Chapter 820

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
"The missile launcher on the galaxy is only damaged, but the damage is not serious. If there is a maintenance robot provided by them, it can be repaired. If the transport plane is equipped with a missile cabin, it will become very bloated and seriously affect its mobility." Mint went on.

"Press the mint." Liu Qian made a decision.

"OK, according to sister mint, brother Liu will work with me this time?" Mo fan invited Liu Qian.

"No, I'll finish what I'm doing first." Liu Qian now pays more attention to the mother nest under the ice crack. Once the corpse clan relaxes its vigilance, he will rush to get back these booty, which is the result of his hard work all day.

"Well, I'm used to going out alone." Mo fan doesn't seem disappointed. Two people's tasks have two people's fun, one person has one person's stimulation. He has been deeply infatuated with these tasks. He feels that the task system is tailor-made for him.

After Mo fan's task was arranged, Liu Qian continued to roll his fireball. Without the energy ball, his efficiency decreased a lot. When he rolled the fireball with all his strength, Liu Qian could roll for about half an hour. After all the brain energy was empty, Liu Gan could only recover by himself. It took more than half a day to wake up and one or two hours to sleep.

The key is that you can't sleep when you want to sleep in the daytime, especially when you have too much, although you are very tired, you just can't sleep. Liu Qian was bored and had to go to the monitoring room to observe the situation in the mother's nest.

There are still several giant bat monsters driven by pure white zombies in the mother's nest, flying around in the ice cracks without leaving. In this case, they still can't go to take the bodies. The most important thing is not to let the mysterious eye find out that their real purpose is not to destroy the mother's nest, but to use the mother's nest as a material sacrifice.

All corpse soldiers are sentinels of the mysterious eye. If something like this happens to the mother nest, the mysterious eye must focus on several pure white zombies in this place for the time being.

Things took a turn in the afternoon. I don't know if there was a war somewhere. These idle sudden cavalry needed to support them. The empty cavalry wandering in the ice crack of the mother nest suddenly left together. Left an empty abandoned mother nest.

The eye drone searched around again, very carefully, including patrolling nearby and confirming that there were no empty cavalry ambushes nearby. Liu Qian then let peppermint drive the transport plane and set out with him and Zhang Mengdi.

In a short time, the transport plane came near the mother nest. According to the situation observed by the nearby base station, the air cavalry have indeed left. And there is no intention of flying back.

It seems that although the mysterious eye has some wisdom, its thinking ability is not strong. It doesn't want to set up an ambush here. Or the mysterious eye thinks highly of itself and doesn't pay much attention to the strategy of permafrost city. It feels that this loss is within its tolerance, so it directly abandoned the mother nest.

Whatever the reason, it's a good thing for Liu Qian. After working hard all day, it's obviously time to harvest!

"Work! Take these eggs back and make poached eggs!" Liu Qian was in a good mood and joked with the second daughter.

"OK!" Zhang Mengdi immediately sacrificed the magic cabinet. The runes transformed from the magic cabinet formed a huge Rune vortex, which involved the broken limbs of the mother nest and some lifeless giant eggs in the magic cabinet, soon filled the space in the magic cabinet, and then refined.


The energy contained in the mother nest is richer than expected, and the energy in the giant egg can not be underestimated. One day later, the mother nest and the giant egg were all refined by Zhang Mengdi. The total energy contained in the harvested energy ball is almost five times that of the last corpse mountain!

Looking at so many concentrated energy balls, Liu Qian was overjoyed. With them, he is bound to enter the third stage of the brain. At first, he was chased by a corpse empty cavalry and forced to fly into the ice crack because of the use of energy ball. Inadvertently, he entered the second stage from the first stage of the brain domain. The power of the ordinary fireball increased greatly, and he had the ability to launch the blue fireball, which made him finally kill the pure white zombie.

It is conceivable that once he enters the third stage from the second stage of the brain domain, he will certainly have another qualitative leap in strength. In addition to the significant increase in the lethality of ordinary fireball and Youlan fireball, it should also awaken new and more powerful magic.

At that time, he should be able to resist and even kill the mecha soldiers of holy sword. Even if he kills holy sword's headquarters alone and completely destroys them, it's not a big problem.

After returning to the galaxy, Liu Qian still emptied his energy before taking a bath and sleeping. Tomorrow, of course, we will continue to roll the fireball. We will roll ourselves to the third stage of the brain first.


After sleeping soundly, Liu Qian entered the dream city. After a routine walk around the mayor's office, he found that the lights in the urban development and planning office were flashing again. It seemed that there was some new hint.

So Liu Qian pushed the door and went in. He found a new map on the big table in the development and planning office, with a few lines of small characters at the bottom of the map.

"After successfully destroying the headquarters of the holy sword organization, the dream city can be upgraded to a dream city. After upgrading to a dream city, the number of team members can be expanded to 20. The strength of the original tranquility team members will be completely unsealed and can continue to kill monsters and upgrade in the future."

"Strength is finally going to be completely unsealed! You can kill monsters and upgrade again!" Liu Qian was very excited when he saw the small characters on the map.

After entering permafrost City, the level he practiced in tranquility city was temporarily sealed, which made him feel very depressed. Now, he is only one step away from the ability to completely unseal. As long as he can successfully enter the second stage of brain domain and destroy the headquarters of holy sword, it's as easy as a reverse palm.

But things didn't go as smoothly as Liu Qian imagined

At about five o'clock the next morning, Liu Qian was awakened by the alarm in the ship, and then received the psionic communication sent by mint.

"No! The holy sword organization and the corpse army are together. It seems that they are planning a plot! I think it must be against our Galaxy!" Mint has a frightened voice.

"They will join forces together? Haven't they just had a bloody battle?" Liu Qian rushed to the monitoring room. He was surprised by what he saw on the screen. (to be continued.)