Chapter 483

Name:The Trembling World Author:Ao Bi Ye
Liu Qian, who retreated to the suburbs with his regiment, heard the rumble of gunfire from far away, and Zhang Shengli, who was tied up, stopped talking and showed chaos in his eyes. He guessed that eight to nine out of ten, Yinhe and Nana found the nest of hidden forces and caught fire with them.

Although he was confident in the strength of Yinhe and Nana, Liu Qian couldn't help worrying about their safety. After handing over the Legion to CAI HaoChen, he returned to the urban area alone and quickly dived in the direction of the gunfire.

Chen dengwen's lair is a little far from where Liu Qian is now. Liu Qian used to take a long time. When he finally got close to the past, he found three fighters sent by the mother ship on the top of the battlefield, which made him worried.

Why did these three fighters appear here? Who was fighting in the exchange of fire just now

Worried that the call signal would attract the attention of the fighter, Liu Qian did not contact Yinhe through the headset, but slowly approached the past to see what happened in the battlefield.

When Liu Qian was close to the battlefield for a certain distance, he collided with Yinhe and Nana who had left the battlefield. Galaxy quickly made a gesture to Liu Qian not to get close again, and then retreated to the distance with Liu Qian for several blocks. After confirming that it was safe, Galaxy told Liu Qian exactly what had just happened.

"It's too dangerous for you to do this." Liu Qian frowned. Yinhe took off his ring and deliberately sent out a signal. If she was found and caught by the mother ship, she would be in great trouble.

"There's no danger. I used the method I thought of to destroy the enemy's extremely strong nest." Yinhe explained a few words to Liu Gan.

"You're so smart. You can think of this way, but don't do it again in the future." Liu Qian touched the face of Yinhe and didn't know what to say.

"Wang Wang" Nana shouted to Liu Qian. She wanted to tell him that Yinhe did it for him, but only Yinhe could understand what she said.

Liu Qian certainly doesn't need Nana to remind him of it. He knew very well that the galaxy was taking such risks for him. Although he repeatedly reminded her not to take such risks again, she still did so without hesitation, which moved him very much.

Because of my childhood experience. As well as the unforgettable past on Mount Everest a year ago, Liu Qian almost refused to believe anyone. Unexpectedly, he was finally opened by a biochemical robot.

The explosion in Chen dengwen's nest continued. About half an hour later, the armor soldiers gradually drilled out of the hole of the nest. Back among the three fighters, the three fighters rose to high altitude, circled in the air for several rounds, and then flew away together.

They must have received the signal from the galaxy before they came. They didn't find the galaxy. Somehow, they fought a battle with Chen dengwen. They demolished Chen dengwen's nest and searched it all. They didn't find anything, so they had to return to the Mothership mechanically.

The lost Mothership commanded by a truly intelligent creature has a very different style of work. Some of the galaxy of artificial intelligence know the style of the Mothership's main brain very well. All this was well designed and Chen dengwen's nest was destroyed by fighters and armor soldiers sent by the mother ship.

After waiting for another half an hour and confirming that everything was safe, Liu Qian and Yinhe quietly dived towards Chen dengwen's destroyed nest. With the cleaning of the armor soldiers, there must be no living mouth left in it. Therefore, we should hurry to explore and see if we can find something useful.

There is still thick smoke at the opening of the nest, and there is still an open fire in the underground nest. For the sake of safety. Yinhe didn't let Liu Gan go down, but she took Nana down to explore.

Half an hour later, Yinhe and Nana finished their exploration and returned to the cave. The nest was seriously and completely destroyed. All the things that could be destroyed were destroyed by the armor soldiers. There was nothing valuable at all.

When Liu Qian was disappointed to leave with Yinhe, he met a man in black wearing a clown mask like Zhang Shengli.

"Seeing that my house was forcibly ~ demolished, you want to rob while the fire is burning." the visitor asked Liu Gan in a very unhappy voice.

Yinhe immediately drew out the double knives behind him to attack, but Liu Qian stopped him.

"I'm here to see if you're dead. It seems that you didn't die and managed to escape." Liu Qian now knows that the man in black is quite sent. What is attached to them is undoubtedly the real leader of the hidden forces.

"Yes, my fairy cave is gone. I can only temporarily live in your so-called novice village. I think you have a good foundation and have great training value. At least you are much smarter than my stupid apprentice. Why not? I take you as an apprentice and often promote you so that you can quickly improve your strength. You can work for me in the future." The man in black asked Liu Gan.

"People are shameless and invincible in the world. Now the nest is gone and the missile silo is gone. What cards do you have to threaten me? By the way, why didn't you come out when you were beaten just now?" Liu Qian looked at the man strangely.

"Hey, of course I have a card in hand." The man in black has a guilty tone.

"Can you light it up now?" Liu Qian hugged his arms and looked at the man in black with great interest.

"I have some hostages in my hand, but my stupid apprentice said that you are as cruel and cruel as me and don't care about the lives of those hostages, so I won't waste time on them, and they are also useful to me. Let's fight. If you lose, you worship me as a teacher, and then follow my instructions. If I lose, I worship you as a teacher, What do you think of following your instructions? "The man in black asked Liu Gan.

"Beat me with this puppet" Liu Qian snorted coldly. These puppets should have been forced to improve their cultivation by soul sending, and Liu Qian's spiritual impact just restrained this soul sending skill.

"No, I will fight this time." After the man in Black said, a group of dozens of people in black and a man in white came not far behind him, surrounded by a wheelchair. The one in white is obviously Cao Yi, pushing the wheelchair, on which a thin and ugly middle-aged man sits. To be continued.