The prince was deposed, and the king of the Northern War led the western expedition. The Court seemed calm. There are only three princes left by anqing emperor, but he began to take them to teach politics day by day. Many people speculate that Anqing emperor still preferred the third prince to succeed. The officials who took refuge in Xiao Zhige were naturally a little anxious. They frequently visited the door to seek a reassurance, but they were all turned away by an Changqing.

The gate of the Northern Warlord's mansion was closed. Except for necessary things, even the servants seldom went out. Inside the palace, elite defense was arranged, which almost made the palace an airtight iron bucket. Fortunately, when Xiao Zhige went out to fight, the royal family refused to visit, and no visitors were seen. Today, he came back again, and it would not arouse people's suspicion.

An Changqing is not idle in the house every day. Now he is dealing with all the information from the spy. One after another, he has to adjust his original plan according to the latest information.

The confrontation between Xiao Zhige and Beijing soon developed into a fight. Shulingting's territory was in Yuzhou, and Yejing had few soldiers.

However, Xiao Qiyou had 20000 soldiers in Weiwei temple, and Su Huaiyi, a member of the state, came to help him. This confrontation finally turned into a unilateral bloodbath and massacre.

The whole family of Shu was slaughtered, and the third prince was beaten as a bandit and demoted as the leader of the common people.

Then, a more thorough campaign was launched by means of checking the chaotic party.

The doors of the common people in Yejing city were closed, and all the crime books posted were destroyed. All the students who might allude to the prince in the poems and articles went to jail, and the first troublemakers were decapitated immediately. It's Midsummer, but the city is like a bleak winter.

Changle street is red with blood, and the streets are full of guards patrolling with weapons.

The gate of the Northern Warlord's residence was heavily guarded, and even the servants could not go out. Fortunately, enough food has been stored in the government, so it is not constrained.

An Changqing sat down in the mansion and arranged for the dispatch of manpower. While listening to the spy's report, he quickly picked up his pen to write.

"Is Mr. Ji and several other adults safe in prison?"

The spy said, "I've suffered a lot, but my life is safe. Mr. Ji told you not to worry, just follow the plan. "

An Changqing nodded, and then took a pen to circle out several families: "these people's mansions, secretly send someone to protect them, and be sure to protect their families. In addition, they also sent some grain from the secret way. Now they are easily unable to go out. They are afraid that they will run out of grain after a long time. "

Two spies were ordered to go, an Changqing asked: "how about the palace?"

"Emperor Anqing is still in a coma. The deposed Prince seems to have regarded himself as the son of heaven. I'm afraid he will soon draw up an imperial edict to succeed him."

An Changqing wrote a little, pondered for a moment, and said: "if he wants to succeed, I'm afraid he will immediately take the Northern War palace and threaten the prince with me and Princess Shizi. You've got orders to go down. The government is on alert. Get all the firearms out of the warehouse. The soldiers who are familiar with firearms form a firearm team and hide in the rear. If I guess well, I'm afraid they'll start tonight. "

Then he put down his pen, rubbed his eyebrows, and asked, "how long will the LORD be back?"

"Three days at most." The guard led the way.

"Then we just need to survive these three days." An Changqing said.

After an Changqing explained some trivial matters, the commander of the guard took the order to arrange the staff. An Changqing, on the other hand, swept away her dignified face and turned to see Xiao an Heng's brother and sister.

The severe situation outside didn't affect the palace. Xiao Anheng's brother and sister were still fed, drunk and played with their mother every day. On the contrary, they were a little fatter than before. Perhaps because of their blood, the brothers and sisters talked earlier than ordinary children. After an Changqing patiently taught the brothers and sisters for a while, they could clearly call them "father" and "father".

After saying the first sentence, the brother and sister seem to have found something new. They have to call "father" or "father" every day. Only when an Changqing passes by, will they settle down for a while.

This day, as soon as an Changqing came in, Xiao Anzhu pushed her brother away, calling "Dad" in a soft and sweet voice.

An Changqing strode over, picked up his brother and sister, and gave them a kiss. Then he weighed them with some difficulty and said, "they've sunk a lot."

The longer they grew, the bigger they were. After a while, an Changqing couldn't hold them any more. She had to play with them on the blanket.

Xiao an Heng crawls over on his knees, grabs his skirt and looks around while calling "father". His big black eyes are full of doubts.

An Changqing specially taught them that "father" is Xiao Zhige, and "father" is himself. At this time, Xiao Anheng came to call "father", obviously wondering why he didn't see Xiao Zhige.

He rubbed Xiao an Heng's small face with a smile and explained seriously: "don't worry, your father will come back to see you soon."

Xiao Anheng didn't understand. After blinking, he clung to his skirt and giggled. He happily covered an Changqing's face with saliva.

An Changqing coaxes the brother and sister to play tired. After they fall asleep, she asks the nurse to hold the brother and sister. Under the escort, she hides in the dark room along the secret road.Tonight, I'm afraid, is destined to be a sleepless night.