Chapter 1769

Air to air rockets rarely appear in later generations, because they quickly transition to air-to-air missiles. It is very difficult to carry out coverage attacks in the air, because they are three-dimensional.

However, in this era without missiles, air-to-air rockets, as a new weapon, are still irreplaceable. It solves several problems: range and power.

There are many statements about the range of air-to-air weapons. Take the current r4m air-to-air rocket. If it is launched on the ground, its range is only about one kilometer. Now, because the carrier has a speed of 400 kilometers per hour when it is launched, its range is quickly enlarged to more than three kilometers. If it is a tail pursuit attack, Because the other party will also move forward, it cannot launch at a distance of three kilometers, otherwise the target would have flown away. Now it is head-on flying, even five kilometers, it is possible to hit, because the other party will fly the other two kilometers.

Now, if you like, Novotny can launch from a distance of five kilometers, but he didn't do so. It's too far away. What if the other party avoids?

Generally speaking, bombers entering the bombing route will not easily change their navigation route, which will cause the bomb to deviate from the predetermined trajectory and miss the target. However, if the bombers are in danger, such as the incoming rockets, they will definitely drop the bomb and escape.

The first is the range, and the second is the power. How can a 20mm machine gun be as powerful as a Firebolt? Even the current r4m is 55mm.

Now, the distance between the two sides is still approaching rapidly. After entering the visual contact, they continue to approach, ten kilometers, five kilometers, four kilometers, three kilometers

"Salvo rockets, four." Norwatney shouted, and then he took the lead in pulling up the nose.

In order to launch rockets, their sight has also been improved. Compared with shells, the trajectory of rockets in the air is more curved. Although their height is higher than that of the other party, the height difference is also different due to different distances. Now, they need to raise the firing angle slightly.

Almost as soon as it was pulled down, the movable ring of the sight had put the other party in the middle of the crosshair, and then norwatney pressed the shooting button.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!" Four soft noises appeared from under the wing.

A brilliant flame emerged from the tail of r4m rocket. Driven by the rocket engine, it quickly left the pylon. When it separated from the pylon, the folding wing of the tail was successfully bounced off.

The technology of folding wings is not complicated. In this era, in order to insert rockets into rocket launchers, almost all of them are in the form of folding wings.

The bullet keeps the trajectory stable by rotating, while the rocket depends on the tail wing. Now, with the tail wing unfolding, the rocket regains its balance and continues to fly forward with the flame of the tail.

Behind the flame, a black smoke and four rockets, that is, four black smoke, dragged forward in the air and went straight to the American bomber force.

If a single fighter intercepts another bomber, it will launch its own 24 rockets. Now, because it is two intercepting lines composed of 24 fighters, even if each fighter only launches four rockets, it is nearly 100 rockets, forming a terrible array of rockets in the air, It was like the arrow rain formed by the ancient soldiers' array, flying forward.

The scene was spectacular.

When the rocket was launched, the pilots did not return to level flight. They pushed the throttle lever to the maximum, continued to climb up and disengaged from the just altitude.

This is to avoid danger.

The black smoke emitted by the engines of nearly 100 rockets has spread in the rear, forming a terrible black cloud. If you continue to fly at that altitude, the engine will shut down at any time because of the smoke swallowed by the engine. The consequences are very serious. If you don't do well, the aircraft will be destroyed and people will die. Now, just climb and leave the original altitude.

At the same time, they climb for another purpose.

At this point, the multiple-choice questions are left to the other party.

If the other side does not change the flight direction and disband the formation, it will suffer from the saturation attack of terrible rockets and suffer heavy losses. If they disperse, it will not form cross fire. The jet troops will dive down from high altitude, enter in the dead corner of the other side's shooting and kill the other side.

Now, the jet formation climbed up to prepare for the next battle, and this difficult multiple-choice question remained in front of major general Kenneth.

The black smoke seemed to be the devil from hell. At the front of the fire, there were rockets flying. What should our side do?

At this moment, major general Kenneth thought of a lot, the flying American flag, the honor of American soldiers, all the way to the women and children in his family. His eyes were firm: "according to the original plan, prepare for the bombing countdown."

They will enter the bombing almost immediately.

"One minute countdown." So William began the final count. The plane remained stable. If it was hit, die. If it wasn't hit, bomb.

When he had just counted to 58, the terrible rocket had already flown.

Major general Kenneth's eyes were burning. He looked at the first rocket flying from the outside of the left wing of his own plane. His eyes were full of contempt. Then, the second rocket flew from the right side of the fuselage and missed.

Even if you are in a dense formation, there is a big gap in the middle. It's too difficult for the other party to hit!

Just then, a third rocket came.

The rocket, in the retina of major general Kenneth, grew larger and larger. He seemed to be able to see the warhead, the tail wing and the trajectory of the rocket.

It should be wrong, it will be, God bless!

In his eyes, the rocket almost flew past the No. 1 engine on the left. From his point of view, it should not collide.

"Boom!" Just then, suddenly, a huge explosion sounded, and the warhead of the rocket exploded!

Countless shrapnel flew towards the engine, broke through the outer aluminum alloy shell and penetrated the inner cylinder. In an instant, black smoke came out of the engine.

At this moment, major general Kenneth is still calm. It doesn't matter if he loses an engine. He can fly!

However, in the next second, from the position of the engine, the wing suddenly broke off in unison!