Chapter 1655

Has the Soviet Union failed?

At the foot of Ural Mountain, on an ordinary mine.

In the Soviet Union, belia was in charge of many projects. In addition to the intelligence system, it was mainly military production. On the side of Ural Mountain, a large number of mines were his lineage.

The security personnel of the Ministry of the interior, now, they can still rely on.

In a small house in the mine, Stalin sat on an old chair and looked at the newspaper in his hand.

The military parade in Moscow was broadcast around the world through television. However, the eastern part of the Soviet Union is still very backward, and there is no perfect television network. In the mountainous areas here, there is no television.

They can only grasp the situation on the front line through newspapers published in Germany.

Today's newspaper shocked them most.

The Germans held a military parade in Moscow. Thinking of those damn Germans, stepping on the land of Moscow and the ground of Red Square, Stalin felt the turbulence in his head.

"Khrushchev defected." Belia took the newspaper and gnashed her teeth when she spoke.

The front page of the newspaper is the scene of the military parade. On the front is the military parade platform. There are many people on it. Not far from shirek, is the short and fat Khrushchev.

His face, so flattering, disgusting!

Behind them, the outline of the Kremlin can be seen faintly. However, the arch like structure below the building makes everyone heartache. There was the attack of war.

The buildings with hundreds of years of history have lost their original appearance, which is very painful in everyone's heart.

"When we return, we must catch Khrushchev. I'll kill him myself!" Stalin said, "he rebelled against the Soviet Union and surrendered to Germany with the whole city!"

Other people in the past rebelled, and there are reasons. They were captured, and then they surrendered when they were desperate. However, Khrushchev was not. Khrushchev took the initiative to surrender to the enemy, which is even worse.

"Khrushchev, it's really stupid enough." While reading the newspaper, Beria said, "what good is it for him to surrender to the Germans? Now, the Germans have ordered Khrushchev to attack the East with the original Stalingrad garrison. Well, he has come to die. "

The German means are so vicious that the Red Army will kill each other!

It was clearly said in the newspaper that after the military parade in Moscow, all the armies continued to sweep the remaining land eastward. They must have come all the way eastward and towards the Ural Mountains.

The troops of other servant countries should be put aside first. The troops led by Khrushchev must be destroyed first to let them know the end of betraying the motherland!

They rebelled and thought it was good. What happened? The Germans still push them to death!

Forcing them to work hard with his own side, has Khrushchev regretted it now? Hum, even if you lie down under your feet and beg again this time, you can't spare him!

"We don't have many troops on hand now." Belia said: "the troops in the Far East have been quite empty after several moves. If the islanders know that there is a layer of paper in front of them, maybe the islanders will be ready to move again."

During the battle in Moscow, another mobilization was carried out. Now the Far East is also empty. If the original battle of Nomenkan had not beaten the islanders badly, the islanders might have come long ago.

Once the islanders attack again from the East, they will certainly not be able to support themselves under the attack of both sides.

If the troops cannot be mobilized, facing the aggressive offensive troops, our own side can only retreat and retreat constantly, and use the depth of the vast Soviet territory to consume the other party's military strength.

The Far East is the last land.

Everyone feels heavy at the thought of this.

The industrial area of Ural Mountain has been crippled, losing industrial support, population and territory. Can our side persist?

Yes, it must be. Germany will not consume its huge army on vast and barren land. It only needs to deal with the troops of those servant countries. Germany is already firing at the United States. Just look at Chirac's speech.

This is our precious respite!

"Comrade Stalin, we have received news from the United States." Just then Molotov came in from the outside.

They could have gone to big cities. Although Germany bombed, there were still many cities along the Ural Mountains, and gubishev was their designated temporary capital. Even embassies of some countries set up offices there.

However, Stalin did not go to those cities because he realized that it was unsafe. As long as he went, maybe the Germans would blow up the whole city. Germany had the ability and motivation. As long as he killed him, an iron giant, the Soviet Union would collapse completely.

Molotov got the news from gubishev. Now hurry to report to Stalin.

"Well, what's the news from the United States?" Hearing this, Stalin turned his head and looked at him intently.

Whether the Soviet can persist depends largely on the United States. Now, the Soviet has lost a large area of land and most of its industry and agriculture. Without the support of the United States, it goes without saying that it will almost starve to death if it continues to fight.

Now that Moscow is gone and the United States is about to be attacked by Germany, what is the attitude of the United States towards the Soviet Union?

"The United States will continue to support us, weapons, ammunition and food, just as before." Said Molotov.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the United States continues to support as before, its own side can stick to it. Otherwise, under the German propaganda offensive, its own side may collapse.

"However, the United States has one condition." Molotov said, "the United States wants a group of people from us, and the list is here."

The support of the United States is definitely not free, just take what they need. Now, this is a long list, including the families of those who went to the United States to investigate, as well as other scientific and technological personnel who still remain in the Soviet Union.

For example, Korolev, Grushko and others are on the list.

If these people are given to the United States, it can be said that the Soviet Union will have little scientific research ability. When the country is restored in the future, the Soviet Union will also face the danger of dating the scientific and technological level.

If not, the United States will certainly procrastinate in support, which is also not good for itself.

What should I do?

Stalin was meditating when suddenly an exciting news came in.

"Comrade Stalin, general rokosovsky has made contact with us. He is still alive!"