The addition of people in the three star charts immediately expanded their advantages. Without hesitation, the dark wave master threw out a piece of black cloth and immediately turned into an invisible huge black net. The power of the combination of three methods made five people fear. This huge black net is the net of monsters in the dark wave master.

Master Yintao wielded his weapon "black silk sword". Suddenly, the space around the five people in the star map of Luoshui nationality was agitated, and 108 black silk lines came out. Unexpectedly, they pierced from all directions, blocking the five people's advance and retreat routes. Suddenly, the power of space, curse and phagocytosis gathered together and became a sword.

Ten long horned ghosts are very smart at the moment. They know that dark wave and dark wave are their own people. They immediately withdraw from the monster net and black silk sword. At the same time, they immediately spew a huge amount of sulfur smoke from their mouths, encircling the five people in the star map. Even their last escape route is blocked by their bodies.

On the other hand, master Ferris yelled out: "hurricane kills!" It is driving a violent hurricane, which contains the force of weathering, tearing and tornado, rushing towards the five people in the thick smoke.

Where did the five people see such a complicated attack? They had been exhausted by the long horned devil. They thought they could unite and turn the situation around. As a result, they were struggling and were caught in a jar.

However, the five were also forced to practice the law of water system. Under the urge of survival instinct, they all burst out their fighting power beyond their usual strength and roared in unison: "stormy waves!"

Suddenly, a strange power burst out from the net of monsters. Dark wave, dark wave and firos felt a lot of pressure. It turned out that the five people were united in the net, making use of the three methods of the water system law and the same attributes, which made the sea set off a real shock wave. They went straight to three people and ten long horned ghosts.

Ten long horned evil spirits are not afraid of life and death. Ten huge mouths open at the same time, spitting out sulfur flames. Suddenly, ten strong pillars of fire fly to the waves from the bottom to the top.

All of a sudden, water and fire mingled, "Bang..." the sound of shell explosion sounded, the sea water was instantly evaporated by the sulfur flame, and a stream of ultra-high temperature water vapor rushed to the five stars in the network of monsters.

The five suddenly felt a lot of crisis, as if they were trapped in a cocoon. The high-temperature steam posed a great threat to them. However, the five were extremely experienced and unwilling to be prey in the net. They immediately applied the law of mirage. Suddenly, dozens of images of the five appeared in the huge net of monsters, which made people not know which was true and which was false.

However, five people were still unlucky enough, but they never broke away from the net of monsters and 108 black silk swords. On the dark wave, people roared: "stop!"

The net of monsters tightened quickly, and 108 black threads, turned into sword Qi, stabbed directly at the five people in the net. The mirror image of mirage rule was that balloons were punctured and broken. "Bang..." a burst of sound. Finally, the five people were mercilessly wrapped in the net of monsters and disappeared into the void.

Master Ferris secretly sighed about the super strength of the two stars in the dark system. It's really admirable that they can kill five stars at the same time.

As a matter of fact, master dark wave and master dark wave have already broken through the old star chart. They just don't have the chance to understand the great law of hell. Otherwise, they would have broken through the supreme Star Kingdom long ago.

However, there is Wansheng, the first star in the dark system of the Terran. I believe that the dark wave master and the dark wave master will meet their own chance to break through under the image of Wansheng.

In fact, everyone in the five star charts of Luoshui nationality is not weak, but they are unlucky. In the attrition war with ten long horned ghosts from hell who are not afraid of life and death, everyone is one against two. The longer they last, the greater the battle cost. Moreover, the five people are all tired of running, so the final attrition is very large.

As a matter of fact, anyone who can reach the star chart level is a super powerful power that can dominate one side. The power burst out is very terrible. The fighting spirit in the star chart of Dantian is also very abundant. However, the five of them did not expect that when they met Wansheng, a super pervert, they called out the hell long horn ghost, a monster who would fight with them once they got into a fight, As long as the long horned ghosts don't break away from Wansheng's control, they can fight all the time, and they don't need to consume their fighting spirit, and the way they attack doesn't need Wansheng's control. In other words, anyone who meets such an opponent will have a terrible headache.

If we meet such an enemy, unless we can make a quick decision, we will start a war of attrition and end up with the fate of being harvested, just like the five masters of Luoshui nationality.

At this point, the Tang Kingdom participated in the encirclement of Wansheng and other ten star maps, and all the people and dozens of Xingyun heavenly kings were wiped out. At this time, the palace of human purgatory has been filled with smoke, and will eventually become a piece of scorched earth.

Dark wave, dark wave and firos have rich experience. They quickly collect the spoils without hesitation, and each of them gains a lot.

According to later statistics, after this battle, the vitality of the prosperous Tang Dynasty of the Luoshui people was greatly damaged. The king of Xinghe lost less than 10%, while the emperor of Xingyun lost more than 20. There were only 80 people left in each empire of the Luoshui people. Unfortunately, the proportion of people lost on the star map was very high, almost 50%.

That is to say, there were more than 20 strong people of Luoshui nationality at the star chart level, and half of them died in a battle. This loss is very terrible.

The development of each race is not achieved overnight. It is a height that can only be achieved through how many years of precipitation and accumulation.

Nowadays, Luoshui people have no leaders in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. If they want to regain their top position at that time, it will be extremely difficult. Moreover, even if there are sufficient cultivation resources, it is difficult to recover, because the breakthrough of cultivation is about chance and luck. Even the Luoshui people were greatly weakened and fell to the end of the five human races.

Ten long horned ghosts roar and look at the dark wave. They are collecting booty and find that the target in front of them has been removed. Without thinking, they fly to the direction where Wan Sheng is, waiting for Wan Sheng's new instructions. The dark wave master and others also speed up the collection speed and fly to the location of Wansheng and Huangtu Zun on the boundary of the planet.


"Loess, you'd better not hold on. There are so few earth elements here. Why do you fight with me?" Yu Qingzhi sneered and joked. Suddenly, her beautiful eyes were cold, and her blue sea ice stick suddenly shot a blue light. It was hard for Huang tuzun to open his eyes, but the blue light suddenly scattered into several dazzling channels. With a "whiz", she fell directly into dozens of water jets.

All of a sudden, a cold air spread rapidly from the sea level up along the water column, only to hear the sound of "crackle..." continuous freezing of the blue water from far to near, and the water column quickly formed icicles from the sea level from bottom to top.

In the blink of an eye, dozens of water columns condense into crystal clear and transparent icicles. The icicles emit white smoke and bursts of cold.

Huangtu zunda felt bad, and the temperature of the air around him dropped sharply. He immediately controlled the Huangyao Ding, and said, "the sand makes a tower!"

The huge sand net quickly turned into thousands of tower shaped drill bits, rotating at a high speed at the same time. The tower drill collided with the icicle fiercely and rubbed at a high speed. All of a sudden, the sparks were all around, and the electric light and flint made a huge harsh sound of "Zizi...".

However, Huangtu Zun is still a little slow. Yuqing supreme is worthy of being the strong one among the supreme of the star world. He knows how to grasp the opportunity of fighting. When Huangtu Zun uses the accumulated sand to make a tower, he hums coldly: "frozen thousand feet!" Quickly use the ice stick of blue sea to use the freezing law of violence, just in the blink of an eye will be frozen in a huge ice hockey.

Through the ice hockey wall with a thickness of nearly a thousand feet, Yuqing Zhizun looks at the trapped Huangtu Zun and sneers. He turns around in a gorgeous way, leaving only a pretty figure behind, and then disappears at the edge of the planet.

Huangtuzun is inside the ice hockey. Seeing that Yuqing supreme has fled, he becomes angry and angry. He feels that he has been teased by Yuqing supreme all the time. If Wansheng, the new president, sees all this, he will think that his strength is not good and that he can't do anything. He felt that he had to break through the ice hockey blockade and get the traitor back immediately.

Huang Yaoding's huge eyes were round, and his brows were tight and irritable. Seeing that the efficiency of thousands of sand drills breaking ice was too low, he simply took Huang Yaoding back to his palm. His slightly stiff face became very twisted. He gave a roar furiously, and Huang Yaoding's body immediately expanded. It was like a hill, but now it was growing miraculously, At the same time, he raised his huge fists and hit them up at the same time, implying four kinds of earth rules, including thick earth, violence, sandstorm, vibration and so on. He added the earth rule power of the unity of the four to his stone fist.

"Bang Bang..." suddenly came from the sky and the earth. After the huge ice hockey ball surrounded by Huang tuzun was hit by him, several long and narrow cracks appeared. Huang tuzun hit the crack with two heavy fists again, "Dong Dong!" With two loud noises, the huge ice hockey ball was smashed by huangtuzun, like a girl scattering flowers on the blue sea.

At this time, Wan Sheng was flying from below to the sky. Seeing the ice falling from high altitude, he felt curious. Then his body flickered, his mind flashed, and the force of space squeezing was added to the falling meteorite like ice. With a "crackling" sound, the ice suddenly turned into white powder.

In an instant, it seems that snowflakes have sprung up all over the world. Over the blue sea, flakes of white snowflakes are falling with the wind. The light is shining and refracting, forming a gorgeous picture of blue and white with the sea.