Chapter 1676

This is the advantage of practicing. If I hadn't raised my legs just now, I'm afraid I wouldn't have two legs. Now, DEX was terrified to see the fighter fall.

The fighter plane fell into the sea. At the same time, DEX soon fell into the sea. He did not sigh for the rest of his life. For him, the danger was not over, and the sea was full of danger.

DEX took off his parachute and was lucky that there was no danger of winding the parachute rope. Then, looking at the vast sea around him, he decided to find a rock that could rest. There are still many islands and reefs near here.

As a last resort, we must not go upstream of the island, because it is under the control of the islanders.

At this time, suddenly, a huge fireball broke out in the air ten thousand meters high. Under the sweep of the fireball, all the dozens of planes around were torn apart.

It was like brilliant fireworks. When he found this scene, DEX's eyes were wet. He knew that the whole bomber force was finished. The bomb carried by an aircraft was killed and exploded, which actually brought such terrible results.

It's still directly blown up. If you wait until the liquid emits and forms a secondary explosion, the scene must be very good-looking. Unfortunately, several fighter planes of the island country were also rolled into it. They shouted loudly, and then the flame devoured them.

The interception battle lasted five minutes and ended.

The sky is empty. There is no trace of war. Only some debris scattered on the sea seems to be telling something.

Sander Island, Henderson airport.

BF109 fighters flew from the distant sky. When they appeared in the field of vision of the airport personnel, the personnel on the ground made a ulaulaulaulah sound.

Some people held up the towel like thing in their hands and waved it to the sky. Others tied it to their heads. In short, everyone was very excited.

In the past, such terrible bombers would bring terrible harm to them at any time, but they could not pose an effective threat to such bombers.

But now, they can finally easily intercept this terrible bomber. In the air of 10000 meters high, they blew up one bomber after another!

Pheasant 56 also stood at one end of the runway, looking at these returning fighters, his mind rippling.

"Our pilots are all good." Pheasant 56 said, "they are the best soldiers in the Empire. By the way, we have recently arranged several ships of comfort personnel to comfort our soldiers."

"Yes." Next to him, Kondo Hsinchu replied, "we'll arrange it right away."

The imperial soldiers also have physiological needs when they fight everywhere. In other places, this problem is easy to solve. On an isolated island, it is not easy to solve.

It can only be transported by ship.

That's also necessary.

"Commander, the Americans will not be reconciled to this failure. They will bomb again. It's not safe here. Do you want to leave here as soon as possible?" Kondo asked pheasant 56.

"Of course not." Pheasant 56 said, "as a warrior of the Empire, how can I be afraid of the enemy's bombing? I'll stay here for two days, and I'll leave tomorrow and tonight. "

The words of pheasant 56 made Kondo suddenly understand.

It's not safe during the day. It's too close to the American base. What if it takes off during the day and is intercepted by a large number of American planes? Today's bombing shows that the Americans have gathered a huge flying force and made it a priority.

Americans must be worried. After all, Germany has laid Moscow and has focused on the United States. Once the United States and Germany enter a state of war, it must sign a peace agreement with the island countries, and the fruits of victory can be consolidated.

Now is the most critical time. There must be no mistakes. Well, how comfortable it would be to sign a peace agreement here in the future.

The pheasant was very excited when he thought of it.

His mind is very clear. Staying here for a day to celebrate the success of the pilots, especially waiting for the arrival of comfort personnel, is also a welfare for the soldiers in the base. He can't leave safely until tomorrow night. It can't be said that he is afraid.

The bombing failed, and the Americans had to stop for at least a few days.

Pheasant 56 didn't know. It was this decision that left his life here, even ashes.

Across the ocean, the United States, the White House.

Arnold hurried in and said to the president in his wheelchair, "Mr. President, our bombing failed."

Yes, the bombing mission failed.

Originally, they thought their strategy was perfect, but who could have thought that a large number of BF109 appeared in the air force base on Midway Island. After returning, American fighter pilots angrily scolded the intelligence department. What happened? I don't know?

Because of the mistake of intelligence, they suffered heavy losses. Now, Arnold's heart is also dissatisfied.

"Really?" Roosevelt was very calm. He took Arnold's report and looked at it carefully, page by page, turning to the end.

Closing the report, Roosevelt said, "so, what do our bomber forces think now?"

"BF109 is a high-altitude fighter. For us, we don't have a complete grasp of it. We can only dispatch more escort fighters. Moreover, the islanders must have new radar to find us in advance. If we want to bomb again, we can only increase the number of aircraft, or..."

"Or what?" Roosevelt asked.

"Or we use night bombing." Arnold's mind flashed. In the past, he was too stupid. Why didn't he think of this step?

Bombing during the day is easy to be intercepted by fighter planes, but it is different at night. Now there is no intelligence that the islanders have deployed night fighter planes there. The scale of the air base is so large. With so many BF109, there will never be night fighter planes again.

Generally speaking, night bombing is not easy, it is difficult to find the target, and it is difficult to ensure the bombing accuracy. However, if your side uses the father of that kind of bomb, it is not afraid.

In this way, the number of dispatched can also be greatly reduced. It is enough to dispatch another bomber brigade!

Thinking of this, he was ready to move and couldn't wait to regain his dignity.

Roosevelt nodded, then shook his head: "Arnold, your vision is still not wide enough. As a senior commander, you should look at the problem from a higher height."

Higher height? Arnold was puzzled. What did the president say?

"We suffered a loss in midway during the day. The islanders will certainly think that we will continue to bomb, and the Germans will think so. They will think that our main targets are on the island. They want to solve the island problem and avoid two-line combat before Germany launches an attack." Roosevelt said, "now is the time when the Germans are paralyzed. We simply fight on two lines and bomb midway and Germany at the same time. What do you think?"