Chapter 1328

At this time, the gunner in the back seat of the Soviet seaplane had seen the German fighter following his side. His eyes were on the aiming baseline, waiting for him to fire without hesitation once the enemy approached, just as he had just done.

They can't do maneuvering flight. Now they are very slow, and they can't avoid maneuvering flight. If they should be hit or can be hit, they can only meet each other on a narrow road. The brave win, just like now.

They are still flying steadily, and the machine gunners are waiting for the other party to continue to approach. In the air, only when they are within 500 meters can they fire with enough accuracy.

Now, he saw a different scene. While the other party was slightly stable behind him, flames sprang up under the wings.

A 57 mm rocket, with thick smoke at the tail, swished out of the launch tube. Then, the second and third rockets came out of the launch tube at an interval of about one second. The tail also dragged the tongue of fire, forming a barrage in front.

When watching these rockets coming, the pupil of the machine gunner widened. Did the other party still have this kind of weapon?

They are not afraid of the other party's machine gun or machine gun, because the other party's plane is fast. They can only fly quickly behind them. At the same time, they launch an attack like a dragonfly, and rarely hit it.

But now it's different. The other side actually started shooting from 2000 meters away. All nine Rockets have been fired. It's less than 800 meters away from him. You can get rid of it calmly.

Both sides opened fire together. Eighteen rockets formed a violent momentum like arrow rain in the sky, completely covering the seaplane. It can't escape at all!

No matter up, down, left and right, all directions are covered by German Rockets!

In later generations, aircraft mounted rocket launch nests were mainly used for ground attacks. However, few people know that the idea of such rockets mounted on aircraft came from Germany in World War II, and their main purpose was to attack enemy bombers.

Of course, Germany is still developing air-to-air missiles, but the development of such missiles is much more difficult and has not been completed yet. Therefore, Germany can only experiment with this multi tube rocket launch nest first. Up to now, only a few aircraft can carry and use it. When it is launched, the aircraft will be covered by gunsmoke. If you are not careful, When the engine swallows smoke, it should stop. The requirements for pilots are quite high.

After the launch, the fighter pulled up quickly, away from the wake of these rocket engines, and ancruz could see it clearly on his side.

The rocket was like a barrage of bullets, which sealed the other party. At this time, the other party was playing tricks again.

Hearing the call of the machine gunner behind him, Colin knew that the situation was bad. He didn't look back. Anyway, he couldn't see it. In short, the situation was very critical!

As soon as Colin was cruel, he pushed the operating lever. He saw that the seaplane continued to dive. Then, the two buoys below made close contact with the water!

Seaplane can take off and land on the water. At this time, the two buoys are in contact with the water and constantly splash waves. He is actually going to land!

Yes, only in this way can we avoid those rockets behind!

The rocket covered all his flight directions, but I never thought he would land on the sea!

"Whoosh!" A rocket flew over the tail of the seaplane. When it flew over, the machine gunner even subconsciously shrunk his neck for fear of being hit.

Then the rocket flew over.

The second, the third... All these rockets flew past it without causing any damage to it!

After landing on the water surface, the seaplane slows down by the resistance of the water, and it takes a long distance to stop. Of course, Colin doesn't plan to land here. After all rockets fly near it, it can open the accelerator and fly again from the water surface!

The seaplane can not only land on the water, but also take off from the water. The sea is a huge airport. As long as the wind and waves are not too big, it can take off!

At this time, the pupil of the gunman behind suddenly widened. He saw the last rocket, almost close to his own plane!

It flew from near its own tail wing. The machine gunner could even feel a burning sensation from the compressed air nearby. The rocket continued to fly forward and passed through the middle of the wings of their seaplane.

In fact, it flew very fast, but the sight of the machine gunner caught it. It was a close call!

OK, there's enough space between the wings for it to pass through!

Almost in an instant, "boom!" A loud noise sounded between the wings. With the sound, the wings were blown up in an instant. Colin's body in front was hit by countless fragments in an instant. His whole body was full of blood and exposed from countless small holes.

Then, the front engine was also hit. The propeller of the engine continued to rotate twice, and flames came out of it.

In front of Colin's eyes was the light of fire, and in the light of fire, he seemed to see a huge fleet in his vision.

"Report, find the German fleet..." Colin's voice was quite low like a mosquito humming. He tried his best to report the information, but he couldn't say anything.

He lay unconscious in the burning cockpit.

The machine gunner in the back seat was also blurred in front of him. He was hit by four or five pieces of debris and his body was bleeding, but he could still insist. However, the fire had covered the cockpit in front, the radio equipment had been damaged, and nothing could be heard in his headphones.

"German, die!" He pushed his machine gun and pulled the trigger towards the two fast flying German fighters. 7.62mm bullets flew in the air. At the last moment of his life, he still didn't forget to fight!

Looking at the seaplane burning on the sea, ancruz didn't know what to say. If every Soviet was like this, their battle would be a hundred times more difficult.

Fortunately, the Soviet army did not have such a strong will as the Navy!

It was not easy to destroy the Soviet seaplanes, which showed that the remnants of the Soviet Black Sea Fleet were nearby.