Chapter 582

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
"Tell me, it's not true! He's lying to us!" Anna turned around and reached out to shake Liu Qian's body. At this time, she looked very collapsed.

Liu Qian was just silent and didn't say a word.

Anna looked at Tian Jinlu again. She obviously hoped that what he said just now was just lying to them and teasing them.

"I didn't want to tell you such a cruel fact, but he always refused to give up seeking the truth. In the face of your husband and wife's great contribution to the experimental field, I told you all this today." Tian Jinlu looked very sorry.

Compared with Anna's shock, Liu Qian always seemed very calm. After the last bus accident in the restaurant, he didn't stop thinking. As Tian Jinlu said, he had actually considered this possibility, and now he just confirmed all this from Tian Jin intersection.

"In fact, he really shouldn't ask me such questions. Maybe it's easier for you to continue to live in a lie and virtual world than to live soberly. But it doesn't matter. I'll help you wash away these cruel truths later, let you go back to the past and be full of hope for your life and future." Tian Jinlu comforted Anna again.

"What's the matter with this alloy wristwatch? You have it in the virtual scene. After we woke up in the experimental field, it really appeared on our wrists. What is it used for?" Liu Qian didn't bother about the question just now, but asked Tian Jinlu a second question.

"This question is beyond my authority. I'm sorry I can't comment... Or even if I want to answer it, you can't answer it. Because I don't know the answer. What I can tell you is that this watch uses some future technology. Some technology beyond our control. It's not a product of our laboratory, and we don't have such advanced technology..."

"I personally conducted a little research on this thing. According to my speculation, this watch may be related to the biochemical cloning technology, connected with your soul, and stored all your life information and evolution information. Of course, this is only my speculation. I'm not sure what it is." Tian Jin Road spread his hand to Liu Gan.

"Why build this polar experimental field? What is the existence of the three domain company?" Liu Qian asked Tian Jinlu the third question.

"You're asking another question that I don't know the answer. Because your memory will be washed away, I don't need to lie to you now. Although I'm the general director of the polar laboratory, I still exist at the bottom of the whole three domain company, which is not enough to get the answer to this question." The look on Tian Jinlu's face was a little helpless, and 15163 thought too many and too deep.

"Are we really just clones? Second brother, tell me it's not true..." Anna took Liu Qian's hand under the table and continued to tangle with tears.

"Does it make sense?" Liu Qian took a paper towel and wiped Anna's tears.

"Of course it makes sense." Anna looked desperate.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Tianjin Road confirmed to Liu Gan.

"No more." Liu Qian was silent for a moment and shook his head.

"Well, after washing away your memory, I will still give you a week's holiday. Let you have the opportunity to travel and relax as a reward." Tianjin Road announced to Liu Qian and Anna.

"Travel? Don't lie. You just wash away our memories and keep us in the soul cabin for another week. Let's experience another virtual illusion?" Liu Qian sneered.

"Alas... If a person is too smart, it's really bad, whether to others or to himself." Tian Jinlu looked a little embarrassed after he was exposed.

Anna was stunned when she heard the conversation between Liu Qian and Tian Jinlu. When she understood what was going on, her face became more desperate. She has always dreamed of leaving the polar experimental field one day and going to see the stars in the sky with Liu Qian. She didn't expect that even this little extravagant hope would be impossible to achieve.

"Can we leave now?" Liu Qian stood up and asked Tian Jinlu.

"They'll take you to the soul module to clean up your memory." Tian Jinlu waved to her. Four armed security guards came together and "guarded" Liu Qian and Anna.


Disinfection cabin.

"Are we really clones?" Naked Anna held the same naked Liu Gan from behind, and her eyes still couldn't stop crying.

"In fact, what I want to tell you is that I'm not your second brother, and I'm not the person you imagined..." Liu Qian shook his head, but told Anna a more cruel fact.

"Second brother, what are you talking about?" Anna went around to Liu Qian's front and looked at him exhausted. What she heard today completely destroyed everything she believed in and looked forward to.

"I don't know, but I can feel that my memory has been modified, or erased, or even erased many times. I don't belong here. I'm just a passer-by here and to you. I can't change everything here, because... These things have happened, and I'm just watching." Liu Qian shook his head. He couldn't explain his feelings to Anna, but he did feel like this now.

"Stop talking. Let's just pretend that today's incident didn't happen. We're not clones. We're ourselves. Manager Tian is just lying to us." Anna put her hand over Liu Qian's mouth.

"Don't lie to yourself! We don't belong here! We must find a way to get out of here!" Liu Qian hit the bulkhead next to him, and the disinfectant sprayed on their smooth bodies. The snort from the nozzle drowned his roar.

"Leave? How to leave? This is the polar region, and there are security guards with guns everywhere..." Anna wiped the water drops on her face and looked at Liu Qian in a daze.

"I'm not talking about leaving like this, not leaving in a geographical sense, but permanently... Leaving the world..." Liu Qian said. He seemed to touch something in his mind, but he was blocked by something again. He tried to poke ~ break ~ that ~ membrane to see the real truth, but he couldn't do it all the time.

"Don't do this..." Anna cried again and pressed her body tightly behind Liu Qian again. She obviously understood Liu Qian's permanent withdrawal from the world as another meaning. To be continued.