Chapter 513

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
I hope they come out at night and don't move much during the day. Otherwise, once the team meets them, especially five or six at a time, it must die.

When he looked at the mountain above the contact station, Liu Qian suddenly thought of another thing.

That meteorite.

Didn't last night's dream have anything to do with meteorites? And is this feeling of being watched also caused by meteorites? Like alien life?

A little bullshit.

Forget it, don't think about it. Hurry down the mountain. You should be able to get rid of these unknown dangers by leaving this snow mountain.

"Hey! Zhang Mengdi! Don't go that way! You'll die if you fall into a crack in the ice!" When Liu Qian took back his eyes, he just saw Zhang Mengdi walking away curiously, and quickly reminded her.

Zhang Mengdi glanced at Liu Qian and hurried back to the team. After walking for a while, Anna and Qianzhou talked farther and farther away from the team. They were also shouted by Liu Qian before they ran to catch up.

Liu Qian had to stop, called all the team members together and decided to give a lecture.

He was used to exploring in the wild alone before, and all dangers were borne by himself, so there was no need to take care of others. But this time is different. These players have no experience in snow mountain life. Some things are not explained clearly. They are likely to die here accidentally.

"Don't think this is a very straight road. On the contrary, there are great dangers under the snow! Now the situation is very troublesome. We are walking on a huge glacier, and a glacier with cracks everywhere! There are many large cracks under the snow, even cracks tens or hundreds of meters deep. If we don't follow behind me, we will run around If so, you may step on the snow on the surface at any time and fall into the cracks below and break to pieces! " Liu Qian told the team about the present danger.

"So terrible?" Looking at the flat snow fields around, the team felt that Liu Qian seemed to exaggerate.

"The snow capped mountains feel very smooth and beautiful everywhere, and they are all connected. Walking on them is like walking on a smooth blanket. This illusion is actually very dangerous. Without these snow, you will find that there are many peaks under our feet, and they are all extremely steep peaks." Liu Qian took off the climbing rope and tied a knot on it. Tie a knot every one or two meters.

"Have you been here before?" Qian Zhou didn't believe it.

"I haven't been here, but in the real world, I climbed this snow mountain more than once. Once, when I climbed oguden snow mountain, I met with several European and American dolls and accompanied them. At that time, one of their team members left the team and fell into an ice crack. Although he and his four companions were connected by ropes, the ice crack was very dangerous, his companions He couldn't hold him. His falling force was too strong, but he pulled his companions down one by one. The last team fell and died at the bottom of the ice crack tens of meters deep, and everyone fell head broken and bleeding. " Liu Qian continued to say to the crowd.

"Master Liu, you were all right?" Anna asked Liu Qian.

"At the end of the rope, I found that I couldn't fix myself. After saving them, I cut off the rope and hung it on the edge of the ice crack with my snow pick. I watched them scream and fall to death one by one." Liu Qian didn't want to mention the following sentences. After being asked by Anna, he had to say it.

"It's terrible!" People don't know what to say.

"You're probably stepping on such an ice crack under your feet now." Liu Qian pointed to the ground where the people were standing.

"Ah?" The players' faces showed a trace of fear and finally began to face up to the danger.

They thought it was just a big snow field. They thought that even if they rolled on it, there would be no problem. After listening to Liu Qian, they knew that now they were just standing on a fragile snow shell, which could collapse at any time, causing them to fall into the bottomless abyss below the snow shell.

"Guo Tian, you use the mountaineering rope I knotted. Put it on their belt buckle, and then reinforce it at the belt buttonhole. Find the strongest buttonhole for reinforcement, but don't wrap a whole circle around your waist. Wrap it in a small half circle, and keep the rope spacing between everyone at about seven meters." Liu Qian said to Guo Tian.

There are only two sets of mountaineering clothes, one on Liu Qian and the other on Guo Tian. Others can't be well locked on the mountaineering rope, so they can only pass through the belt. Pulling their waist at the critical moment can basically ensure their safety.

"OK." Guo Tian immediately began to string all the people together as required by Liu Qian, forming a long string.

"Master Liu, why do you tie so many knots on the climbing rope?" Anna touched a knot in front of her and asked Liu Gan.

"This is the experience I found from an experienced Explorer on the Internet after the accident on the snow mountain. With these knots, once someone accidentally falls into a crack in the ice, it will not let others bear all his falling force. The weight of the falling team members will jam these knots into the dense snow. The greater the falling force, the more the knots will be stuck. There is no need Other players pull the falling player hard, and these knots can hold him and prevent him from falling. " Liu Qian explained to Anna with gestures.

"Why didn't master Liu use such a good method yesterday?" Guo Tian first understood. After understanding, he couldn't help asking Liu Qian. When they went to the hangar yesterday, they almost fell into a deep cliff.

At that time, the situation was extremely urgent. Guo Tian instinctively smashed his snow pick against the ice around him, barely caught his body, and a little worse, he and Liu Qian would fall to death under the snow cliff.

"I haven't been on the snow mountain for a long time. I don't remember some things. Now I suddenly remember them." Liu Qian answered Guo Tian.

Since the accident on Mount Everest, he hasn't been out in the real world for more than a year. Many survival skills have been forgotten. He suddenly remembered it when he arrived at the scene.

"Oh, well... Master Liu's method is really good, but if I'm trapped on the snow mountain alone and have no companions, what can I do to avoid falling into the ice crack?" Guo Tian continued to ask Liu Qian for advice. It's a good opportunity to follow a field survival expert and ask for more survival experience. I don't know when to use it in the future. (to be continued.)