Chapter 1530

The 442 regiment came to the battlefield with the determination to die. They have made the decision to write loyalty with their own blood and life. Here, they make up their mind that people are on the battlefield and people are dead.

But just then, the order to retreat came down.

At such a time, you ordered yourself to retreat? Of course not! Colette immediately shouted, "no, we don't go to the battlefield. We want to live or die with the position!"

Although kolit spoke English and many Soviets present could not understand it, they could hear the firmness in his voice.

The whole 442 regiment will hit the position like a nail.

"No, commander kolit, please carry out the order. Moreover, when you enter the urban area of Kalinin, you can better fight against the Germans. It is easier to fight German tanks in urban street warfare. Moreover, it will become a model of Moscow defense in the future."

Let them retreat, of course, there are a lot of considerations.

After all, they are reinforcements sent by the Americans. If they have just come to the Soviet German battlefield for less than half a month, they will be completely destroyed. How can they explain to the Americans? Even if they knew that the Americans were using the hands of the Soviet Union to consume these nicaragens, the Soviet Union could not do it completely.

Moreover, since these people came to the battlefield, they have been fighting bravely. Although they are low, their fighting will has always been the highest. Look, now, the soldiers who went out to fight an ambush are all Soviet soldiers retreating. Those nicenes are still fighting, and they will not retreat even if they know their death.

They are brave. We can't let them all die here.

Please execute the command Grevich continued: "retreat now, in order to fight better in the future."

"OK, I'll carry out the order." "Order, 442 regiment, to withdraw from the fighting," Colette said

He turned his head and looked. Behind him, the German tank troops surged up like a tide. Their high attitude was like a wolf howling at the sky.

The German is invincible and too strong. At this moment, such an idea came out of his mind.

The soldiers of the 442 regiment are retreating back in an orderly manner.

Kalinin city.

The continuous artillery fire outside the city made it buzzing. At this time, Admiral konev was still commanding at the front army headquarters.

"When the 442 regiment retreats to the urban area, we organize layers of defense in the urban area, which can certainly make the Germans pay great sacrifices. Bazuka of the 442 regiment can launch from the roof and hit their top. I don't believe they can protect the top." Admiral konev said: "Kalinin can't hold it, but in this process, we have to consume the effective strength of the Germans."

In the past, he could withdraw if he could not win. Although Stalin did not agree to withdraw, his senior general Zhukov hoped that the general team would withdraw, preserve their strength and wait for a counter attack.

But now, they can't go back.

Because behind them is Moscow.

Kalinin is equivalent to the north gate of Moscow. If Kalinin is occupied by the Germans, the Germans can drive straight in and attack Moscow from the north. They want to spend a lot of German strength here with their own blood and life. This is the task of the Kalinin front army.

Everyone is prepared.

Hearing his words, chief of staff kurasov said: "yes, withdraw the 442 regiment, and we can better attack the Germans in the street battle and let them know that it is not easy to occupy our city."

So far, in the Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, there has not been a loud street war. The street war in the urban area of Leningrad in history has not occurred and has been flattened directly. The historical battle for the defense of Stalingrad has not yet begun. The Turkish army in the south is moving towards Stalingrad.

"We have mobilized all the school-age youth in the city." Another political commissar said: "the old people, women and children in the city have been transferred. Everyone left is a soldier. They also want to live and die with the city."

For old maozi, the most important thing is people. At this time, it's time to block it with human life.

Let the whole Kalinin burn!

No one plans to go out alive, including the headquarters here. If the Germans rush up, it's better to fight in the end.

"When the 442 regiment retreats back, blow up the bridge." Admiral konev said that after his words, the faces of the people present were very ugly.

Like many cities, Kalinin is a city built on the estuary. The jimaka River and the liutvercha River join the estuary of the Volga river here, and the river crosses from east to west. Most of the cities are in the south, while only a small part of the north of the city is almost a suburb.

The city is divided in two by the river.

The Germans attacked from the north, so now the main defensive positions are in the north. If their own side blows up all the bridges in the north of the city, the German heavy tank troops can't get through at all. However, at the same time, it also means that their soldiers who still stay in the array can't retreat.

Their fate is doomed.

Fortification along the river bank, banging with the Germans for months, and in order to achieve this goal, they lost the army on the North Bank of the river. Is it worth it?

Looking at the faces of the people around, Admiral konev's expression was very normal: "finally, everyone has to go. It's just a question of going early and late. Do you have any comments?"

Therefore, the people present had nothing to say. Yes, it was impossible for them to retreat. They could only fight here. The German soldiers were sharp and could eventually reach Moscow, and those who blocked the defense line around Moscow were destined to be cannon fodder.

They should have the consciousness of cannon fodder. They will not die in vain. Their death will bring benefits to Moscow's defense. They consume the morale of the Germans. They sum up the experience of street fighting.

At the same time, Admiral konev's words also mean that he has no confidence in Kalinin's defense. Under the pressure of the strong German army, no one wants to defeat Germany now.

Knowing that it is death, but willing to die, this is the most powerful.

The same was true of the 442 regiment. Their retreat was not to escape, but just to fight better.

The 442 regiment had not only infantry, but also artillery. When retreating, the 522nd artillery battalion was originally deployed in the rear, but they walked in the front.

Trucks covered with camouflage nets, towing 105 mm M1 howitzers, quickly headed for the city along suburban roads. In front of them, the river was roaring.