Chapter 1489

If such a result is obtained, Colonel hunter will never stop here. He first retreats to the mountains, lets the tanks in front of the other party pass, and then hits the infantry in the back.

Now, with just one shot, the Germans immediately changed their formation.

The tanks in the back come up from both sides and disperse to form a not very wide attack surface. Because of the limitation of terrain, it is not particularly open here.

Then, the infantry combat vehicle behind started all the way to the back of the tank queue. From the infantry combat vehicle, a soldier in German Marine Corps uniform jumped down from above, carrying a 6.8mm assault rifle, closely followed.

Germany's tactical formation was so skillful that Colonel Hunt's original tactics failed.

It's dangerous for infantry to fight tanks! With the help of the dead corner of the tank and the fearless spirit, we can throw any anti tank grenade.

If the other side's tanks are followed by infantry, it's different. Infantry will use their own dense bullets to prevent anti tank hands from approaching, and their casualties will be even greater. Once the German formation is formed, the defense line of their own infantry position will soon be broken!

Damn it, how nice it would be to have infantry portable and effective anti tank weapons!

Colonel hunter was almost desperate. He could see the result in advance.


Aberdeen Proving Ground, USA.

A large number of senior officials gathered here. Major General Eisenhower stood on the podium and watched a tank slowly moving with a telescope.

Eisenhower, now an important staff member of the US military command, appeared at the Aberdeen Proving Ground to watch a performance.

The fact that France was defeated by Germany by lightning shocked the United States. The US army began to debate the structure of the US armed forces.

Like Britain, the role of the United States in tanks is not very clear, and this debate ended the argument that tanks are still in the embryonic form in modern battlefield, and prompted the United States to quickly establish armored forces.

The best anti tank weapon is tank. This argument has been accepted. However, it is impossible that all armies are armored forces. What should a large number of infantry do after encountering tanks?

On the issue of how to fight enemy tanks most effectively, artillery officers advocated the development of anti tank artillery.

Therefore, the U.S. Army began a rapid response and hastily designed and equipped with M6 type 37mm self-propelled gun (GMC) and M3 type 75mm self-propelled gun.

Among them, the 37mm gun quickly fell behind. It seems that the 75mm gun is the only choice. However, this 75mm gun is an old gun equipped by France in World War I, which has very serious technical and tactical problems.

These two designs are also regarded as short-term solutions. By the beginning of this year, the U.S. Army Ordnance Administration officially named the improved t35e1 as M10 tank fighter.

Now on the test site is the self-propelled anti tank gun code named M10,

M10 uses the chassis of M4 Sherman tank, with a total combat weight of 30 tons. The armor with a 47 degree oblique angle on the front of the body is 37 mm thick, the side is 25 mm thick, and the armor on the front of the open turret is 57 mm thick. Equipped with an M7 76mm L / 53 cannon, it can penetrate 100mm armor beyond 1000. The power system is two general-purpose diesel engines with a total power of 375 horsepower and a maximum highway speed of 48 kilometers per hour.

It can be seen that it has good mobility, but its protection is very poor. It can only be used to block tanks, can not be used to attack, and can not really replace tanks.

At the same time, it is cheaper than tanks and can be equipped on a large scale.

Major General Eisenhower was smoking a pipe while watching the performance.

The tank as the target was moving steadily, not fast. At the same time, in the cab, a tank hand climbed out of it and jumped to the ground.

Remote control tanks in this era are impossible, and tanks as targets cannot be stationary, otherwise the test results have no reference significance, and tanks on the battlefield cannot stop waiting for you to fight.

Therefore, this method was adopted. When the driver jumped down, the tank was in an unmanned state.

At the same time, in the other direction of the shooting range, an M10 tank fighter vehicle is slowly moving. The people inside are operating nervously. There must be no mistakes!

They didn't know that at this time, several other people robbed them of the limelight.

"Come on, come on!"

The shooting range was quite empty. No one noticed that two captains slipped over quietly.

U.S. Army captain Leslie Skinner, who had been in this shooting range for eight years, was very familiar with everything here. He climbed through a drainage ditch and avoided the sentry standing guard. Next to him was his assistant, Navy Captain Edward earl.

They are very dangerous in the shooting range. The flying shell fragments may kill them, but at this time, they don't care so much. In order to show their weapons in front of senior officials, to avoid the obstruction of the bureaucratic class that still exists in the war, and to bring appropriate anti tank weapons to the front-line troops, they spared no effort!

Skinner quickly assembled the equipment he had brought. It was not big. It was a long cylinder, which was carried on his shoulder. Earl, as his assistant, stuffed a rocket propelled grenade into the cylinder.

"Sight, where's our sight?" Cried Skinner.

Earl clapped his hands. It's not good. When he just came in a hurry, he didn't bring the simple mechanical sight. What should I do?

Earl looked around and soon found something. He ran quickly and picked up a wire from the ground.

Earl bent quickly, broke the wire into a sight, and then installed it on the side of the cylinder.

By this time, the tank had come.

Captain Skinner held his breath. He knew that his success depended on himself. A large group of senior officials were watching there. His side must seize the opportunity!

If you have to hit the target and destroy the target, you might as well play some small tricks and put it as close as possible!

Fifty meters is almost enough. As long as you hit it, your weapon will be able to destroy it! This effect must be the most visual impact.

In the sight, the target was getting bigger and bigger, and Skinner pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Whoosh!" The solid rocket motor ignited, the rocket propelled grenade pierced the air and flew out, and a thick smoke transpiration behind it.