Chapter 1526

"Our transport fleet supporting the Soviet Union was attacked again." In the White House, Roosevelt sat in a wheelchair, meditating in front of a large-scale high-definition world map, and heard the words of his aides.

When Marshall spoke, his face was expressionless and calm, but his fingers were trembling slightly. At this time, his mood was absolutely not calm.

It is not news that the cargo ships supporting the Soviet Union have been attacked again and again, but this time is different from the past.

In the past, the most dangerous sea area prone to ambush was attacked on the Arctic route, almost after crossing the Bering Strait, but now?

In order to avoid being ambushed on the Arctic route, the formation did not take the Arctic route. It planned to arrive at the Soviet port in the Far East for unloading and then transport it by land.

As a result, in the southern waters of the Kamchatka Peninsula, they were suddenly attacked, which completely broke their dream, and the far east route was not easy to go!

What's next?

How to support the Soviet Union?

In particular, the most different from the past is that the number of submarines this time is quite huge.

"We have repeatedly studied the attack on the Arctic route. We can confirm that the number of underwater submarines on the Arctic route is very small, no more than three, or even only one, because we have never seen two submarines appear at the same time. Because each other's underwater navigation ability is particularly excellent, we think there may be three."

Marshall continued to analyze Roosevelt: "but in the southern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, we encountered a large number of submarines. According to our estimation, the number was about 20. They were like wolves. The warships that came up to bite the cargo ship formation and served as escort were sunk at the first time. "

A huge number of German submarines have appeared in the North Pacific region, which is definitely not good news for the United States.

Although up to now, these submarines are attacking the formation of cargo ships assisting the Soviet Union, who knows if they will come to ambush the U.S. fleet?

Moreover, under such rampant submarine activities, they can no longer continue to transfuse blood to the Soviet Union, and the Soviets will certainly be unable to support it.

"That's really bad news." After taking a cigarette, he continued, "it's impossible to go by land. We can't take a ferry in Alaska, so we have to get through the sea transportation line."

In World War II, there was a feat of highway transportation, that is, the huge car team of Yunnan Myanmar highway, which supported the battle of Chongqing government. However, how many kilometers is that?

If you directly take the land route from the United States, cross the Bering Strait and transport it to Moscow, you have to cross more than half the earth. The route is more than ten times that. At least half of the whole fleet needs to transport fuel, which is absolutely impossible.

The United States does not have enough transport planes, and air transport consumes no less resources than land.

Therefore, there must be waterways and sea transportation lines.

"That's what Moscow means." "The Soviets asked us to send a navy to escort their cargo ship formation," said Secretary of state hull

The strength of the Soviet Navy is weak, and almost all of them are the hometown of the Czar era. The main fleet has disappeared on the western line, and the Far East fleet is not at all. In this case, the Soviet Union can only turn to the United States.

Hearing this, Roosevelt frowned: "no, we don't have enough navy to get through this transportation line."

Now, the U.S. Navy is going to have a hard fight with the island Navy. Seeing that the island Navy is going to take root in the Hawaiian Islands, how can our side be able to provide escort ships to the Soviet Union?

"No, we don't have so many warships." Roosevelt said, "the escort formation depends on the Soviet Navy."

If there is a battleship guarding the formation, the German submarine will have to worry a lot. But how could the main ships be provided to the Soviets? Who knows if it will be lost by accident? The United States can't afford it.

"We can provide the Soviets with merchant ships. We can provide as many as we sink." Roosevelt said, "this is our biggest bottom line."

In later generations, the German wolf pack tactics were finally smashed by the allies. As for the reasons, there are many theories, such as the improvement of the Allied anti submarine technology, such as the skillful operation of their captain, etc., but there is a simple calculation method behind it. The United States has a strong industrial foundation and makes more cargo ships than they consume, which the Americans can resist.

Now, Americans can only use this means. With the start of the war machine, American industry has been fully transferred to the wartime system. When the powerful industrial machine is started, it can be reproduced in any consumption.

The United States provides merchant ships and provides as many new ones as the loss is, which has been maximized.

"No, not enough. If we only provide merchant ships, we can't avoid this outcome." Admiral Nimitz said anxiously, "if we do not increase the anti submarine forces, we can only send prey to the Germans."

As a navy general, Admiral Nimitz is an expert.

"But we must not provide an escort fleet to the Soviets. We don't have so many troops." Roosevelt said.

"Yes, we can't provide escort fleet, but we can provide aviation." Admiral Nimitz said: "we can provide professional anti submarine aircraft to the Soviets. If it is deployed on the Kamchatka Peninsula, it can take care of the waters within 500 kilometers nearby. "

The technology of the United States is extremely advanced. How to detect underwater submarines is also their focus. After research, they have developed a magnetic anomaly detector, which is equipped on the pby-5 "Catalina" seaplane.

Long before the attack on Pearl Harbor, the system was tested. A pby-5 took off from Rhode Island, detected the submarine and successfully verified the magnetic anomaly detector system.

Later, the naval research laboratory confirmed that the pby-5 radar system could receive and transmit electromagnetic pulses without using a bulky auxiliary antenna system.

In addition to the magnetic anomaly detector system, there are sonar buoys.

Just like history, in 1941, the United States developed a sonar buoy, which was only carried by an airship. Even if the airship patrol detected the target, it did not have enough time and weapons to attack. This is only the beginning, and it is still some time from practical use.

In short, it is entirely feasible for the United States to use aircraft to fight against submarines.

"The Soviets simply didn't have the right pilots to fly these equipment." Secretary of state hull said: "their rookies began to rush to the Western Front battlefield after training. If they want to anti submarine, they need at least dozens of aircraft members, and they can't find them at all."

"You can send our." Nimitz said: "we have experienced crew. We simply pack our equipment and people together to the Kamchatka Peninsula. The Soviets will not refuse."