Chapter 1312

Gorshkov, a general of the Soviet Navy, has been in OSAD recently, commanding the infantry of the Red Navy. He returned to the fleet base of the Red Navy almost a few hours ago and got the task.

Gorshkov is only in his early thirties. It is the golden age of a man. He has come to his current position step by step, step by step. His command talent has been shown in recent battles.

Okjabrisky is old. This battle is related to the survival of the Black Sea fleet. He can't stand the turbulence of the sea. Giving it to Gorshkov is his best choice.

At the same time, the most important thing for okjabrisky is to command at the base. After all, it is not his own fleet that can really destroy the German fleet, but bombers in the air.

He needs to coordinate and command bomber forces, rather than floating on the sea in navy ships.

"Yes!" Gorshkov was very excited. Just last year, he was just the leader of the cruiser detachment of the Black Sea fleet. At that time, he sat on the red Caucasus, looked at his 25000 ton battleship, and thought he could control it one day. Now, finally, he can sit on the battleship Paris Commune and ambush the German Navy in the Black Sea, It was Gorshkov's dream to command the whole fleet.

"Vladimirsky, you are responsible for organizing our naval aviation and formulating a detailed attack plan against the German fleet. We don't have much time." He continued to give orders.

After appointing two capable generals, okjabriski looked at the Red Sea in the West and said, "comrades, tomorrow is the time for us to fight a decisive battle with the German Navy! Let's teach the Germans a lesson with our fists. The Black Sea has always been our territorial sea. We must not let the Germans pollute our waters! "

Just listen to the name. In addition to the Soviet Union, which country has the Black Sea fleet? Now that the Germans dare to come to the Black Sea to provoke without fear of death, let the German Navy know that the Black Sea fleet will not shrink back.

Every warship was preparing to sail. It was a sleepless night.

No one noticed that under the silent water, a black ghost was sailing slowly.

This is a large submarine. If you look at the volume, it should be very similar to the XXI submarine most common in Germany. The same assembly line shape is suitable for underwater navigation and will weaken the navigation ability on the water.

However, if you look closely, you can see the difference. It is longer than the original XXI submarine, as if it cut the middle and added another section.

On the command tower, if you get close, you can observe that the U-100 side number is painted on it.

At this time, in this submarine, the submarine soldiers are working in an orderly way. They have been underwater for a week.

Yes, when it was found that the Soviets used sea transportation to transfuse OSAD, the German submarine troops secretly passed through the Black Sea Strait and entered the Black Sea area, where almost all of them stayed underwater.

They even rarely use the vent pipe state, because their current submarine has inserted a new cabin and added new equipment, Stirling engine. They are already an absolute AIP submarine.

Diesel electric submarine can not guarantee absolute safety. When it surfaced, even in the state of vent pipe, it is easy to be hit. When its diesel engine starts, the noise will spread far away.

Germany now has an underwater nuclear power system. Unfortunately, the high cost makes it impossible to produce in large quantities. Under the proposal of head of state Chirac, this closed cycle engine with Stirling engine is installed in the submarine.

The power is not very large, only tens of kilowatts. In addition to supplying the normal lighting, electronic equipment and living facilities on the boat, the remaining energy can be used to propel the submarine. The submarine can only sail continuously for half a month at an underwater speed of five knots.

After obtaining this submarine, the submarine soldiers are very excited. Of course, they know what it means. They don't have to sneak out of the water to breathe in the future. They can stay underwater all the time!

Without the clattering sound of the diesel engine, the Stirling engine has always been very quiet, which allows them to sail freely in the Black Sea.

On the command tower, Captain Joachim shepke took the telegram he had just received( The three trumps of German submarines, Otto and prien, have played in front. Now it's shepke's turn.)

Submarines cannot communicate underwater. They only have a fixed time to receive telegrams every day. They will not send telegrams when necessary, so as not to expose their whereabouts.

Now, with this telegram, he has a smile on his face.

"Finally, the headquarters ordered us to ambush outside the Soviet port tonight when the Soviet fleet went to sea from the port, trying to destroy the Soviet Navy's Black Sea fleet! We have more than a dozen submarines to fight with us. "

All along, they wanted to sneak attack the Soviet Navy, but they didn't get approval. They wandered in the big bath of the Black Sea for so long. Finally, they received an order to knock down the Soviet Black Sea fleet!

Those huge warship formations are not going to fight head-on with the Black Sea fleet. It is these humble submarines that kill the main force of the Soviet Navy!

No one would think that this is normal, but now it is the deployment of the German Navy.

Submarines are only one part of all naval forces, not all. From this point of view, it will suffer a loss to engage in wolf pack tactics in the Black Sea.

But it also depends on the object.

It was the United States that smashed the German wolves, because the Americans had powerful technology and advanced sonar equipment.

What about the Soviet Union?

The most advanced equipment of the Soviet Union was also imported from Germany. Their underwater detection ability was quite weak and could not resist the attack of Germany's most advanced submarines.

At the same time, the German surface fleet has attracted the attention of the Soviets. They will never think that the real killing move comes from underwater.

At the same time, after the attack, the submarines will not be attacked by the Soviets. The Soviets can't find them. Even if they find them, they haven't waited for the attack, and the sea power has fallen to Germany.

At the same time, this is also dunnitz's request. So far, the submarine force has not made decent contributions. If it can destroy the Soviet Black Sea Fleet in one fell swoop, it will add a glory to the submarine force.