Out of the sea where the giant sharks had gathered, the sea became calm again. The storm on the sea lasted a day and a night. After the calm, the sky became clear again. The sky was vast and the sea was blue, as if the violent wind and waves had never appeared before.

After the ship sailed smoothly, they began to count the wounded and check the condition of the ship. Although there was no death in the storm, many people were injured. Wind and waves combined with the impact of the giant shark, the ship bumped up and down, resulting in many people injured in the cabin.

Fortunately, there were a lot of doctors on board and there were plenty of medicine. Everything was going on in an orderly way.

Xiao Zhige was also injured. His palm was strangled by the rope for too long, and touched the water, which made it red and swollen. An Changqing poured the Baijiu on his palm repeatedly, and then sprinkled the powder to wrap it up. Xiao Zhige didn't say a word in the whole process and didn't frown.

On the contrary, Huai Rushan, who was bandaged with wound medicine, was shouting all the time: "pain, be light!"

He was not lucky. The ship was too bumpy. He broke the wood in the cabin and pierced it into the palm of his hand. Although it was not deep, it was a fine wound in the palm of his hand. It was also shocking. Huairuyu was picking thorns for him. He couldn't stand his shouting. He drank deeply and told him to shut up.

Huairushan was quiet.


the fleet sailed smoothly on the sea for another five or six days, which was a clear day. There is no wave in the sea. The fleet sailed in square array on the sea. As the sun rose higher and higher, an island loomed over the sea in the distance. The island is suspended above the sea, surrounded by clouds and mist. You can see that the vegetation on the island is flourishing, and the houses are just like that. Occasionally, you can see people shuttling between them, which is very mysterious.

After sailing for several days at sea, they could not see the island, so it was hard to avoid murmuring. Now, as soon as the floating island appeared, someone called "Fairy Island" excitedly, and others put down their work and knelt down to worship.

An Changqing stood at the bow of the boat and looked at each other with a dignified look. They are all familiar with the situation of the chimpanzees. Although they are different from ordinary people, they are still flesh and blood. There's no way to escape. Now, the "Fairy Island" floating in the air makes people feel a little uneasy.

Huairuyu said: "I have seen it in miscellaneous records. The ancients recorded that" there is a mirage in the sea, which looks like a big clam and can exhale into a building. "

Huai Rushan also said, "I heard the old boatman say it when I was at sea. There are mackerels on the sea. It can spit out the air of the flood and mirage, and the mirage air can condense into the fairyland Pavilion. The old boatman said that if you see this thing, you must not follow it. Otherwise, if you run to the deep sea, you will be swallowed by the evil shark. Even if you don't meet the evil dragon and lose your way at sea, you will be dead. Therefore, the old boatman who often walks on the sea says that this thing is not auspicious. "

"The chart is like this. Where can we go without going east?" An Changqing said: "and I always feel familiar when I look at that island."

Huairushan took out the chart, and the four studied it for a long time, but they didn't find anything neglected. If there is no problem with the chart, the chimaera tomb should be in this position.

Xiao Zhige, who had never spoken, suddenly said, "here, where do you think you should go?"

An Changqing pondered for a moment and said, "I still think we should head for the" Fairy Island. "

Xiao Zhige looked at him and said to huairu Yu and huairu Shan, "the chart was made by Xue Chang and Huai Shu'an. They must want to leave the tomb of the shark to Yu Qiao. If so, they have no reason to mislead people. Then most of the directions marked on this chart are correct. " He paused and said, "and here you are. I believe in his intuition."

He then looked at huairuyu and huairushan, waiting for them to express their views.

Huairu thought for a moment and said, "that's reasonable. With such a wide sea area, it is difficult to find other directions except for the clear location of "Fairy Island". Why don't we make a bet. "

Huairuyu also agrees with this statement.

After the four reached a consensus, they ordered the fleet to sail towards the "Fairy Island". When the crew learned that they were going to search for fairyland, they all cheered up and speeded up the voyage.

But the fleet sailed for a day, two days, three days Ten days later, it seems that the Fairy Island can never be reached. Day out night hidden, always not far from their position.

The old boatman, who was accompanying him, had the courage to seek their advice. His view was the same as Huai Rushan's previous one: the "Fairy Island" on the sea was so vague that it could not be traced. Predecessors said that it was the bait for the deep-sea evil Jiaos to hunt. It led the fleet to the middle of the sea, and finally lost in the sea, which became the food for the evil Jiaos.

In fact, an Changqing was a little worried, but he often looked at the floating "Fairy Island" and felt that he should move in this direction. He hesitated for a moment, but insisted on his idea: "keep sailing."

When the other three saw this, they ordered them to move on. Seeing that persuasion was useless, the old boatman left with a sigh.

On the 15th, there was another rain on the sea, and there was a heavy fog on the sea. After sailing for another half day, someone reported that there was an island ahead.Several people on the deck in a hurry, saw that the fog gradually faded, a green island gradually appeared in front of us.

"It's the chimpanzee tomb!" An Changqing suddenly said.

Xiao Zhige took a look at him, took his hand, and ordered: "tell everyone to be on guard. The vanguard will take weapons and go to the island to explore after landing."

As the orders went on, the fleet stowed its sails and stopped on the sea near the island. The vanguard put the boat down into the sea and went ashore in five teams. The rest were waiting on the boat.

About half a day later, the vanguard turned back. They made a gesture of "safety" on the shore, and the people on board were ready to land. There is no dock on the island. The officers and men put down all the boats and went back and forth one by one, transporting some people and materials to the island.

A small number of people were left on the shore and boats, while the rest of the soldiers protected the four people to go to the island.

There is no road on the island. There are vigorous vegetation and unknown wild flowers everywhere. From time to time, there are calls of birds and animals. The leader of the vanguard team who had gone to explore the way reported the situation on the island while leading the way: "we explored for more than 15 miles and found no trace of people. Further on, there is a cliff and a natural moat. We can't cross it, so we don't continue to explore. "

Vanguard in front of the open road, people deep one foot shallow one foot forward, huairushan asked: "can you see anything suspicious? Inscriptions or hidden caves? "

The captain was stunned and replied: "no, there are all wild mountains and forests around here. There are lots of trees. There are no steles and no caves. "

Huairushan touched his nose: "isn't that the story book and Zhiyi all written like this?"

Huairuyu squinted at him: "I'll tell you to read less useless books on weekdays."

Huai Rushan is unconvinced to argue, so he listens to Xiao Zhige's deep drink, moves quickly, takes the bow and arrow behind the captain, pulls the bow and shoots the arrow in one go. The flying arrows were nailed in the dense canopy. The tail of the arrow vibrated, and a cry of surprise came from the canopy.

Seeing this, the other soldiers rushed to the big tree and pulled down a dirty boy.

The young man was dressed in brown clothes with a grass ring made of vines on his head. His face was very handsome. He was forced forward by the soldiers with a face full of reluctance. He glared fiercely and asked in Daye dialect with strange pronunciation: "who are you? What do you want to do on the island? "

An Changqing noticed the red lines on his neck as he struggled. His eyes moved. He motioned to the soldiers to release him. Then he stepped forward and showed him the red lines behind his ears. He said in a warm voice, "are you a member of the shark tribe? My grandfather is a holy envoy

Sure enough, the young man was shocked. He widened his eyes and said in surprise, "little uncle is not dead?"

An Changqing said quietly: "do you think my grandfather died?"

Although the youth is tall and big, it is obvious that they have lived on the island for a long time and have no heart of defending others. Wen Yan touched his head and said, "my father said that people outside didn't keep their word. My little uncle must have been caught and killed by them."

"Have you ever been persecuted by people outside before?" An Changqing continues to talk.

Maybe he was a member of the same race, but the boy didn't have the heart to guard against him and said, "yes. Listen to the old people, many people used to want to kill us. Later, he hid on the island. It's just that every ten years someone goes out to sea. At that time, it was supposed to be dad, but my little uncle was fighting to go. Dad let him go. As a result, when it was time, he didn't come back. Dad also sad for a long time, said it must be those people come back. We are not allowed to go out again

An Changqing exchanged a look with Xiao Zhige and said, "my grandfather has passed away, but he was not killed. I found the island according to the clues he left behind. Could you please take us to meet your father and father? "

The boy looked at the others, hesitated for a moment, pulled an Changqing aside and said in a low voice, "if you want to go, I can take you, but the others can't. Father and father both said that people outside are bad people. If they see them, they should be led to heaven to kill them. "

"Heavenly palace?" An Changqing's eyebrows moved.

The young man whispered: "the heavenly palace is full of various organs, and I dare not go in."

An Changqing talked with him for a while, but the boy refused to lead the way for others. Seeing that he was upright, an Changqing thought that his parents would not be villains, so he discussed with Xiao Zhige: "he won't lead the way for outsiders. I'll follow him to see if I can find an antidote."

Xiao Zhige frowned and said in a deep voice, "it's too risky. He may not be credible. "

Huairuyu brothers do not agree. They are not familiar with this big island. If an Changqing followed the boy, they would not have time to rescue him in case of an accident.

However, an Changqing was very determined that he had an inexplicable sense of closeness and trust in the boy. This may be the inheritance of blood.

He insisted: "I'll take the arrow with me. In case of an accident, I'll send out a signal. If you follow me, I'll try my best to help myself. How to say is also the same race, even if not willing to accept me, will not be so quick to start, I will work hardWhat else did Xiao Zhige want to say, but he looked firm and swallowed his words. He took down the arrow and dagger he was carrying and gave it to him. Taking the opportunity to bind the dagger to him, he attached it to his ear and whispered, "I will follow you secretly. You must be careful."

An Changqing slightly Leng, then nodded, and heavily shook his hand, just turned around and walked towards the boy waiting not far away.