Although Jiang Rulan hated the saitan people, he was touched by the loyalty of these mechanical pet mice to their owners. He said softly, "little brother, since we are here, we will go to the base in the barren mountain to have a look. Maybe we will find something unexpected!"

"The great master, the beautiful Nanli supremacy, is right. The mechanical pet mice are very obedient to me when they see that I am the Xingyun emperor of the saitan clan. They are willing to open the entrance of the base and let us in. They intend to follow us on the road!" One said excitedly.

Wan Sheng couldn't beat the two and nodded slightly: "OK, let's go in and have a look. As for those mechanical pet mice, we'll talk about them later!"

Wansheng doesn't want to bring these mechanical lives of pet mice. His purpose is to keep a low profile in the haze area. It's not good to be too ostentatious in the haze area with nearly 100000 mechanical lives.

"Yes, master!" No. 1 returned, and immediately sent out a mechanical language to those mechanical pet mice that Wan Sheng and Jiang Rulan could not understand.

I saw that nearly 100000 mechanical life suddenly flew into the valley. Like a well-trained soldier, he saluted to No. 1. No. 1 nodded slightly, like a general reviewing the army. He was condescending and had great deterrent power. The blue light and electric eye scanned the past. It was a salute.

No. 1 suddenly raised his mechanical arm and pointed to the brown barren mountain. The mechanical pet army immediately dispersed, "Hey! Whizz! Whizz Straight to the barren mountain, the speed is very fast, the blink of an eye will disappear in the barren mountain.

Wan Sheng was stunned and asked, "No.1, why are they so obedient, just because you are the nebula emperor of the saitan clan? Don't they know that sister Rulan is a human, and you are the same, and sister Rulan will destroy these mechanical life later! It seems that they are all accepted by you, as if they recognize you as their master! "

"Ha ha! Little brother, as the owner of number one, how can I tell you are a little jealous! Don't talk about me! What I said just now is all angry words. Since these mechanical life listen to No. 1, I will leave their lives! Give it to number one! " Jiang Rulan was a little surprised at the performance of No. 1, and he did not forget to tease Wansheng about the run.

"Great masters, they are willing to follow me, and I can't help it. Maybe I've been with my master for a long time. He who is close to Zhu is red, and he who is close to Mo is black. He's just like the master. He's majestic. For these mechanical life, he's also very charismatic." Number one shook the wolf's paw and went back in a serious way.

"Hahaha... You and number one are a perfect match. I'm afraid nobody can match you Jiang Rulan was teased by No. 1. She was charming enough to charm all living beings.

Wansheng White River such as blue one eye, tiger eyes slightly cold, look to No. 1: "No. 1! Don't talk nonsense with me. You must have agreed to their conditions. These mechanical life will follow your command, right? Don't think that if I can't understand the mechanical language between you, I can't see it? "

No. 1 quickly ran over and licked Wansheng's calf with his tongue and said with a smile: "master of the wise and powerful! I can't hide anything from the master's eyes. They and I are just like old friends at first sight. We also want to follow the master's example and accept some younger brothers so that we can serve the master better in the future! So he promised to take them with him when he left! Please forgive me and don't tear me down! Otherwise, the host will not be able to contact the hostess! "

Wan Sheng almost lost his nose when he heard that. He didn't expect his brain to have so many ideas. He really didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing to ask Su Fang to upgrade it. He said angrily, "you stinky boy, I'll tear you down now and let Su Fang make a obedient brain for me again!"

No. 1 quickly hugged Wansheng's calf with wolf's claws and cried: "great master, don't tear me down! My admiration for my master is like a torrent of water... The beautiful, kind and understanding Nanli king, please help me to plead with my master, otherwise I will really become a pile of scrap metal, Wuwu... "

Jiang Rulan chuckled and said, "OK! My little brother, your brain also wants to serve you better. Just calm down. Is it disgraceful for you to compete with a brain

Wan Shenghu stared at No.1, frowned and sighed: "there are nearly 100000 mechanical lives. How can you take them away? Do you want to rush through the haze area? What on earth are you thinking, you stinking machine brain? "

"Little brother, calm down. Let's have a look at the base in the barren mountain later." Jiang Rulan continued to advise.

While they were talking, the mechanical pet mice had disappeared in the barren mountain. A moment later, the brown barren mountain in front of them suddenly vibrated, as if there had been an earthquake. The debris on the mountain kept falling, the whole valley kept shaking, and even obvious cracks appeared.

No.1 immediately controlled the body of the machine to fly, not contacting with the ground and the barren mountain. The brown barren mountain in the light screen was sinking slowly. It was really like the collapse of heaven and earth. When it sank, other mountains around it also sank, and the cracks in the valley became larger and larger.

With the overall sinking of the barren mountain, a modern stab like saitan Peugeot building slowly rises to the ground. Like bamboo shoots after a spring rain, many stabs constantly emerge from the ground, and many of the same stab like buildings also emerge from the cracked land in the valley.

Wan Sheng and Jiang Rulan were surprised to see that what slowly rose was like a metal city of saitan nationality. The haze around the mountain was blown away by the air current brought by the metal city, leaving a clean space.

No.1 wolf's eyes were staring at the light screen quietly. Suddenly, his eyes were full of fine light. He exclaimed, "master, this is not a metal city!"

Two people suddenly one Leng, ask a way at the same time: "not metal city, what is that?"

"Report back to the great master, Nanli is the most powerful. It should be a base star ship!" One excitedly returns a way, as if a new what treasure is the same.

Jiang Rulan has adapted to No.1's flattery. Although he is praised, he is very happy, but it is not obvious. Wan Sheng has been staring at the rising metal city.

With the rising of spines, the surrounding mountains become smaller and smaller. After a long time, the surrounding mountains fall completely, and the whole spines emerge in the light screen.

If it wasn't for the No.1 reminder, Wan Sheng would think that it was a huge metal city, giving people a sense of grandeur, making him and Jiang Rulan have the illusion of being on a saitan planet.

"Number one! Are you sure this is really a starship? " Wansheng still can't believe it, because he can't see the shadow of a star ship in this huge metal city. There are many kinds of spiked buildings. Although there is haze in the sky, those buildings can still emit silver and white light. The only difference between Wansheng and saitan is that there are no various aircraft shuttling over the city, and there is no mechanical life coming and going, It seems rather desolate, even like a dead city, but all kinds of buildings are as fresh and clean as washing.

The No.1 huge metal body slowly fell on a wide square in the metal city, which was very small compared with those tall and sharp buildings. It scanned the surrounding area with blue light electric eye and uttered mechanical language. Suddenly, nearly 100000 mechanical pet mice flew out of each building and gathered in the center of the square.

No.1 suddenly said to the mechanical life in the language of the human race, "listen, from today on, you will be loyal to my master, huangquan! If you disobey the order, we will take it into mechanical parts immediately! I'll try my best to do what I promise you. If you don't want to obey, you can put it forward now. I will never force you to do it! "

"Ha ha, my little brother, you have a little bit of your shadow. Don't worry about it. Maybe the mechanical life of the people who have lost their master will have an unexpected effect." Jiang Rulan comforted him in a low voice.

Wan Sheng didn't seem to hear what Jiang Rulan said at all. His attention was focused on the metal city, which looked like a star ship but was determined to be a star ship by No.1. He had been thinking about how to fly and how to control such a giant. If it was a star ship, how much of its star ship level was, and whether it had its own glowing Mothership level.

"I'll follow you! I'm willing to follow the No.1 emperor and be loyal to the supreme of huangquan! " A group of mechanical life suddenly issued a sharp voice, but it is the language of the human race.

Jiang Rulan and Wan Sheng were at the same time, and secretly sighed that the efficiency of No. 1 was still very high, so they soon taught these mechanical pet mice how to speak the human language.

"Well, yes! Now go back to your posts, and we are ready to set sail! " One made a heavy metallic sound.

"Set sail? How to fly? Is that how it flies away? " Wan Sheng and Jiang Ru have a lot of question marks in their blue brain.

"Great master, beautiful Nanli supreme, just a moment, we can enter the concussion spotlight ship in a moment!" No. 1 saw Wansheng and Jiang Rulan's doubts, and quickly explained.

"Shock spotlight? What's the Starship class? " Wan Sheng asked.

"To the great master! This is a class a-1000000 starship left by the concussion emperor. It's as hard as the most powerful weapon. The most powerful starship can't be destroyed. It's much higher than my level! We can take it to search Wanfang supreme in the haze, and the efficiency will be twice the result with half the effort! " The number one returns happily.

Hearing this, Wan Sheng came to the spirit. His eyes flashed and asked, "the concussion heavenly king has only the cultivation of Xingyun heavenly king. Why is his star ship so high?"

"Dear master, you don't know. According to the information given to me by those mechanical pet mice, concussion Tianjun was responsible for manufacturing various star ships in the saitan clan before. This concussion spotlight ship was built by concussion Tianjun and his master matrix supreme. Later, it was used by concussion Tianjun. Concussion Tianjun drove concussion spotlight ship out to explore and search for rare minerals, Unexpectedly, he meets haze roar and gets lost in the haze star sky. He hides himself in the sky star. Before several robbers, the concussion emperor suddenly leaves the star ship, and has not returned until now! " No. 1 conveyed the information to Wansheng.