"Well, can't you change it? It's too old-fashioned. I use it every time. Villain's behavior

As soon as the old man heard this, he immediately began to smile, "it's better not to use it, ha ha! Come on, take the medicine, take the medicine. "

Little he immediately collapsed face, the whole face stink with the stone in the pit some fight.

"Shuo boy, your IQ is broken. Why is your EQ still zero? This is not scientific! I have no EQ with your grandmother, your father and your mother. How did you give birth to your freak grandson. What a family misfortune! You can ask your father to go to the hospital where you were born some other day to see if he had the wrong baby that year. "

He was speechless but speechless.

"You child, although shopping malls are like battlefields, you should spare others. Don't put others to death because of a temporary victory. Win win cooperation is the most important thing. In addition, the most important thing to start a business is not the money, but the people. As long as the people's heart is there, no matter what kind of difficulties they are facing, they will be easily solved. " This is what his grandfather said to him when he just took charge of Zhang's group, defeated a competitor and called to report his good news to his grandfather.

Scenes of the past pass by, and then return to the present.

"Grandfather, I'll come back! It was mo Hui who brought me back. " Zhang lingshuo reached out to Mo Hui and laughed happily.

While Zhang lingshuo and Mo Hui are close to each other, Mo's father and son are holding an important meeting which is exclusive to foreigners.

This is the first Mo family summit with Mo Shiping and Mo regret as the main core, which specially criticized Zhang lingshuo's shameful behavior and proposed solutions. In order not to let other people interfere, they severely refused the friendly sympathy of Mo's second mother and enthusiastically blocked Mo's second mother who had just returned from her neighbor's house to prevent the conference secrets from leaking out.

The two heads meet on the paper to discuss how to make Zhang lingshuo completely defeated in the hands of their father and son. In order to show the preciseness and confidentiality of the meeting, both of them kept silent and expressed their ideas with pen and paper in the process of planning.

After a quiet and long time, they both came up with a set of feasible plans. In order to encourage the positive spirit of young people, let's take a look at what Mo regrets.

Mo regrets that he asked Zhang lingshuo to dig manure in his family's dung tank. It's spring, and it's a busy farming season. His neighbor's fields (that is, their fields before him) all need fertilizer. When he was a student, he was responsible for all of them. It's as bad as it smells. Now that Zhang lingshuo is here, it can just solve the part he always hates. In addition, he remembers that Zhang lingshuo is a cleanliness addict, which must be a great challenge to him. At that time, he would take a camera to shoot the whole process, and then sell the film to business week and Zhang lingshuo's rivals in the shopping mall, making Zhang lingshuo the center of everyone's ridicule and making him have no face to gain a foothold in the shopping mall.

Er, after the silent and dancing explanation, Mo Hui suddenly feels that he is too bad. No matter what's wrong with Zhang lingshuo, he can't ruin his future. Besides, it's not good for Mo family to ruin his future. His elder sister's sex is absolutely immovable to Zhang lingshuo's poverty, power and wealth.

If he dares to do this to Zhang lingshuo, he is destroying his sister; if he destroys his sister, he is destroying his father; if he destroys his father, he is destroying his mother; if he destroys his mother, he is directly destroying him.

He is still very clear about this powerful connection, so Mo regrets that he easily rolls up his paintings, throws them into the trash basket, and humbly waits for his father's great plan.

Mo Shiping drew a deep pit on the paper. Under the pit were several sharpened knives, pointing to the sky at the bottom of the pit. Then draw a villain and cut it into several blood holes with a knife.

How could he not know that his father had such cruel and violent thoughts, and that he was a son-in-law? As for the swordsmen meeting. In order to marry a woman, life is tied up. How unjust it is! This plan is thousands of times more cruel than his. Heaven and earth can learn from it. He never thought of hurting people's lives! Sin, sin.

"Dad, I think we have to think about it in the long run." After listening to his father's plan for Zhang lingshuo, Mo regrets shaking his head.

"You unfilial son, you will shrink back at the important moment! Is Zhang lingshuo worthy of your sister? " Mo Shiping was named his beloved daughter.

"It's worth it." Don't regret telling the truth. What outsiders think is his sister's success.

"What did you say? Dare say it again Mo Shiping was furious.

"No. I mean, if Zhang lingshuo can marry my sister, it's definitely a blessing for several generations. It must be Zhang lingshuo's success in our family. " Don't regret that you flatter me.

"That's right. Thanks to his ignorance, he has a look of dislike for my daughter. Who does he think he is Mo Shi Ping thought of that picture again, but his mind was still hard to calm.

"It's right to say that, but you say we're going to do this. My sister must be sad, one side is the lover, the other side is the family Don't regret doing everything to eliminate the bloody pictures in Mo Shiping's mind.

"Huier is my daughter. She will understand me." Mo Shiping is full of confidence. Between him and Zhang lingshuo, Mo Hui will definitely choose him. After all, he was her father, and there was no doubt about that.Mo regretted being beaten by Mo Shiping. He was inexplicably confident. Lei was speechless. If he told Mo Shiping at this time that your baby daughter was willing to sever the relationship with you for Zhang lingshuo, would you be so confident?

Mo Hui only dares to think like this, even if he is killed, for fear that his father will be too sad to repeat the tragedy two years ago. Alas, who let him be a famous filial son, mad father this kind of rebellious things let his elder sister Mo back to do it, he wants to be filial, refused to accept the temptation of Mo back to become an unfilial son.

"Dad, why do you hate Zhang lingshuo so much?" Mo regrets not to be ashamed to ask. It is reasonable to say that his father's memory only stays before Mo Hui was three years old. He can't know Zhang lingshuo at all. He also doesn't know that Zhang lingshuo once committed a bad crime against his sister. How does his unexplained disgust come from?

"Don't mention his name to me. He dares to rob my daughter. On this point, it's enough to give him one of the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty. " Mo Shi Ping knocked a few crutches to show his resentment.

Mo regrets that his father loves his daughter so much that he hates his future son-in-law very much. It's not a TV show, or it's true. It's still happening around him.

"Dad, can you have a little sunshine in your heart? My elder sister is twenty-eight. If you scare Zhang lingshuo away, you must be an old girl at home with my elder sister's condition. You look at her every day, bitter and bitter. Don't you feel flustered? " Don't regret to know his father's reason and move his father's affection.

Mo Shiping's unswerving face was slightly cracked. Mo regretted that his father was easily shaken, especially concerning his sister's lifelong happiness.

"What do you say?" Mo Shiping thought in embarrassment.

"Or let's do this." Mo regret has given up the idea of painting, directly covering Mo Shi Ping's ear whispered for a while, "Dad, what do you think of this method?"

Worried for a day, Mo Shi Ping finally showed a smile on his face. "It's good. It's worthy of drinking foreign ink for several years."

"Where, where. That's because you've inherited it well, plus the day after tomorrow's teaching. " Mo regret very easily bent down to flatter his father.

"But your plan is a bit abnormal!" Mo Shiping made a serious comment.

No regrets, no words.

A Xiao Zhang lingshuo, who lives in the cabin at the head of the village, said this afternoon, "I'm not so expensive. What's more, if my grandfather is alive, you will take care of it. My real grandson is watching the scenery and enjoying the flowers outside. He doesn't jump in anger. " Zhang lingshuo said casually.

"Grandfather didn't expect you to take care of the hut." Don't murmur.

"Well, he must think that his grandson has nothing to do with sweeping, weeding and strengthening the house." Zhang lingshuo smiles and looks at the sky, "don't go back, pack up, and do the rest tomorrow."

Mo Hui nodded and turned on the tap to wash his hands. Then, he and Zhang lingshuo walked together on the road in the countryside.

Spring is a busy season in the countryside. There are people working in the fields, some digging canals for irrigation, and some ploughing. It's a busy scene.

They wandered to the front door of Mo's house and were stunned when they saw the situation in front of them.

What is their family doing? Mo Hui stares at the front door of his house. It's a mess of wood, nails and hammers. Do you welcome Zhang lingshuo? Why doesn't it feel like it.

"What have you two been doing all afternoon?" Mo's second mother looked at things moving out one by one and couldn't help asking.

"Men's business, women or mind." Mo regret face unchanged to return a, continue to move things to their own utility room. Mo Shiping nodded his head in recognition.

"Dad, what are you going to do?" Mo Hui grabs Zhang lingshuo's hand and wants to go home, passing by Mo Shiping. Mo Shiping calmly stretched out his crutch and pointed to the hand they held.

"You'll see later." Mo Shiping said kindly, looking at the great change of Zhang lingshuo's face. The speed of change was overwhelming, and he was willing to admire him. "Zhang, please let go of your hand before completing the task I gave you. Don't talk in public. It's bad for my daughter's reputation. "

Zhang lingshuo and Mo Hui didn't know what kind of medicine they were selling, so they had to let go and watch it change.

When Mo remorsefully dragged out the last piece of material, except for the two Mo parents and sons who knew what they were doing, all the others had only black lines and a serious speechless face.

"Zhang, don't think that if you cheat my daughter without my knowledge, I will easily let you be my son-in-law. Since ancient times, there have been matchmakers and parents' orders. I don't mean to marry my baby daughter to you, but I can't do it. If I don't give you a small punishment, it will be hard for me to get rid of my hatred. " Mo Shiping looked at the faces of the people and continued to make a personal speech with satisfaction. "Today, I've given you a topic. You are limited to pile up these materials into my daughter's shape in three days. They are as tall and as thin as her. If you can't finish it, I'm sorry. You have no chance in this life, please be early in the next

All of you: --