Chapter 1618

In fact, many people have this question in mind all the time. The territory of the Soviet Union is too vast. When the Barbarosa plan was formulated, it almost aimed to reach Moscow.

Now, this goal has been achieved, and new problems have emerged. What should we do next?

Up to now, it has almost been fought on the land of Europe, and the Soviet Union still has huge territory in Asia. How to deal with these territories is an important issue in front of everyone.

It is an obvious fact that continuing to push eastward is actually not worth the loss.

The territory of the Soviet Union is so vast that if it were all occupied and stationed, it would consume the huge military strength of Germany. Now, head of state Chirac has long looked to the other side of the ocean.

Therefore, although head of state Chirac has never said anything, everyone's questions have been swallowed. They believe that head of state Chirac has seen farther than his own side and must have had a plan long ago.

"After occupying Moscow, our focus will shift to cross sea landing and attack the United States." "In the course of our war with the Soviet Union, the Americans are rapidly developing their power. The longer it is pushed, the more unfavorable it will be to us," chirek said

Chirac's words won the approval of the people present.

Yes, the Americans are becoming stronger and stronger day by day. The Empire should be transferred to the elimination of the United States as soon as possible. Now, having occupied Moscow and won a great victory in the war against the Soviet Union, it is time to deal with the United States.

"However, there is still such a vast territory in the eastern part of the Soviet Union, especially in the Ural Mountains. There are a lot of mineral resources that we need." Ketter said, "if we stop now, are we not afraid to give the Soviets a chance to breathe? So far, we haven't heard from anyone else at the top of the Soviet Union. We only know that Zhukov has been killed. The others may have run away. "

A single spark can start a prairie fire. As long as the senior level of the Soviets still exists, it will always be a threat. It's best to eliminate them all.

"Yes, we need the huge minerals in the Ural Mountains, and we also need to sweep the eastern Soviet Union to completely eliminate their final strength, but we don't need to do it ourselves." Shrek said it simply, but the meaning was clear.

When launching the war against the Soviet Union, only Germany's own military strength was absolutely insufficient. Although the troops of those slave countries did not fight well, at least protecting the rear transportation line and cleaning the battlefield behind can also liberate the main force of Germany.

Now, what hirek means is to let these servant countries be the main force.

"Head of state Chirac, your words are very reasonable. It's time for other armies to give full play to their combat effectiveness. The Soviets are at the end of poverty. Now it's time for other armies to beat water dogs." Sherner agrees with Shrek.

Although the territory of the Soviet Union is vast, the really fertile land is Ukraine, and the developed industries are all in Europe. In the vast area of Asia, many are barren land. There is no other use except that the trees that block out the sky and the sun can become the wood source of the Empire.

These territories, controlled by Germany, are not of much use. It's better to leave them to the servant countries as booty.

"There are vast plain areas to the west of the Ural Mountain. Our tank forces can easily push forward in the past. Now, the main forces of the Soviet Union have been eliminated. I suggest that we can push all the way to the Ural Mountain area, and we can directly control these mineral resources. As for the area to the east of the Ural Mountain, we can hand it over to the slave countries." Keitel spoke again, and he put forward a different opinion.

It's all fat to the mouth. Why don't you bite it? In the first World War in Moscow, the main force of the Soviet Union was gone, and there was a smooth river behind it. The tank troops pushed forward at a high speed, and they could push to the Ural Mountain in a week to completely control the mineral resources there. In the future, Germany would no longer have to worry about iron ore.

"If the Soviets retreat eastward, they will certainly destroy the railway we have built along the way. We should start faster." Keitel continued.

The head of state of Shrek, who was like a stream of good people, nodded and agreed after only a brief consideration after hearing ketel's suggestion: "OK, let's send an army to the Ural Mountains!"

It is absolutely taboo to go deep alone. It is even more terrible in the vast land of the Soviet Union. When Germany attacks the Soviet Union, it must go hand in hand with the three-way army. That is such a consideration.

Now, Germany doesn't have to be afraid, because the main force of the Soviet Union no longer exists.

Even if the Soviets continue to mobilize troops from the Far East, it will take time. During this time, the German army has already hit the Ural Mountains. What's more, there are so many screaming servants behind?

As long as they fight down in the area east of the Ural Mountains, it is the territory of each servant country. Germany will not ask what they do there.

Well, it's more perfect. Shrek also doesn't think it's a good idea to end the war directly in Moscow.

"If so, I suggest we give some hints to the islanders." Reinhart, who had not spoken for a long time, said: "the main force of the Soviet Union has been defeated by us, but in the Far East, the Soviet Union still has formed a formed guard unit. The Soviets are likely to mobilize this last unit to regain territory, especially after we launch the war against the United States. If the islanders were involved, the Soviets would ignore the first and the last. "

At first, the islanders planned to go north and launched the battle of Nomenkan, but they were hurt by the Soviets. In World War II in history, the islanders never moved their mind on the Soviet Union and continued to develop southward and occupy Southeast Asia.

But now, what if the islanders see a layer of paper blocking them to the north and break it with a poke?

After several moves, the Soviet Union's defense in the Far East has been quite poor. In many places, there are only border guard teams, and there are no mobile reinforcements at all.

Well, that's a good idea, too.

At this moment, Shrek thought of a word, chasing the Central Plains.

Qin lost his deer and people all over the world chased it. Now, the polar bear is like this deer. It's time for all the servant countries to divide it together.

Russia lost its bear and was divided up by all the countries.

"In addition to the slave countries, in Central Asia, those people who were originally oppressed by the Soviets can also rise up. We welcome this. If they want to restore their former country, they must kill the Soviet rulers who are pressing on them."

This will certainly ignite a raging fire on the territory of the Soviet Union, so that the high-level of the Soviet Union will lose the support of the lower level.