him frown as if he was blaming himself. Her hands moved, and she didn't know why. For some reason, her heart was telling her to comfort him. 

Elliot's eyes grew wide when Emelia cups her hand on his face. He flashed a gentle smile at her that brought her back to sense. Emelia retreats her hand back, but Elliot didn't allow it. He held her hand and places it on his face again and this time, smiling. 

"Don't. You don't have to feel shy about it," said Elliot, then kissed her palm. He wanted to possess her so much, but not yet. When things settle down, that is why only time he would want more of her. 

Emelia found it adorable for him to act like this. It's as if this wasn't his first time doing this to her. Unless there is another woman, he does this to. 

"I've wanted to ask, but don't you have a fiancee?" Emelia asked out of curiosity because he's the great Emperor of the Vivan Empire. Usually, at his age, he would be married, but he still isn't.

"I don't. That's because I finally found the one who I want to be with," answered Elliot. This time he removed her hand off her face, and inter winded his fingers with hers, holding her hand, "But even if I had one. I wouldn't go to her and go to you."

Again her heart skipped a beat. She didn't know why Elliot was this fond of her. He's clearly confessing his love as if they are the only ones in this world. Emelia felt happy, too happy. To the point, she didn't know if it's alright to be happy. 

Different men would go up to Emelia and ask for her hand or try to get close to her. But they end up getting pushed away by her. She didn't like their eyes that only eyed for body and not for who she is. She didn't even trust anyone in this empire. 

Was it alright to be this happy?

"I know I don't want to break the mood, but then Duke Zed had pledge alliances with us. This is enough for us to take our next step, am I right?" asked Elliot, and Emelia nodded her head. 

"This is just the beginning. We should brace what's going to happen. Things might get bloody, and we should avoid bloodshed at most."

"Don't worry. You're not alone. There are people waiting for you to come back. I'm sure they will welcome you with warm hugs," comforted Elliot as he raised their hand together, smiling. 

They. Elliot was talking about the others. His loyal servants and some nobles back in the Vivan Empire are waiting for her. Emelia still doesn't know how much the people love her. She may have enemies, but then she has friends to be with her. 

"They'll meet you soon. When things go hectic, that is," added Elliot lowering their hands down, still holding her hand. "Your mother is a wonderful woman. She loved you and tried protecting you as much as she could."

"My mother? What do you mean?" asked Emelia. She doesn't know much about her mother. What she did and when she started rotting in her own room. Not to mention dying when her mother didn't deserve any of it. 

"Duke Zed knew your mother. So once we have the time to gather and talk, you can ask him all you want. I'm sure he will be glad to tell you since he adored your mother very much," Elliot answered. Then holding both of her hands, he said, "Emelia, you don't have to bear it all alone. I'll be your other shoulder. And if you fall, I will be there to pull you up."

Was it because of the mood that made him say it? Or has he wanted to say this? Emelia asked herself. But then hearing those words made her chest feel lighter. Is this how a normal person would treat another? Emelia didn't think so. 

This man was clearly in love with her, and she could see it. Rather than pushing him away, he pulls her into her. She wanted to hug him, bury her face into his chest, and be comforted by his warmth. 

Even from his hands, she could feel his gentleness and kindness. He was spoiling her too much, and she didn't know what to do anymore. 

"Are you alright, helping me? Sacrificing your life just to be with me?" asked Emelia as she wanted to be sure that he will not run away from her. If he is really telling the truth. 

"I've already dedicated my life to you long ago. That is why all you need to do is stay by my side and believe in me."