Chapter 1322

Only by learning war in war can we win the war.

When the Germans destroyed the main air force on the western front of the Soviet Union at the beginning of the war, and when German bombers could flatten a city, the Soviets began to reflect.

Their planes were no longer deployed in several obvious aviation bases, but in some small villages.

At this time, the ruggedness of Soviet fighters became an advantage.

For example, the speed of German fighters is faster and faster, but the requirements for the airport are higher and higher. If there is no flat runway, fw190 can't take off normally at all. As for the latest jet fighters that are still top secret, they need asphalt runway or concrete runway.

Not for the Soviet Union. As long as the ground in the field is leveled and rolled back and forth several times with a tractor and a roller, the runway will become.

Even if it's a little bumpy, it's okay.

At ordinary times, these airports hidden in the countryside are not conspicuous at all. Even after a rain, the runway will be covered with a layer of dense green grass, which can not be distinguished from the sky.

It was impossible for Germany to easily destroy Soviet aviation bases to destroy their air power.

Now, in the northeast of Sevastopol, outside a small village in bakhti salai, at the end of the grass-green runway, SB-2 bombers have uncovered the camouflage net covered above.

Because they are temporary field bases, almost all of these bases have only runways, and then air defense anti-aircraft gun positions are arranged at appropriate positions. The fuel is delivered by fuel trucks, and several tents are used as towers. There are not many buildings at all, let alone hangars.

Soviet planes are often exposed to the outside, and there is nothing wrong with the wind and sun. Now they are covered with camouflage nets just to avoid being found by German reconnaissance planes.

Now, the German fleet has been found, and they are going to bomb it immediately!

"Ready to take off!" The pilots, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, ran out of the tent on one side, ran quickly to their bombers, and soon sat on their planes.

Start the engine!

Pilot Alexander turned the switches. With the help of the ground power vehicle, soon the engine on one side roared, followed by the engine on the other side.

The engines on both sides have been started. He slowly pushed the throttle from idle state to take-off state. All instruments show normal. He can't wait to release the brake.

The bomber bumped several times on the soil runway, and the speed became faster and faster. With the roar of the engine, the bomber soon flew up from the runway.

"We flew to airspace 16 and were ready to assemble with other troops." Cried Alexander.

Decentralized deployment makes it difficult for the Germans to find them, but at the same time, decentralized deployment also brings new problems to their formation assembly. After all, the number of aircraft in each base is not too large. When they need large-scale assembly, they need more preparation.

To bomb the German fleet, the most inappropriate strategy is to add oil. We must gather all the bomber forces and make a large-scale bombing together, just like the German air raid on Scarpa Bay.

Behind Alexander, and now, they play hide and seek in such a circle. In fact, they are waiting for an opportunity to let the Soviet airmen expose their base! Now, just wait for the exact coordinate data.