Chapter 1406

After the partition of Poland, the Soviet Union gained eastern Poland and Germany occupied western Poland. After that, almost both sides adopted an iron and blood plan to rule these areas.

Those poles are certainly unwilling to fail. They are always thinking about restoring the country. The insurgency detected by Reinhart breaks out hundreds of times almost every year. Of course, it is suppressed almost every time before it breaks out.

In the past, Shrek had not thought of a suitable plan, but now it has finally matured and moved all these poles on the land of western Poland to Belarus!

You know, poles and Belarusians also have enemies. It can be said that in the past 500 years, they have forged a deep blood feud. When poles were strong, they marched eastward several times, and twice directly killed Moscow and slaughtered cities everywhere. It can be said that their hands were stained with blood.

In Belarus, those who attempt to resist the German government, the first thing they have to face now is their feud, the poles. The two nations love each other and kill each other on the land of Belarus, so that they can fight against each other, just to maintain German rule.

On the land left by the poles, a large number of Germans will occupy it. The survival of Germany needs soil. These Polish lands just become the direct territory of the German Empire, which is a more appropriate result.

Hilrick's plan is quite ingenious and has a great possibility of success. Everyone opened their eyes when they heard the proposal.

Wonderful, it's definitely a wonderful move!

"Just as we are going to build this high-grade highway, we simply take this as an opportunity." Reinhart said: "those who work hard in building roads and contribute to the empire can obtain good land in Belarus. If they obstruct the construction of roads or even destroy them, their land will be recovered."

The first is the poles, and the second is the Belarusians, which can better provoke contradictions between them.

"Reinhart, take charge of it. You must do a good job." Said Shrek.

Reinhart, who is extremely loyal to the Empire, can certainly do it well.


New grudoc

"Folks, it's an important thing to announce to you to gather you here today." On the rostrum of the square, Nikolay, the chief executive of the new gludok, looked at the citizens below and began the announcement.

Around the square, the Belarusian people's Liberation Army is maintaining order, and next to Nikolay is the chief of the Belarusian people's Liberation Army here, kurimic.

At the beginning, as the first soldier to raise his hand to join the Belarusian people's Liberation Army, kurimic was promoted to several levels, became a battalion commander and commanded the garrison of 500 people.

He didn't think he was ashamed of doing so. When he learned that his mother was shot dead by the Soviet authorities, he resolutely set foot on this road. All this was forced by the Moscow authorities.

Now, wearing the military uniform of the Belarusian people's Liberation Army on him, he actually has a feeling of pride.

Germany's attack was very fast, and he could hit Moscow. When Germany ruled here, as the first person to follow Germany, his future was unlimited.

However, the recent events in the naribuk forest have made him a little upset. He must thoroughly clean up the guerrillas there. If the railway bridge is bombed again, he will be absolutely to blame.

"If you want to be rich, build roads first." Nikolay continued: "over the years, the roads in Belarus have been full of potholes, and we can't walk in the rainy season. However, the Moscow authorities are only militaristic and never care about the construction of these infrastructure. Now, under the glory of the third empire, we have also been illuminated. Today's good news is that there will be a high-grade highway, The design speed of this highway is 100 kilometers per hour from our new gludok! "

As a member Republic, there is no hardened highway in Belarus. In summer, there is continuous rain and puddles everywhere. Cars almost climb at a turtle speed, less than five kilometers per hour. If there is a high-grade highway of 100 kilometers per hour, it will greatly speed up the travel speed and facilitate the people here.

This design speed is definitely high enough. You know, most cars can't run so fast now. Ordinary trucks, that is, the maximum speed of 60 kilometers per hour, can only run at this speed by some high-end cars.

Of course, at this time, many people below have not realized what it has to do with themselves. After all, under the rule of the Soviet Union, ordinary people almost stay in one place all their life, with poor mobility. It seems that they have nothing to do with themselves after repairing the highway.

Some people even vaguely think that once this road is repaired, it will facilitate the German transportation of weapons and ammunition. This is clearly the German's own convenience. Is it none of their business?

Of course, there are those so-called "patriotic" who still have their own small plans in mind. When the time comes, they will slow down and even do damage? Their hearts are still red.

It's no wonder that they, the Soviet Union or the former tsarist Russia, have experienced many times and even been beaten to Moscow by the enemy, but they can still turn over in the end. In recent years, no foreign nation has been able to conquer them.

Therefore, in their hearts, they vaguely felt that the Soviet army would come back in the end.

However, Nikolay's next words completely broke their wishful thinking.

"This road construction is of great importance." Nikolay said, "I hope each of us can put down all our affairs and devote ourselves to building the road."

How important is it? Next, what Nikolay said was like a bolt from the blue, echoing in everyone's mind. Except for this sentence, the rest was blank.

"The high-grade highway here is equally divided into two parts. We are responsible for the part outside the forest, and the part inside the forest is built by the poles. Who will we build faster than? If the poles build the highway earlier than us, our whole new grudok city will be given to the poles."

"What? How is this possible? This is our city! "

"Yes, my house has a title deed!"

"I paid for the house!"

"I've lived for generations. Even if I tear it down, it won't be cheap for poles!"

It suddenly exploded below. It was no different from robbery. The Germans used to wear a good disguise, but now they finally showed their evil face!