Chapter 1685

Last time, Roosevelt was so excited that he wanted to intercept Shrek's plane. What happened? The planes sent out have not been affected until now. In order to reduce the impact, they claim to have suffered a bad weather accident. However, the real reason is that no one is willing to think about it.

If it could have been an accident last time, it must not be regarded as an accident this time. All this shows that there have been great omissions in our own intelligence system. The greatest possibility is that the telegram has been decoded by the other party.

Roosevelt was gnashing his teeth at this time. What should we do?

Other bombers are on the bombing route. According to the plan, they can bomb the intended target in another hour, but now that such a thing has happened, it shows that the Germans have long been prepared.

"The bombing was cancelled and all bomber troops were ordered to return." Roosevelt said.

Cancel? Hearing Roosevelt's words, Arnold also opened his mouth, didn't he? So you're back? We racked our brains to design the air route. At the same time, we raised hundreds of bombers and planned to have a grand scene. However, now we have come back so disheartened?

"Greenland is no longer safe. They must return to their starting place and let them drop the bomb and come back at the most fuel-efficient height and speed." Roosevelt's face was quite depressed. Now, of course, he was unwilling.

Originally, it was scheduled to return to Greenland after the bombing, but now? Greenland has been bombed. Even if their B-29 bombers have completed their mission, where should they land? If you go to Greenland, even if you can find a landing site, you will be blown up.

They can only return to their starting place. In this case, the fuel is not enough. It may be time to turn back now, and they have to throw away the loaded bomb.

Damn it!

In fact, Arnold wanted to continue when he heard the news, but now, with President Roosevelt's explanation, he also understood that, indeed, the mission should be cancelled.

"Well, I'll order them to return immediately." Arnold is out.

The situation is not the worst. After all, when the Germans bombed their own base in Greenland, they did not use that terrible weapon, which shows that the Germans are also restrained. After all, unlike before, the United States already has one.

At least, it was half the success and eliminated the threat of Midway.

Roosevelt looked at the map on the wall and mused.

"Mr. President, under the current circumstances, it is unrealistic to rely on our surface formation and air bombers to sneak into the German Navy." Nimitz spoke again.

In the air, the voyage is too far. Without a suitable base, Greenland will often be bombed and take off too far from Canada. As for the Navy, before the ice aircraft carrier was built, even if the Pacific Fleet was transferred, it was impossible to fight a decisive battle with the German fleet on the sea.

This is the terrible reality. The United States has to wait for the Germans to fight. It can only wait passively. Roosevelt wanted to take the initiative several times, but there was no effect in the end.

"And then?" Roosevelt asked, of course he knew that his man was definitely not talking about depression.

"I think we should pay attention to the role of submarines." Nimitz said, "we sent submarine troops to launch a large-scale operation to kill the outfitted warships in those shipyards!"

It's the same attack on the port, but this time it's up to the Navy!

Throughout World War II, Germany's Atlantic wolves are the most famous, enough to embarrass any other submarine force. When the British people are worried and afraid that the Germans are stuck in their necks, their fear comes from their heart.

In contrast, the submarines of other countries seem to have little reputation, especially the United States, which is almost the world of Shipborne aviation and battleships, and there are almost no brilliant achievements of submarines.

If you look at it this way, it is definitely one-sided.

The submarine force of the US Navy also achieved brilliant results.

From World War I to the outbreak of World War II, the U.S. Navy did not pay much attention to submarines. In the eyes of the US Navy, the main role of submarines is as Scouts of the main fleet, known as "fleet submarines". In the vast Pacific Ocean, submarines with a displacement of only one or two thousand tons and fuel-efficient diesel engines are indeed a very suitable reconnaissance platform.

Until the Pearl Harbor Incident broke out, the U.S. Navy had no particularly modern submarines. Moreover, the torpedoes used by U.S. submarines often failed to explode because of fuse failure, and suffered a lot in the early stage of the war.

However, with the progress of the war, the situation has changed greatly. The United States has greatly expanded its navy and submarines have also begun to expand. After the construction of a new generation of submarines, American submarines are active in the ocean.

Especially since July 1943, the Allied forces have fully entered the counter offensive stage in the Pacific battlefield, and U.S. submarines have gone deep into the Western Pacific to hunt before the aircraft carrier formation and Marine Corps.

After the war, there were eight aircraft carriers that died in the hands of submarines: CHONGYING, Dafeng, Xianghe, Dafeng, Yunying, Shenying, Xinnong and Yunlong. One battleship, four heavy cruisers, etc., sank more than 170 warships; A total of 1152 merchant ships and 4.86 million tons were sunk.

This result is no less than that of Germany.

Now, Nimitz, who spoke to Roosevelt, actually came from the submarine army.

German maritime transportation mainly takes the Mediterranean Sea, leaving few opportunities for hunting for their own submarines. However, it is also a good idea to sneak into each other's harbor and attack their warships.

Hearing Nimitz's words, Roosevelt nodded: "let the boys of our submarine army go out! No matter how much it costs, we should also destroy the German shipbuilding industry and try to destroy their surface ships. "

Roosevelt knew very well that sending only submarine troops without surface ships would cost submarines a lot, but now he had no choice.

The sacrifice of the submarine force is to make the United States survive until the victory of the war. Just like the bomber force dispatched this time, the pilots also risked their lives.

At this time, as long as there is a way, we have to use it!

"I recommend general Lockwood as the commander-in-chief of the submarine force, organize all our available submarines and direct this huge offensive." Nimitz continued.