Chapter 1761

What should I do when I find that the money in my hand is counterfeit? No one wants to send it to the bank for destruction. Almost everyone will try to spend it and reduce their losses.

This is the instinct of human nature.

Now, Shrek is thinking the same way.

Use balloon bombs to carry printed dollars. When they arrive over the United States, these dollars will be picked up. The dollars falling from the sky will make American citizens ecstatic. In this way, these counterfeit coins will circulate soon.

Even if the U.S. government realizes that these falling coins are counterfeit, even if the U.S. government repeatedly orders people to automatically hand them over to the nearby police, will people listen?

Most of them won't listen. They are thinking about how to spend the money.

In this way, naturally, these counterfeit banknotes circulate in the United States. With the influx of more and more counterfeit banknotes, it will disrupt the U.S. financial order and hit the U.S. economy.

This proposal is the best for Shrek, but not for the islanders.

After working for a long time, you're busy in vain?

They print counterfeit money, which also has a cost, and the cost is not low. Of course, they hope to spend this batch of counterfeit money. Even if it is not equivalent exchange, they should at least benefit their own.

And now, with the proposal of Chirac, they have no benefit at all. They give it away for free. How can they do such a stupid thing! In addition to the increase of domestic currency in the United States, what benefits can they have?

No, it's a bad idea!

Gu Hefeng instinctively wanted to oppose, but thinking about the current situation, he swallowed these words back to his stomach.

So it was only hilrick who continued to say his opinion there.

"In this way, within a month, the United States will be filled with a large number of counterfeit money. If Americans appeal, they will expose the secret of Balloon Bombs and cause more panic. In this way, no matter what Americans do, they are wrong. This is killing two birds with one stone. Well, I have a new idea. In addition to these US dollars, how about you make some war bonds? "

War bonds? Hearing what xierik said, Gu Hefeng was stunned. Would that thing also be forged? What's the usage? Did the Americans issue it?


At that time, the German economy was on the verge of bankruptcy. Anyone who came to power intended to increase taxes to restore the country. As a result, it was driven down by the people. Only Hitler put forward a new plan, that is, to increase investment and carry out national infrastructure construction. In this way, the German economy took off and recovered quickly.

Then the question arises. Germany needs funds to recover its economy. How did those funds come from?

Of course, it depends on borrowing. In addition to searching for domestic Jewish wealth, it is more important to borrow from Wall Street. When the debt repayment deadline comes, it happens to go to war with the United States, and this debt will be completely repudiated.

At the same time, the United States is also facing the same terrible problem. The war is simply a bottomless pit. In order to win the war, the United States has to increase more investment. In terms of military, it has spared no effort to develop in all aspects, and even passed the lease bill to borrow its own products selflessly.

Now, the United States is about to go bankrupt.

Roosevelt frowned when he heard the words of his most trusted Secretary of the Treasury. The Navy wanted to build warships, the Army wanted to build tanks and planes. All these are astronomical figures. The Atlantic defense project is huge. With the funds of the Atlantic defense, the Manhattan Project secretly invested a lot. After the war began, there is a large pension. Now, The financial situation of the United States is indeed bad.

"We must solve this problem." Roosevelt said, "why don't we add some more taxes?"

Roosevelt was best at the economy. After all, when Roosevelt came to power, his greatest contribution was to pull the United States out of the economic crisis. At that time, he cut taxes. Now, what he needs is tax increase. If he wants to get funds, the first thing he thinks of is tax increase.

Moreover, because of the war, even if there are more taxes, the people will understand that America is the last free world. If the United States falls, the whole world will put the terrible ten thousand word flag.

Hearing Roosevelt's words, Marshall on one side immediately expressed his opposition: "no, we have increased taxes twice, and we can't increase them any more."

When the war just began, that is, Roosevelt declared war on Germany through Congress, Roosevelt drafted and adopted a tax increase policy to increase personal income tax, corporate income tax and excess profit tax. After the eastern coastline was bombed by the Germans, Roosevelt decided to increase taxes again, of which the maximum amount of personal income tax reached a terrible 94%!

What is this concept? Only 6% of the income can be retained, and the rest will be taken away.

Of course, there is a threshold for this tax rate. Only those groups with an annual income of more than $200000 will pay it. The tax rate of the excess part is such a terrible figure.

Despite the vigorous tax increase, the increased taxes are not enough to maintain terrible expenses. All the fiscal surpluses of previous years have been eaten up, and the US government is going bankrupt.

Marshall is quite clear that continuing to raise taxes will completely disgust the people. If not, it will force the people to Germany. Look at Europe. In countries ruled by Germany, how good people's lives are and how low tax rates are. As long as the Germans start to publicize like this, people's minds will change.

Can't add that since ancient times, the destruction of any country has been caused by excessive collection of people?

Roosevelt nodded. He also knew that the tax could not be increased. What else could he do except to increase the tax? Do you want to issue additional currency? Print more US dollars?

The idea just flashed in Roosevelt's mind, and he couldn't help smiling and shaking his head. This method would never work.

Direct additional currency issuance is terrible. Although it looks similar on the surface, it is because the government has more money and the people have less money. When the government uses this money to buy things and pay, it will lead to terrible inflation.

This is uncontrollable. For example, if the currency is issued in excess of 10%, the inflation may be 50%.

If everyone knows that the government has printed money, those who have money in their hands quickly take the money to buy things, and those who have goods in their hands will cover their things and not sell them. The money on the market is 10% more, but the total amount of goods is 30% less.

This is quite terrible and may even lead to the collapse of the entire monetary system.

Moreover, unlike other countries, the power of the United States to issue money is not in the hands of the government, but the Federal Reserve, which can also be said to be monopolized by American Super businessmen.

(this system is very strange, and it also explains the essence of this democratic country. Why was President Kennedy assassinated? It is said that he wants to take back the power to issue money. Of course, this is a legend. Make complaints about it.

Roosevelt was well aware of the terrible of over issuing money. This method seems simple, but it is actually the most complex. If you can't over issue money, do you want to collect private funds?

It seems that there is only another way left.