Chapter 1238

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
Now it's too late for Zhang Yiyin to regret. Less than one-third of the 1-hour PK time has passed. With his current armor energy, it's impossible to last up to 1-hour transmission time.

Although there is a system map, the system map only shows the area that has passed before. Zhang Yiyin has never been active in this area before. In the open map, he doesn't know which side is the escape direction except mountain forest. After being chased by Liu Qian and Liu Ruyan, he runs to a deeper mountain forest.

Zhang Yiyin only wanted to curse. If he wanted to escape on the flat ground with his physical attributes and speed, Liu Gan and Liu Ruyan could not catch up with him. However, he couldn't do it in the mountains. There were strange rocks up and down in the mountains. He couldn't give full play to his speed. He often ran in a panic and was ambushed by Liu Gan and Liu Ruyan.

When Zhang Yiyin's armor energy drops below 10%, there are still only mountain forests on the open map. Zhang Yiyin has obviously reached the end of the mountain and water. He can't win, run or run.

"It's not fair! In the system description, it's clearly two intruders PK. How can it become 1V2? This random transmission is a pit! A huge pit!" Zhang Yiyin wailed and raised his white dagger to cut Liu qianmeng. He knew that in this case, it was absolutely impossible to beg his opponent. It was better to die bravely.

Liu Qian also fulfilled him, but the last shot was left to Liu Ruyan. After all, Zhang Yiyin came to PK Liu Ruyan. In case Liu Qian killed him according to the rules, it would not be cost-effective to get a one-day reward on the wanted free list and a reward of 5% swallowing each other's Bug.

"Bang bang!"

Zhang Yiyin armor as like as two peas, the body was destroyed by the two gun. The end of his life was picked up by Liu Qian. Zhang Yi took the white knife and examined the properties carefully. It was exactly the same as orange loaded knife. The soul strength was strengthened to level 5, and the alloy was forged to 4 level. The quality has reached the epic level.

No wonder the power of this white broadsword is so powerful that a death sweep cut off about 30% of Liu Qian's energy armor!

Three super power chips are inserted into the white broadsword, and then seven are inserted. The soul power is strengthened to level 6 and the alloy forging to level 5, which can improve the quality of the orange broadsword to the legendary level. Up to now, Liu Qian has not even seen the shadow of super power chip. It seems that Zhang Yiyin is obviously much ahead of Liu Qian in the progress of evolving orange weapons.

Liu Qian doesn't have Liu Ruyan's bug that ignores the equipment level. Originally, he needs to reach level 8 before he can equip orange weapons, but this white dagger has no such restrictions. Its service conditions are the same as ordinary white daggers, which can just let Liu Qian replace the purple cold autumn in his hand.

In addition, Zhang Yiyin broke out an epic purple armor and two purple jewelry. Liu Qian changed them on his body, and the attributes of his whole body have been increased by about 10% compared with the previous one.

Unfortunately, when a player is promoted to level 5, he wakes up by himself. The ability attribute is bound. The chip cannot be transferred to others, and will be damaged with the player's death. Otherwise, Liu Qian can have another knife ability of "death sweeping".

"I seem to have swallowed his bug plug-in." Liu Ruyan said to Liu Gan.

"What bug?" Liu Qian asked Liu Ruyan, why did she bump into her with such a small probability?

"A bug that can change the level of weapon armor, such as upgrading white to blue, blue to purple, and purple to orange. The appearance of weapon armor remains the same, but the level is upgraded to a higher level." Liu Ruyan answered Liu Qian according to the system prompt.

"This is very strong! How to use it?" Liu Qian suddenly became interested.

"If you have an additional energy tank, it will take about an hour to fill it. After each energy tank is full, you can try to raise the energy level of a weapon or equipment by one level, but the higher the energy level, the lower the success rate." Liu Ruyan then explained a few words.

"It seems that this is how he got his white broadsword. When the energy tank is full, you can try to raise the purple pistol by one level to see if you can achieve the power of the orange pistol." Liu Qian thought and said to Liu Ruyan.

"Well, I'll try when the energy tank is full." Liu Ruyan nodded.

Liu Qian was in a good mood when he knew that Liu Ruyan had successfully swallowed Zhang Yiyin's bug. The harvest of this war was really rich. His finished ~ American purple broadsword was replaced with epic orange broadsword, and his lethality was nearly four times higher. The complete ~ American purple armor was also replaced with a full set of epic armor, and his defense was about twice higher. In addition, his physical attributes were comprehensively improved, Now he and his overall combat strength before fighting with Zhang Yiyin have increased by at least three times.

If Liu Qian had such a set of equipment and met the powerful player like Zhang Yiyin just now, he would be able to win the battle alone.

However, in the face of level 9 yujianxin, I'm afraid it's not enough to fight a war. Yujianxin is also a full set of epic equipment, and there are one or two orange suits in the armor chip. Liu Qian's current equipment situation is not too far from yujianxin, mainly because level 7 is too obvious to level 9.

Fortunately, yujianxin hasn't found it here yet. Now there are only the last ten minutes left between yujianxin and Liu Qian. Even if yujianxin finds it at this time, there won't be enough time to kill Liu Qian.

While Liu Qian was thinking about what to do next, the system time reached the whole point, and the system issued a new wanted notice again. This time, Liu Ruyan's name and coordinates were not available, but Liu Qian was impressively listed.

After the release of the new wanted notice, Liu Qian received a lot of private conversations, including private conversations of concern and inquiry from members of the "trembling family", as well as various foul language curses from a large number of unknown players.

As an ordinary player, he naturally hates the players who have bugs and plug-ins. Even if he spends energy coins to chat privately, a few words of scolding can relieve his anger. After Liu Qian set that strangers can't talk privately remotely, his ears suddenly calmed down.

"Are there many people scolding? Don't pay attention to them. Just turn off remote private chat." Liu Ruyan obviously had experienced all this. Seeing Liu Qian's expression, he quickly reminded him.

"It's closed." Liu Qian didn't care about it at all. He wanted to hurry up to get the tracking magnetic energy grenade. (to be continued.)