Chapter 1451

This is a huge encirclement circle. It is absolutely impossible to eat only if there are German Southern legions. However, after the Middle Route Army goes south, they have sufficient troops so that they can surround, divide and eat more than 700000 Soviet troops.

It only took three days from the encirclement to the complete elimination of the troops in the encirclement!

Of the 700000 Soviet troops, only 20000 were able to break through the encirclement, and the rest disappeared in the encirclement.

The German army has created a miracle, which is the largest siege in the history of human war!

Germany's huge tank cluster and Germany's strong combat capability have once again left a deep impression on the world. Now it seems that the Soviet Union has been shaken.

One by one, the formed troops have been eliminated. Now it seems that all the remaining Soviet troops are second-line troops? Moscow, I'm afraid it will fall soon!

Across the ocean, the United States, the White House.

"As colleagues, we all admire the spirit of the German soldiers. They have a superb command art. Their central army did not fight in Moscow and even attacked Kiev for a long time. It's a great move." In the White House, veteran MacArthur said, "now, our biggest question is, can Moscow hold?"

The question behind this, of course, can the Soviet Union hold on?

Now, Germany has almost devoted all its energy to conquering the Soviet Union. In this case, the United States can get a breather and make every effort to deal with the island countries. If the Soviet Union is defeated, it is obvious that Germany will make every effort to attack the United States.

It's terrible enough to think that Germany has become a big country across Asia and Europe, and Germany has integrated the resources of the whole Europe.

MacArthur finished, and everyone was silent.

Obviously, the Soviets will not be able to defend it if it goes on like this. What should the United States do?

Now the United States has fully supported various resources of the Soviet Union. The United States transports its industrial products to the Soviet Union. Although the crew has been replaced by the Soviets, the ship is still American. When the cargo ship was sunk, the loss is also American.

If this cannot support the Soviet Union, what should the United States do? Will you send troops to fight side by side with the Soviets?

It makes people speechless to think that two countries with different beliefs should fight side by side, which would subvert everyone's cognition. Just two years ago, they regarded GC doctrine as a scourge.

Roosevelt persuaded Congress to agree to the lease bill and lease so many materials to the Soviet Union, which was the maximum. Those in Congress would not agree anyway if they wanted to take the initiative to send troops to fight.

Roosevelt sat in his wheelchair and smoked cigarettes silently. When a cigarette was finished, Roosevelt said, "the free French movement should also flourish. Let them set off a storm in Africa and beat the Germans!"

Otkroc, pseudonym Le Claire, developed continuously in southern Africa. With the support of the United States, he also organized a decent army.

In the past few years, the Germans actually kept silent to free France, allowed it to grow up and continue to develop northward.

Now it seems that the Germans are unwilling to fight on multiple lines in order to concentrate their efforts on attacking the Soviet Union. At the same time, if free France is allowed to start a vigorous attack to the north, the Germans will have to divide their troops to deal with them.

This has greatly reduced the pressure on Moscow.

Now, the United States can only help the Soviet Union in this way, which is the maximum.

Libya in North Africa is Germany's most important oil base and secret military industrial base. As long as it threatens here, Germany will have to divide troops to deal with it.

Rommel was famous in the process of conquering Africa and the Middle East, but many of his troops were transferred to the Soviet Union. There were few German troops in North Africa. At this time, he just recovered the lost land!

"If we can bomb the oil fields in Libya and make the Germans lack fuel, we can also support the fight of the Soviets." MacArthur continued.

The Germans bombed the Soviet oil fields and killed the largest one at once. Although the small oil fields owned by the Soviet people are now operating at full capacity, they can not maintain the operation of the army.

Do the same, bombing the German Libyan oil fields, but also let the Germans taste the taste of lack of oil.

In the past, the United States used to think about Libyan oil fields, but there were shares of American oil companies, and even the unfortunate bombing of oil company executives, resulting in negative public opinion.

But now, with the war between the two countries, Germany has taken back the shares of foreign oil companies, which has completely become German. Therefore, bombing Libyan oil fields is an exciting choice.

"We should fully consider the difficulty of bombing. The Germans have powerful fighters, including night fighters. We need to take into account the terrible casualties in the bombing of their oil fields during the day or at night." Arnold said: "such casualties will even be too high for us to bear."

The United States has no technical advantage and the oil field is well defended. Even if the United States uses the B-29 bomber just put into operation, it will bear high losses.

Roosevelt nodded: "yes, we will bear high losses, but this is war. War is to kill people. Everyone, have you forgotten Oak Ridge?"

The bombing of Oak Ridge base has almost destroyed the U.S. nuclear weapon development capability. After investigation, it is German bombers who did it, which is a great shame for Americans.

In war, don't be afraid of dead people. Helping the Soviet Union is helping the United States!

Roosevelt's attitude was firm, and just before he made a formal decision, Nimitz changed the topic: "we recently detected that the telegrams of the island country were transmitted intensively, which was very similar to the last island country's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. We speculated that the islanders might be planning a sneak attack on us."

Nimitz's words really attracted everyone's attention. Now, the US Navy is gradually recovering. It would be terrible if the islanders blew up again.

"Where do the islanders want to bomb us? This time we must be prepared to strike hard at the islanders! "

In the face of people's questions, Nimitz said: "Aleutian Islands. Through a small means, our intelligence department confirmed that the attack target of the islanders was our Aleutian Islands. "