Chapter 746

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
"Brother Liu said, there are no ghosts in the trembling world. Did I just have an illusion?" Ke Ming frowned and recalled carefully that she did see the feet of a woman wearing red high heels just now!

Damn it!

After calming down for a while, Ke Ming is ready to leave the bathroom. When she reaches out to pull the door of the bathroom, she subconsciously looks back at the window of the bathroom. As a result, she finds that there is really a woman, but she is standing outside the window of the bathroom with a pale face and a pair of blood red eyes looking at her darkly.


Ke Ming uttered a hysterical scream that was enough to shock the mouse to death.


"There's a woman! I see a woman! She's wearing red high heels, right outside the window!" Ke Ming pointed to the window and shouted to Liu Gan, Mo fan and others who came to hear the sound.

"You said she was standing outside the window. How could you see her wearing red high heels?" After studying the height of the window, Mo fan turned back and asked Ke Ming.

"She started in the bathroom first. I saw her feet under the grid. When I came out, she disappeared. When I wanted to go out, she stood outside the window as soon as I looked back!" Ke Ming was still in shock.

"How could anyone be in such a snowstorm outside the window?" Mo fan tried to open a crack in the window of the bathroom. The cold wind immediately poured in. He had to close the window again.

"Yes! So she can't be human! She's a female ghost! There are ghosts in the trembling world!" Ke Ming answered Mo fan loudly.

"Ghosts actually don't exist. They are just the hallucinations of people under fear. Don't scare yourself. Just because you are afraid, you will see things that don't exist at all. If you are not afraid, you won't have that illusion." Mo fan came back and advised Ke Ming.

"I really saw her! It's not my illusion!" Ke Ming shook his head.

"It's your illusion." Mo fan's positive tone.

"I said, it's not my illusion! Can't I even tell whether it's an illusion? You're really annoying sometimes!" Ke Ming angrily argued with Mo fan again.

"Another possibility is that the ghost of artificial intelligence in novice village, after discovering that you are timid and afraid, deliberately creates this illusion to scare you. Maybe this is the second round of the game that will begin soon." Liu Gan opened his mouth and put in a few words.

"Well, what elder brother Liu said is very reasonable. Since the artificial intelligence of novice village can turn a whole forest into a battlefield for the two districts, it is not impossible to turn a woman around to frighten people and start the second round of the game. It has always been very unethical." Mo fan felt very reasonable after listening to Liu Qian's words.

"Are you scaring me?" Ke Ming raised his head and asked in the air.

No answer.

"If it didn't do it, it must immediately deny it. Because it is guilty, it doesn't dare to answer you." Mo fan analyzed it.

"Well, it must have done it. It is omnipresent and omniscient in the novice village. If Ke Ming really saw the woman, he must also see it. Since he could see it, he refused to answer Ke Ming's questions just now, there is only one reason. The woman was transformed by it to frighten Ke Ming." Liu Qian agreed with Mo fan's analysis.

"When I met you two wise men and analyzed their psychology so thoroughly, the novice village AI must be crazy now. I probably have to change the strategy of the second round of the game." Wang Lujia could not help sighing.

"All right, let's go back to bed. Stop talking and stimulate it. I don't know. I'll turn out a large group of all kinds of ghosts in the restaurant later and try to toss us around." Mo fan finally summed up a few words and turned out of the bathroom.

The others followed Mo fan out, went back to the floor of the restaurant and lay down again.

"Are you really scaring me?" After lying down, Ke Ming asked again in the air.

The electronic sound is still silent. I don't know if it's guilty. Still dormant.

"Go to sleep. When you fall asleep, you will dream of the female ghost again." Mo fan comforted Ke Ming.

"Are you so comforting?" Ke Ming pushed Mo fan sadly. It was easy for her to calm down. When Mo Fan said so, he was a little worried.

There was no one talking around. Several bodyguards on duty sat at several tables around them and guarded according to the owner's requirements. Liu Qian, Mo fan and others were still asleep outside the floor. Although Ke Ming was a little uneasy. But after all, I fell asleep.

I don't know how long later, Ke Ming felt very cold. He suddenly woke up from the cold and found that he was still sleeping on the floor of the restaurant, but there was no floor bedding under him, only the cold ground.

"What's going on?" Ke Ming quickly sat up, hugged his body, looked around and found that she was the only one left in the restaurant. Liu Qian and Mo fan were all gone.

"Hey! Don't take such a teaser?" Ke Ming shouted into the air, his voice obviously trembling.

No one answered her except the restaurant window whining outside under the impact of the snowstorm.

"What the hell are you doing? Hey! Where are you hiding? It's not fun to play tricks like this!" Ke Ming stood up, walked around carefully, and then shouted again.

Just then, the door of the restaurant suddenly "bang!" The ground was knocked away by the snowstorm outside. The cold wind with a large number of snowflakes immediately poured into the restaurant and blew on his face like a knife.

"No!" Ke Ming was already feeling very cold. At this time, he was shaking all over with cold.

Outside the open restaurant, a naked woman walked into the restaurant step by step. After entering the door, she turned and closed the door of the restaurant.

"Hey! You... Who are you?" Ke Ming looked at the woman in front of her in disbelief... She was naked, and there were many snow spots on her face and body skin, which made her look very strange.

The woman didn't answer Ke Ming's question, but roared, opened her claws and rushed at her.

"Is it the snow spot zombie in brother Liu's mouth?" Ke Ming was shocked. After retreating a few steps, he took out his assault rifle from his watch and shot wildly at the woman in front of him.

After the woman was injured by the energy bullet, she hissed a few times, looked a little scared and stepped back a few steps, but she didn't want to turn around and escape. (to be continued.)