Chapter 1482

The main problem in this incident was the camera. Although Orwell was in the dark, Orwell became an accomplice of the assassin. When Orwell heard that the assassin shot with the camera, Orwell was stunned.

From the hairy boy who stepped into Spain to the ugly face of the Soviet Union and the reasons for the internal struggle in the Spanish Civil War, Orwell has completely matured. There is no justice or injustice in the world, only the interests of chiguoguo.

The strength of Germany makes the whole Europe prosperous. Although the war is painful, when the war is over, a unified Europe immediately reflects its strong strength. The people's living standards have not been reduced because of the war, but have been improved. All these are given by Chirac.

Xierik is a person who can save the whole world. This is Orwell's view, so he can sincerely support xierik.

And now he's an accomplice!

Reinhardt did not embarrass him, although he was surrounded by people at his hotel in Kiev and did not do anything to him.

However, Orwell chose such a way to end his life.

Someone is always responsible for it.

Hearing the news, there was not much expression on sirik's face. Human life was like grass mustard. That's the case. On the road to hegemony in Germany, there would be bloody scenes.

"Mr. Orwell died of a sudden illness in Kiev." Hilrick said, "Mr. Orwell's widow, children and will all enjoy the title of honorary Aryan and send Mr. Orwell's body back to Berlin for burial. Enter the martyr cemetery. "

Orwell has used death to show his loyalty and responsibility to the Empire. Of course, the empire can no longer embarrass his family.

"Ms. Irene said that Mr. Orwell wanted to bury him in Spain."

Spain, where Orwell fought.

"Yes." Xierik said that the last button had been buttoned. Xierik turned and his expression had returned to normal: "let's go to the meeting."

The first task of this visit to Kiev is the military parade. After the military parade, the military attach é s of all countries are called together for a meeting. In fact, they are giving benefits to all servant countries. Now they can share the fruits of victory.

In terms of the current status of Germany, what Germany says is what the servant countries can only listen to. At the same time, Chirac is also relatively fair. Coordinating the contradictions of various countries and giving them satisfactory results is the topic of this meeting.

When Shrek entered the conference hall, he immediately heard the shouting inside.

"You Iranians are really hateful. We sacrificed more than 10000 soldiers in vain to fight a hard war with the Soviet army. It's good for you to pick up a bargain behind your back!"

The speaker was a diplomat sent by Turkey, numan menegiolu. With anger, he asked Germany to preside over justice for them.

The Turks are angry.

After getting the promise from Germany, they can't stand the temptation of Baku oilfield. For a country with extremely underdeveloped industry, if they occupy a huge oilfield, what economic benefits will it bring to Turkey!

To this end, they mobilized the army of the whole country. When crossing Armenia, they encountered the crazy obstruction of the Soviets. The two sides fought in a scuffle. The Turks were badly killed and injured. They could see the Baku oil field. What was the result? It was preempted by the Iranians!

Seeing that the meat of the mouth was robbed by others, the Turks were of course angry.

But they dare not do it.

At the beginning, the Germans said that whoever gets it first is the one who gets it, so they want to come here to judge.

In the face of Turkish accusations, Iranians simply ignored them.

The Iranians also sent a strong team, led by Prince Pahlavi. Anyway, they fought Baku and formed a dead enemy with the Soviet Union. It is even more natural to watch the German military parade here.

Prince Pahlavi sat quietly aside, just as the Iranians were farting, which made numan even more angry.

Just then, Prince Pahlavi suddenly stood up. He looked at the figure coming from the corridor behind him and shouted in unskilled German: "it's great that you are safe, head of Chirac!"

This is the first time that Prince Pahlavi has seen the head of state and his idol.

In this era, Shrek is absolutely an idol admired by all. He grew from an unknown soldier of the national defense force to the head of the Empire, and led the Empire to power. Even as an opponent, he respected him.

In terms of age, sirik is several years older than Prince Pahlavi. Prince Pahlavi has always regarded sirik as his idol. Look at others!

Now, the first time he saw Shrek, Pahlavi felt his little heart shaking violently.

During the military parade, he was lined up behind a large group of people and only saw the back of hilrick. Later, hilrick was shot. They only saw the brief riots there and knew what happened later.

Head of state sirik did not look injured at all. He looked all right. His face was ruddy and his walking momentum was high.

Xierik nodded and thought that later generations of Pahlavi flattered Americans everywhere. Now he is his loyal little brother. Just look at his hot eyes.

"Nothing. I'll be fine until our cause fails. One or two assassinations can't change history." Shirek said, patting Pahlavi on the shoulder and motioning him to sit down.

This kind action made others very jealous. Why didn't you show such loyalty just now?

Numan was even more remorseful, and now, when hilrick sat down, he couldn't wait, but didn't dare to speak.

"Feng baben has made it clear about Baku oilfield that whoever occupies the oilfield first will own it." "That won't change," said Shrek

After Chirac said this, it has been determined that Baku oil field is Iranian. Numan's face turned red: "head of Chirac, we Turkey have also paid heavy casualties, but what do we get back?"

Don't stop us! This is what he held in his heart, but he dared not say. If he said it, he would be dragged out and shot. The Germans killed him, which is similar to killing ants.

"Armenian land." "You can do what you want in Armenia, and the Empire won't interfere," chirek said

Sirik's words were calm, but the whole conference room was like winter.