Chapter 675

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
However, the Tucao has no eggs, and it does not make complaints about what Liu Qian is facing now.

A drone flew over from nowhere and appeared not far in front of Liu Qian. The camera pointed to Liu Qian on the ground.

Strange, strange! There's a drone here?

The shape of this UAV is different from that of Sanyu company. I don't know who sent it here... But it seems to mean that there are other living people in the snow mountain? A small group of lonely soldiers in the northern theater? Another laboratory of three domain company?

Gong Chenglong said that there is strange interference in permafrost city. The UAV signal he controls can only reach about 10 kilometers, and then it will lose control. I don't know whether this UAV is the same. If so, isn't the person who remotely controls it within 10 kilometers nearby?

"Hey! Which side is safe? Where should I run?" Liu Qianchong yelled at the drone.

The UAV seems to see Liu Qian shouting, but it may not receive it, so it has no response and still hovers at an altitude of tens of meters.

Liu Qian knew that it was impossible to count on others at this time, but he had to rely on himself. He clenched his teeth and continued to rush up to the snow peak ahead. The soles of the snow boots of Sanyu company were very large. Although they could prevent him from sinking deep into the snow ground, it was really a very physical thing to run in these boots.

The corpses that Liu Qian had just thrown away on the snowboard gradually narrowed the distance between him. Seeing their ugly faces, they kept chasing after them, and hearing their extremely ugly roars, Liu Qian had an impulse to rush over and slash and kill.

But this impulse can only be restrained, not to mention being surrounded by more than a thousand zombies. Once the brain energy is exhausted and the attack power of bone blade machete decreases, these snow spotted zombies that are illogical and constantly climbing out of the snow cave under the snow are enough for Liu Gan to drink a pot. He knew that he could not kill them all, but could only be consumed by them alive in the end.

So what he can do now is to run away, keep running and bite his teeth, even if there are snow peaks in front, and new snow caves will appear to climb out more zombies. He can only escape, and then look forward to some miracle to let him get rid of the entanglement of these snow spotted zombies.

The UAV seems to be very interested in Liu Gan and has been following Liu Gan. Liu Qian runs, so does he. Liu Qian stops, so does he.

"See a joke? See how embarrassed I am? Fuck ~ U!" Liu Qian raised his middle finger at the drone as he ran. He finally rushed to the snow peak in front of him. When he was ready to take out his ski and start flying again, he couldn't help looking at the situation under his feet in front of him.

"My God! My grass! I fuck! I..." Liu Qian stood by the abrupt cliff. I scolded all the curses I could think of in my life for more than 20 years.

In front is a cliff more than 100 meters deep. Below the cliff are scattered snow peaks, and then huge deep ice cracks, which are endless and bottomless. It looks terrible.

In the back... There are endless snow spotted zombies! The crowd angrily wanted to rush over and turn Liu Gan.

Is brother really going to die here today? Should we put on a few poses and shout 'long live xxx' before jumping down in a more beautiful posture?

The UAV hovered over Liu Qian. Liu Qian looked up and stared at it. He always felt that the subtle hum from it seemed to laugh at him.

The corpses are getting closer and closer. There's no time! After observing along the edge of the cliff, Liu Qian bit his teeth and jumped down on the skateboard!

Liu Qian had previously challenged a 70 degree slope descent in the real world, and the cliff seemed to have reached at least 80 degrees. Moreover, the cliffs are rugged, and the rocks in many places protrude from the snow surface. Therefore, when downhill, you must master the direction of going down, otherwise if you rush down at such a high speed, you may bump into the rocks, even slide to a steeper area and fall directly into the ice crack below, so there is no possibility of survival.

After jumping down, Liu Qian's spirit suddenly became highly nervous. The sliding speed was almost no different from that of a free fall. He had to adjust the direction from time to time and slow down with a skateboard to avoid hitting those rocks with exposed slopes. At the same time, we should also calculate the sliding route in our mind. We should not deviate too far from the established direction, otherwise we may fall into the nearby ice crack.

After the high-speed slide for a while, Liu Qian had another worry... The zombie pioneers who kept chasing him had rushed to the top of the cliff. Pushed by the tide of corpses in the rear, the snow spotted zombies in front couldn't stand when they came to the edge of the cliff. They were pushed one by one and fell down.

They don't play speed skating with Liu Qian. They all pick up their bodies and roll down the cliff! Like huge stones falling by tens of kilograms and hundreds of kilograms, as long as Liu Qian is hit by them, he will certainly be hit and fly out. Out of an 80 degree slope. Without the deceleration of the snow under his feet, Liu Gan will be directly hit and fly, fall from a height of more than 100 meters and die alive in the ice crack at the bottom of the cliff!

It is necessary to avoid the rocks protruding from the snow surface in the front, and pay attention not to be hit by the falling snow spotted zombies in the back. Originally, Liu Qian carried out an 80 degree vertical descent that he has never played in the real world. In this process, he has to complete the observation and avoidance in the front and rear, which is beyond the limit that Liu Qian can bear now.

At present, what he can do is to shift the sliding direction as far as possible, stay away from the area where the corpses fall more intensively, look at the rocks below, listen to the movement behind him, and rely on an instinct to avoid. Of course, he has to have some luck.

Several snow spotted zombies ~ meat ~ balls rubbed past Liu Gan and nearly knocked him out. From time to time, there was a collision sound between snow spotted zombies and rocks behind him. If they hit again, Liu Gan will roll down with them sooner or later!

Just then, there was suddenly no way ahead! Eighty degrees has become about minus twenty degrees. If you go straight down from here, it's a deep ice crack! So I can only turn the direction!

But if you slide back, there is a place where the corpse tide is very concentrated. It almost forms a zombie waterfall. If Liu Qian slides from there, there is no doubt that 100% will be smashed out.

Between lightning, stone and fire, Liu Qian looked at a smooth rock below and made a very bold decision. (to be continued.)