Chapter 1027

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
"The energy reserve module of the transport plane must have been lost in the collision just now. The energy of the main engine is insufficient. The existing energy is only enough for us to break away from the gravitational range of the mother ship, and then we will float freely in space..." Xu Jingyao looked depressed.

"Do you mean that everything we just did was in vain, and we couldn't go back near Ganymede's portal?" Li Zheng confirmed to Xu Jingyao.

"Yes, once we break away from the gravity of the Mothership, we will become a random floating stone in the universe..." Xu Jingyao answered Li Zheng.

"Shit! That's the result after being busy for a long time?" Chen Guanjun was very discouraged.

"It's good that expert Xu can do this." Su Han comforted everyone.

"Turn off the engine! Turn off the engine 90 degrees from the tiller! A fighter is flying towards us!" Xu Jingyao told Liu Qian and others that he had just detected that a fighter plane took off from the mother ship. Obviously, the mother ship detected the energy fluctuation when the transport plane started the engine and sent fighter planes to understand the situation.

Liu Qian quickly shut down the main engine and made the transport plane quiet again.

"From now on, everyone should not speak or make any noise. After the fighter gets close, any small noise may lead them over..." Xu Jingyao explained to the people.

The students each grabbed the body around them, fixed their body, and then fell motionless on it. No one spoke again. From the broken porthole, it can be clearly seen that two fighters flew from the mother ship, and the direction is obviously where the transport plane is located.

In a short time, the two fighter planes flew near the wreckage of the transport plane. The hearts of all the students were mentioned in their throat. The current transport plane is a pile of scrap iron. Once it is found by the bee Alien Fighter, it will be torn to pieces in an instant.

This pile of scrap iron is the only place where all the students can live at present.

Fortunately, there are a lot of rubble nearby, many of which are huge, not only from Ganymede, but also from Io and Ganymede. They are even captured by the gravity of the mother ship from a more distant place. They have been cruising near the mother ship. Compared with them, the wreckage of the transport plane is very insignificant.

The two fighters patrolled the periphery, found no abnormality, left and flew to another place. The energy fluctuation caused by the transport plane just starting the engine is similar to that caused by the collision of two boulders. Without continuous energy fluctuation, it is not so easy for two fighters to find the wreckage of the transport plane in the dark space.

"Expert Xu, what shall we do next?" The students asked Xu Jingyao. Because of Xu Jingyao's previous performance, now the students have some dependence on him.

"I don't know." Xu Jingyao sighed. He was only proficient in spacecraft maintenance. Now the transport plane was broken and lacked energy. What to do next was also at a loss in his heart.

"The bee family's Mothership is going to earth, isn't it?" Liu Qian asked the students.

"Well, the information shows that it will reach the moon first, destroy the lunar base, and then go to the earth, lie over the whole Atlantic Ocean and extract the earth's core." Su Han answered Liu Qian.

"Expert Xu, at its current speed, how long will it take to get near the earth?" Liu Qian asked Xu Jingyao again.

"The distance between the earth and Jupiter is about 800 million kilometers. The current speed of the Mothership is about 20 million kilometers per hour. It will take about 40 hours to reach the earth. Of course, the premise is that it will not stop near Saturn and Mars." Xu Jingyao answered Liu Qian.

"How long can we hold on?" Liu Qian asked Xu Jingyao again.

"The average distribution of oxygen tanks rescued from the transport plane should last about 50 hours... Without any accidents." After accounting, Xu Jingyao answered Liu Qian.

"In that case, let's fly to the earth with the mothership. In the space where independence day is located, earth humans already have some alien technology. When we get to the earth, we should be able to find the spacecraft we need, get a spacecraft out and fly back to Ganymede, find the portal and return to trembling college." Liu Qian quickly made a plan. When everyone had no idea, someone had to come forward and make an idea.

"It won't be so smooth. We're dead!" Chen Guanjun was very depressed.

"If you give up, just go ahead and jump into space! If you want to go back to thriller college alive, don't say that!" Liu Qian coldly replied to Chen Guanjun.

"It's easy to say..." Chen Guanjun shook his head and didn't say anything more.

"When the Mothership reaches the earth, there will be fierce friction with the atmosphere. The powerful field armor of the Mothership itself will be fine, but we and these stones will be burned into powder, which must be considered." Xu Jingyao reminded Liu Qian after being silent for a while.

Although Liu Qian's plan is good, many details need to be deliberated. For example, it is impossible to land safely on the earth under the existing conditions.

"On Independence Day 2, humans already have a base on the moon. We can consider landing on the moon and looking for vehicles to return to the earth in the human lunar base." Liu Qian came up with a solution.

"Moon? The moon is not as big as Ganymede. Unless the mother ship turns on the anti gravity device, once the mother ship flies near the moon, the moon will also be torn apart. According to the urine of bee aliens, they will certainly not turn on the anti gravity device. They will quickly pass near the moon, tear up the moon and the human base above, and then directly crash into the earth's atmosphere." Xu Jingyao analyzed it.

"Then... We have to find a way to get the mother ship to the moon first." Liu Qian looked at the huge hull of the mother ship outside the porthole and said something back to Xu Jingyao.

"What about power?" Xu Jingyao shook his head and didn't want to say anything more.

"Can we raid the Mothership? Don't all the troubles have been solved?" Su Han interposed a few words.

"Whimsical?" Xu Jingyao smiled bitterly: "the force field armor of the Mothership is open, and any material close will be torn into a particle state..."

"Trying to hijack one of their fighters?" Su Han thought and suggested.

"How to hijack? Try it. You'll be blown to pieces as soon as you show up!" Chen Guanjun scoffed at Su Han.

(this is today's sixth watch, which is an increase of 12100 monthly tickets! Now there are 12149 monthly tickets, and there will be an increase from one to 12150! 50 votes plus one watch! It's the last two days of the month, and if you don't vote, the monthly tickets will expire! Please! Please keep the top six!) (to be continued.)