Chapter 1382

The Germans were well-trained. When the tank troops in front of them fell into a desperate situation, the troops behind them began to rescue.

The 37th armored reconnaissance battalion, which had fallen behind, caught up after the shelling here, but they didn't come immediately.

For them, the infantry combat vehicles with thin skin and big stuffing can't participate in the battle between tanks at all. The infantry combat vehicles can only watch the excitement from a distance and don't dare to come together at all.

Of course, they don't know. At this time, the later party is working hard to develop anti tank missiles. After the first generation of anti tank missiles are successfully equipped, infantry combat vehicles will also have the opportunity to fight tanks face-to-face. At least they can fire far away, either kill the other party or escape, so as not to be at a loss.

They can only watch the battle. Although their troops are at a disadvantage, they can't go forward. Due to the limitations of the terrain, the tanks behind can't go up. However, their tanks turn in situ and continue to aim at the other side with artillery, which really makes them very excited.

Unfortunately, the excitement did not last long, but was disturbed by the grenade falling from the sky. For a moment, our tank troops were in serious danger!

When they found out this situation, they stopped watching the war.

Other equipment can't cross the swamp, but screw cars are born to survive for the swamp!

Screw cars drove at full power towards the howitzer position, leaving deep gullies behind them, which looked quite spectacular.

Most people's eyes were attracted by the wonderful shelling. In their view, it will be an easy victory.

Only rokosovsky saw farther. When he saw that those screw cars went towards his own artillery position, he became anxious.

Those field guns are traction type, and there is only one way to pass on the position. He deployed the field guns five kilometers away. He thought it was no problem, but who could have thought that these screw cars could easily cross the swamp, and the other party went straight to his own field guns!

There are only a few infantry guarding there, and they can't stop these terrible screw cars at all.

Get out of the position!

Rokosovsky's order was given in time, because the speed of the screw car was not fast enough!

"Come on, put away all our guns!" After receiving the order, the commander of the artillery unit shouted loudly. He watched his men start to pack up these cannons in a hurry, and the heavy gun legs were carried and gathered together by several people.

Then the tractor rumbled up.

In the swamp, wheeled vehicles are almost impossible to walk, so in order to tow these heavy guns, tractors are specially equipped for them.

In the Soviet Union, tractors were versatile.

The crawlers rolled over the mud, and tractor after tractor struggled forward on the mud ground. Behind the tractor, the wheels of the 152 mm howitzer were full of mud and were pulled forward slowly.

The artillery of the howitzer can already see the screw cars in the distance. If they are one step later, they will be rushed up and killed by the screw cars. Now, they can easily wave to those screw cars.

The speed of the screw car is too slow.

The threat of howitzer troops was temporarily lifted. They only fired three shells for each cannon, which was not enough to destroy those Tiger tanks.

The tactics of double attack were checked and balanced by the Germans.

Rokosovsky frowned and looked at the shelling in the distance. Although his own side can kill all the Tiger tanks within reach, I'm afraid there are also great casualties in his own tanks!

Double attack is the best. Now, German tanks can challenge their own side recklessly. In the shooting of both sides, German tanks completely occupy the advantage of firing speed.



The shelling continued.

German tanks can't start. They have been restricted in position and can't advance or retreat. However, Soviet tanks don't want to give up this shooting opportunity. If they leave the position, they can't continue to destroy German tanks. This opportunity is too rare.

As a result, the tanks that should have been fighting in motion have become the same existence as two teams of blockhouses, shooting at each other.

"Thirteenth, we've killed the thirteenth Tiger tank!" Koroya shouted excitedly, as if he hadn't realized that the situation had become bad.

"Send out our death squads and attack German tanks from behind!" Rokosovsky hesitated when he said this order.

In order to deal with German tanks, rokosovsky carefully designed a trap. Of course, this trap not only sets up a siege, but also includes other basic tactics such as attacking on both sides.

It seems that a large number of infantry have not been used yet.

"Dudu, Dudu, Dudu..." a Soviet trumpeter stood on a crooked neck tree, looked up at the sky and sent a signal to the distance.

In World War I, the charge was widely used. As long as the charge was sounded, everyone had to follow the charge.

However, in World War II, this method was very rare, except for the Chinese battlefield. In Europe, because of the continuous progress of the command system, there was no need for such a thing as the charge.

Now, the Soviet Assault horn sounded, which was a signal. When the sound of the assault horn sounded, on the side of the long tank dragon in Germany and in the swamp beside the road, a soldier covered with mud suddenly got out of the swamp.

The number is small, only about 100. They are carefully selected death squads after registration!

When tanks are not enough, they can only rely on infantry. Because there are no advanced anti tank weapons, all they hold in their hands are anti tank grenades and even Molotov cocktails.

They were in the swamp and didn't sink in, because under their feet, they were stepping on big trees.

Yes, there is a row of big trees on one side of the road. When setting up positions, they saw off the big trees and put them down in the swamp. Then, squatting on the tree pier, they will not sink.

In their mouths were unobtrusive plant poles, which were hollow and could be used for breathing. When the German tanks were coming, they lurked down and waited for orders.

Now, with the order issued, they drill out one after another and start their own decisive battle.

Yes, they fight when they need them, and they have only one chance. Their lives are in the last few seconds. They are death squads.