Chapter 1735

Major Sarkozy's mistake is unforgivable.

If he continues to climb up, the two planes should stall almost at the same time. If he can insist again, the fw190 below may fall first.

However, major Sarkozy couldn't help it first. Air battles are calculated in seconds. In this fierce air battle, we should keep sober enough every second. Any mistake may bring disastrous consequences.

Like now.

Major Sarkozy, who dived down first, suddenly had several more holes in the fuselage. The 20mm axis gun shell tore open the pirate's fuselage at once, and then it burned.

A victory!

Alcatel's heart was very excited, but he deliberately kept calm. Now the war is still going on. They should try their best to prevent each other's fighters from crossing the intercept line.

Alcatel's eyes looked at the surrounding airspace and soon found several special targets on the sparkling sea.

Want to sneak in? It's not that easy!

Alcatel pushed the lever and fw190 began to dive rapidly downward.

Closer and closer, Alcatel can see clearly that it is several TBF "Avenger" torpedo attack aircraft of the U.S. Navy.

In this era, it is also a common way to attack enemy warships with torpedoes, and the characteristics of torpedo aircraft are also obvious.

It needs a three person cabin.

Torpedo throwing is not so simple. It needs special people to operate and have a responsible process. Therefore, it is necessary to add a bomber sitting in the middle. The pilot is in front and the gunner is in the back.

Torpedo planes are bulky. In order to protect their own safety, like other bombers, they need a gunner at the tail to protect their rear hemisphere.

The current Avenger torpedo is the latest model, designed and produced by Grumman company, and has just been in service.

In the chaotic air battle, the torpedo plane skillfully avoided the smoke of gunpowder on the battlefield and flew low on the sea level. At this time, it could see the terrible fleet on the sea in the distance.

Everyone was shocked by the achievements of the Germans in the past few years. After World War I, Germany had lost its navy, and now their navy has expanded to a terrible extent.

"Prepare to drop torpedoes, targets, destroyers ahead." Said the commander of the torpedo.

Although they also want to attack the aircraft carrier at the core of the formation or the battleship in front of the formation, the commander of the torpedo aircraft knows that their aircraft flying at ultra-low altitude cannot fly to the core of the formation of the other party.

If they want to break through the layers of interception by peripheral warships, they will certainly be shot down in the middle.

Their task is to smash the opening and destroy the outer escort warships, so that their dive bombers can approach the inner aircraft carrier and blow up the other party's most important warships.

Although the battleships are also close to the outside, the battleships are protected by thick armor, and so are underwater. Their torpedoes can't cause damage to the battleships at all.

Kill their peripheral anti-aircraft destroyers!

Just then, suddenly, the machine gunner behind shouted, "German fighter!"

In the sky, an fw190 came roaring. The machine gunner's heart was highly nervous. His eyes stared at the sight, then pressed the button, and the electric tail turret began to rotate. Then, he stepped on the launcher.

"Dada dada." The 12.7mm machine gun roared and splashed bullets into the sky. The machine gunner was too nervous. At this time, he was not within the range of the machine gun, but he also played a certain role. When he found the tail gun, the fighter behind flew away.

Was it so easy to get expelled?

This torpedo squadron has never participated in combat before. Most of the above personnel are novices. Even the squadron leader has not experienced combat in his service career for several years.

Now, seeing the other party fly away, the squadron leader is relieved and continues to move forward, ready to throw torpedoes!

The bomber in the middle is preparing quickly, setting the depth and route, and then, please God bless, the torpedo must blow up after touching it, and there can be no duds.

At this time, it was suddenly dark overhead. The bomber in the middle raised his head and shouted in horror: "there are enemy planes overhead!"

Fw190, unexpectedly, swooped down from their heads at an almost vertical angle. The attack angle of this terrible aircraft is too tricky. There is no protection here at all.

"Bang, bang!" The axis gun was roaring, and only three rounds hit the torpedo in the middle and exploded in the air.

When Alcatel pulled up, he saw that the remaining torpedo planes had quickly lost their torpedoes and began to accelerate and escape backward.

Throw away the torpedo and you'll be fine? Wait for yourself to continue mending the knife!

The attack just now was quite dangerous. If Alcatel pulled up one second late, he would have close contact with the target. At the same time, it was too exciting.

Alcatel just wanted to rush up and kill one as usual. The remaining light from the corner of his eyes swept casually into the sky above his head. He was immediately surprised.

Just as he was chasing these torpedo planes at ultra-low altitude, several seagull wing planes had flown in the sky overhead, only more than ten kilometers away from his own fleet!

It's too dangerous!

Relying on the pilot's vision, Alcatel easily saw that the planes with seagull wings were different from those just now. Under the flat belly, there were two bombs, which were going to dive and bomb!

Torpedo planes are at low altitude and dive bombers are at medium altitude, approaching from different airspace. Although the aircraft carrier formation has released almost all fighters, it is still impossible to completely parry in front of the US Navy fighters surging like the tide, and there will be fish in the net.

This is all planned. There are a large number of air defense warships on the periphery of the aircraft carrier formation. Those 40mm bofoss anti-aircraft guns will make them realize what is the barrage protection of the Imperial Navy.

However, whenever possible, try to eliminate each other on the periphery.

As a result, Alcatel had to give up those torpedo planes that had escaped, pull the operating lever, and the fighter began to climb up. Soon, he visually confirmed that it was the same model as the fighter just intercepted, the pirate fighter.

Any advanced fighter can be multifunctional. For example, fw190 can hang bombs, heavier than Stuka, or torpedoes.

The pirate fighter is also such an advanced aircraft. It carries two 1000 pound bombs, which is better than many light bombers.

At this time, the two pirate fighters were struggling to fly towards the German naval fleet. With the help of their brother forces, they successfully penetrated the defense. Now it is the final stage.