Chapter 1669

The arrival of Americans was so unexpected.

If you don't come early or late, this is the time!

After occupying midway, the island's navy was ready. After all, it was nailing a nail under the eyes of the Americans. The Americans must be unwilling. Later, around midway, the two sides banged several times.

The islanders deployed a large number of anti-aircraft guns near the base, coupled with various firepower such as warships, and effectively guarded the airspace here. At the same time, some time ago, they also organized death squads to bomb the nearby American aviation base. Later, the Americans were really honest for some time.

Today, when pheasant 56 came to midway with great interest to watch the latest BF109 fighter deployed by his side, he actually found the American attack!

This is a great joy for the islanders.

If it was in the past, their zero battle was helpless to the 10000 meter high aircraft because of the supercharger, but now it is different. They have BF109, which can intercept American bombers at high altitude!

Since the Americans are coming, let the Americans know their strength!

"Pacific Joint Fleet, the first wing of Midway detachment, take off immediately!" In the base, just as the pheasant 56 ran towards the air defense fortification, the garrison commander of the midway base, Ichiro Ozawa, issued an order.

In this era, the elite pilots of the island country's navy have not lost all. Although the aircraft carrier has been lost, it is because of the bombing of the other party's aircraft. Their pilots have not fought repeatedly with the United States, resulting in the death of all people.

Those who can fly BF109 are all elites among the elites. Now, although the situation is urgent, they are very quick to dispatch.

The military base of the United States is well built. It is directly the aircraft cavern. In the cavern, one BF109 has been successfully launched. The door of the cavern is opened, and the fighters taxied along the channel towards the runway in front.

At the end of the runway, BF109 fighters, at full power, soared into the air.

Americans, if you want to bomb, come on!

While the planes behind were still taking off one after another, Okamoto's fighters had flown in the direction of the US bomber fleet.

The biggest advantage of zero war is the long range. In addition, it is almost useless. The current BF109 uses the 1850 HP engine of Mercedes Benz. When it starts, it brings smooth and surging power to the whole aircraft.

At the same time, it was easy to climb. The fighter of Okamoto quickly climbed to an altitude of 10000 meters. He wore an oxygen mask and breathed the air inside. At the same time, his eyes were also staring at the clear sky in front of him.

It's a fine day for bombing.

Finally, there were bright spots in front. At the beginning, it was a vague flash. When he continued to fly, he could finally distinguish the bright spots one by one.

It's really the American bomber force!

"Midway, find the target, American bomber group." Okamoto shouted on the radio.

At this time, he saw several new highlights in the other party's bomber fleet, and his eyes were immediately attracted: "they have escort fighters!"

Yes, of course, the American bomber force needs escort fighters.

At this time, the old rival of the island country, the 58th bomber wing, flew over. They drove the most advanced B-29 bomber in the United States.

Because they only bombed an island, they only used one bomber group. The 462nd bomber group and 12 B-29 bombers flew in front of them, which was Captain James's bomber.

On a long voyage, they flew from the United States. At the same time, when they flew here, they were escorted by P-51 Mustang fighters from the air force base in the Hawaiian Islands.

Now, the formation is flying towards Midway Island. James, the leader, sees the lonely fighter in the clear airspace in the distance.

When he saw it, the pupils of his eyes narrowed. Damn it, there was a mistake in the information!

When they were carrying out this mission, they got a briefing that there was only about one united zero battle on Midway Island. For them, there was no threat.

After all, the island countries' aviation technology is backward. Only after the myth of zero war was broken did they know that this kind of fighter is absolutely scum.

Without a high-performance supercharger, it is impossible to fly to high altitude, and the B-29 is not dangerous.

In the previous bombings, those who came to take off and intercept were zero wars. Therefore, the mission briefing was not wrong, and the US intelligence personnel did not understand the BF109 fleet deployed to midway a few days ago. The islanders have changed their guns.

Now, just watching the other side fly to an altitude of 10000 meters, he knows that the situation is not good. When did the islanders start to have such aircraft?

At this time, it was in the morning that the sun rose from the East. They attacked from the East and occupied a unique advantage.

Therefore, they took the lead in seeing the shape of the opposite plane. When they saw the outline, James took a breath of air conditioning.

BF109, the main German fighter! At the beginning of the European war, this kind of aircraft was absolutely invincible all over Europe!

In short, this kind of aircraft is difficult to deal with. If the islanders are equipped with this kind of aircraft, their own air raid will suffer heavy losses.

What should I do?

While he was still hesitating, the P-51 fighters escorting around him had rushed up, so James knew that he had no choice at all.

This bombing mission is very important. The most special bomb carried by their aircraft is a task that must be completed. If the bombing is unsuccessful, their colleagues will continue to bomb again at the risk of the enemy's air defense fire.

This is the mission of the bomber force. Even if they know there is danger ahead, they will go up. If they are afraid of fighting, more companions will be sent.

Even if you know you're going to die, you have to try!

Fortunately, there is only one, which may be an accident. Now the main German fighter is fw190. The performance of this aircraft with air-cooled engine has almost reached the limit of piston fighter. The BF109 has not improved in recent years and has fallen behind.

Maybe the islanders want one for testing. If the performance meets the needs of the islanders, the islanders will order it in large quantities?

"Attention, continue to fly according to the original plan and shrink the formation." James shouted on the radio.

Even if there are a large number of bf-109, they don't have to be too afraid, because they have developed the unique tactics of B-29 formation flying.