Wansheng, Dabai and the two Terran leaders fly away from the Terran tribe and enter a transmission channel.

Looking at sakizumi and commander dengdeng beside him, Wan Sheng asked, "two elders, are we going directly to the Molei tribe?"

The attitudes of dengdeng and sakizumi are much better than before. The former is less angry, but they still don't smile, saying: "in huangquan, we sent a message to the beast tribe through the special way of the kingdom of heaven. In order to avoid conflict, we designated one of those broken tentacles scattered in the lava flame, and they are still wriggling, as if they were not afraid of fire.

The message of the demon suddenly flashed out in the sea of knowledge: "octopus octopus, a medium and high-level demon, is extremely tough, comparable to the artifact, and has strong regeneration ability. Its eight main tentacles are its sharp weapons of attack, which are changeable, and its strength is comparable to the general star Emperor!"

The octopus octopus has a blue black body. Just now, the hundreds of black "branches" grew from the eight main tentacles under his body, which made Wansheng mistake them for plant branches.

However, the purple emperor's strength is also very strong. He can break the tough tentacles of Octopus octopus with his own flame tail. You know, its tentacles are as hard as the artifact. It can be seen that the purple emperor's strength is very strong now.

Of course, there is a difference between the real artifact and the false artifact. The tentacles of Octopus octopus are longer in attack, and only the tentacle tip is as hard as the false artifact.

Purple emperor is also because of fighting with the other side for hundreds of rounds, only to find the flaw, otherwise will not decisively throw out the fire tail whip to attack.

"Master, do you need help from Dabai and me?" Wan Sheng asked in a timely voice.

"You son of a bitch, stop talking nonsense! If you want to watch, I don't mind! " Purple emperor now talks with Wansheng more and more casually, and doesn't regard himself as a soul servant at all.

Wan Sheng knew that purple emperor was complaining about himself. He quickly shook his body and made a gesture of holding the gun with his right hand. A dark gold flash appeared from his palm, and the black Panlong gun clenched his hand.

Wan Sheng made a beautiful gun carrying style, spread out the whole space field, turned his mind and drank: "go!"

The black Panlong spear is like an arrow from the string, driving up layers of space ripple, straight to the eight belt short Octopus beast stab.

"Ang ~" a dragon song resounds through the space.

In flight, the black Panlong gun turned into a hundred thousand gun dragons, and with overwhelming momentum, rushed to the octopus.

The huge demon suddenly felt the pressure. He had tried his best to fight against himself, but he still couldn't defeat him. Unexpectedly, two helpers came. At first, he didn't care, because Wansheng and Dabai's cultivation was only the star biased emperor, which was not enough to be afraid of Octopus octopus.

But when Wan Sheng made a move, the octopus found that he despised the enemy and made a big taboo on the battlefield.

The gun dragon, which covered the sky and the sun, made him feel the danger of death.

The octopus Octopus quickly retracts its tentacles, and its huge body is in a flash. With a "puff" sound in its mouth, it spurts out a blue black ink like liquid, which instantly diffuses and blocks his demon body.

"No! Master, the other side wants to run! " Wan Sheng quickly sends a message to remind the purple emperor.

"Don't worry! He can't run Purple emperor calm way.

As soon as the purple emperor's voice fell, the huge demon body suddenly burst into flames, like a burning planet, with 100000 spear dragons crashing into it.