Chapter 1325

They have taken off for the second time. After landing last time, they refuel and continue to wait. Now, even there are bombs in the bomb cabin.

Although it has become a reconnaissance task, the bomb does not have to be unloaded. If the German Navy is found, they will be the first to throw the bomb on the other party's warship.

Start the engine!

Alexander skillfully turned on various switches, and the engine on the left successfully roared and started in a burst of black smoke.

Then there is the engine on the right.

Just when he was about to turn the switch, he saw that there was chaos outside, and all the crew members were running towards their planes.

What's going on?

"Aircraft, German attack aircraft!" The machine gunner schrodevich in the back seat shouted, "Damn it, they came from the southeast!"

Two anti-aircraft artillery platoons are deployed in our base, but they are all arranged in the southwest and due south of the position, and there is no space in our southeast direction.

At this time, those anti-aircraft guns were anxiously turning, but the German attack aircraft had rushed up at a very low altitude!

Alexander turned his head and saw the plane painted with a black cross. It was a German hs129 attack aircraft. This aircraft had terrible armor protection and was almost as strong as his own IL-2 attack aircraft.

Moreover, the most powerful of the other party is the 40mm machine gun. Wherever you go, one shot will determine the soul!

"Buzz, buzz!" He quickly started the engine on the other side.

Two streams of black smoke came out of the exhaust pipe, but then there was no movement.

"Buzz, buzz!" With the help of the ground power vehicle, the engine on the other side still failed to start successfully. At this critical time, the engine broke down.

Can't wait. Take off!

Alexander released the brake and pushed the engine throttle lever on one side to the maximum position. Under the thrust of a single engine, the aircraft deviated to one side, so he had to firmly step on the rudder and let the SB-2 bomber slide on the runway.

Come on, come on!

The plane is valuable only in the sky. When it is on the ground, it is an absolute live target. Alexander absolutely doesn't want to be destroyed on the ground. He wants to take off!

Unfortunately, the single engine made the take-off of his fully loaded bomber very slow.

Lieutenant steinkamp has flown to the base here. He found the target quite accurately. Moreover, when he came over, there happened to be a silver fighter taking off in the endless green field, which made him easily determine the target.

Then there's only attack left!

Although he is not afraid of anti-aircraft guns, he must first destroy the other party's anti-aircraft gun positions! So he pushed the lever, and the hs129 attack plane almost flew over the Soviet head and over the plane that was taxiing. Then his attack plane began to dive.

At this time, on the antiaircraft artillery position, the antiaircraft artillery soldiers are working hard to turn the direction machine and adjust the angle of their antiaircraft artillery. While the antiaircraft artillery rotates rapidly, the attack aircraft has appeared in the gunner's retina!

"Bang, bang!" The gunner stepped on the launcher. Although he had not aimed, he had already started shooting. The shells were flying in the sky, tens of meters away from the target!

Then, hs129 pulled up. The two bombs mounted under the belly of the machine have come unsteadily!

"Boom, boom!"

The ultra-low altitude dive attack makes its throwing accuracy quite high, and the bomb hits the target accurately!

The antiaircraft guns were blown upside down, the Gunners on them were bloody, and the antiaircraft gun position had been abandoned!

In the airspace ahead, Lieutenant steinkamp skillfully made a large angle turn and returned to the target again. The first thing he locked was the bomber about to take off!

"Come on, pull it up!" Alexander's hand held the operating lever in his arms, and the rudder surface at the tail was fully upward, pushing the air flow, trying to pry up the nose.

But it didn't work.

If the plane wants to take off, it must have a certain speed. In the end, it is not the tail tiller nose that tilts up, but the lift is greater than the gravity.

The lift is related to the speed. The higher the speed, the greater the lift generated by the wing. Now if the speed is not enough, the lift is not enough.

Alexander is still trying. He knows that only when he flies can there be hope.

Schrodevich was even more anxious. He pushed his tandem 7.62mm machine gun and wanted to push the machine gun to the side to kill the fast approaching German attack aircraft.

But the angle of his machine gun is not enough!

So he could only watch the terrible machine gun under the other party's nose, emitting a fire.

"Bang, bang!"

With the advantage of load capacity brought by strong power, the 40mm bofoss mechanism gun has a full 100 rounds of ammunition. Even so, pilots cherish it when operating, almost all of which are three-point shots.

This machine gun is mainly used to attack low-speed targets on the ground. If the SB-2 bomber flies now, it is really difficult to set too much advance, but now it is still in the snail ground sliding stage, and lieutenant steinkamp pushes the operating lever to make the shells almost come across horizontally when shooting.

"Boom!" The second shell accurately hit the bomber on the runway. The 40mm armor piercing incendiary bomb easily tore a big hole in the fuselage and shot into the position of the rear gunner.

Schrodevich's cockpit turned red in an instant. His upper body was still intact, but his legs had become broken meat. He fell powerlessly on his machine gun.

"Boom!" The bomber burned. The armor piercing incendiary bomb hit its fuel tank and ignited the loaded ammunition. Soon, it became a huge fireball. The fireball was still sliding forward. Alexander tried to control the plane and wanted to create an escape opportunity for the navigator in front.

Other bombers are facing a difficult outcome at this time.

They don't have a solid hangar, which is parked in the open air. Now, German attack aircraft will certainly attack them. Their only way is to fly the aircraft, but now, the end of Alexander is in front of them, and other pilots have no chance at all!

However, even if there is no chance, they should try!

Bombers are preparing for take-off. They quickly start their engines and want to leave here.

At this time, in the southeast, more attack aircraft have flown!