Chapter 1307

Looking at the pig liver colored face around him, von baben felt very happy: "at the beginning of the European war, you listened to the rumors of Britain and France and stopped economic and trade exchanges with Germany. At that time, you had shown full hostility."

Needless to say, everyone knows what's going on. Chromium ore is a strategic resource. If Turkey stops exporting to Germany, it is expressing hostility to Germany.

"After that, you signed some treaties with the Soviet Union, which posed a new threat to our national defense security. You took refuge in Britain, France and the Soviet Union first. Now, do you regret it?"

The dignity of a diplomat lies in the country behind him. Now Germany is strong, and German diplomats are full of confidence.

Von baben took a few steps, sat in a chair, played with a pen on the table with his hand, and continued: "we in Germany have a clear distinction between love and hate. There are kindness and revenge. The practices of Turkey in recent years have hurt our hearts."

"You mean to declare war on us, Turkey?" Asked Sara ruolu.

"Declare war?" Von baben smiled and said, "when does Turkey deserve us to declare war? We want to destroy Turkey, but it's easy. We don't have to declare war at all. "

Only opponents such as the Soviet Union and the United States are worth declaring war, and there is no need to destroy a small turkey!

Such insulting words should have driven him away at once, but no one did so.

"For example, as long as we sell some weapons to Greece and promise Greece's territory under the new international order, it will be enough for Turkey to perish." Von baben continued.

Hearing this, the people present almost had the impulse to tear up the German ambassador in front of them.

The other side said very well, and he would kill people with a knife.

When it comes to the feud of Turkey, Greece is definitely in the first place. It belongs to the kind of immortality, even dating back to the 21st century BC.

Now, Greece has fallen under the threat of Germany. If Germany exports weapons to Greece, arms Greece and promises Turkey's land to Greece, Greece will definitely restart the war with Turkey.

Just like Romania now, it is not for the land of the Soviet Union to fight against the Soviet Union.

The German's move is really brilliant.

"Of course, we haven't reached that point. It depends on how Turkey chooses." Von baben continued: "I came with hope this time. Turkey has other ways to choose."

At present, there is no room for bargaining if only Germany makes the request and other countries unconditionally abide by it. When the external fleet continues to sail on the Aegean Sea and the naval guns face the coastline of Turkey, von baben puts forward these requirements with heavy weight.

"Turkey has resumed chromium ore exports to Germany and resumed various previous trade exchanges."

This requirement is not difficult to achieve. After the downfall of Britain and France, Turkey's chromium ore has a backlog. It is not easy for a government committed to developing Turkey's economy to find an exporter. Now Germany can re import, which is a win-win situation for Turkey.

"To ensure the absolute safety of the German fleet sailing in the Black Sea Strait, rent Istanbul port to the German fleet for a period of 100 years."

If the first condition is OK, the second condition will be unacceptable to the people present.

Renting Istanbul's port means that Turkey's territorial sovereignty is no longer complete. There are German fleets stationed there, which is also a real threat to Istanbul, Turkey. They can control the whole Istanbul at any time.

"As compensation, we are willing to export weapons to Turkey. Our current equipment, including fw190 fighters and Panther tanks, can be exported to Turkey."

Up to now, the fw190 fighter is still the king of this era. Even the United States on the other side of the ocean has no model that can fully compete with this fighter.

Germany is willing to liberalize export restrictions. In this way, Turkey's military equipment can be greatly updated! This condition sounds attractive.

In fact, for Germany, these are already backward equipment. When exported to Turkey, other conditions will be attached, so that Turkey will gradually become its vassal and become a servant country.

The requirements should be mentioned little by little. The traps should be dug step by step. If there is a strong army behind them, they don't believe it and don't agree.

"Give you half a day to think about it. In the afternoon, I want an accurate answer." With that, von baben stood up, patted the dust on his arm and walked out.

"Bah! How arrogant! " Facing the door, numan spit.

Everyone's face is ugly, German. It's really arrogant!

"I said that the German conditions are not absolutely harsh, but we can accept them at present. I think we might as well accept them." Said grajolu.

"How can we rent Istanbul port? That's selling the country. Kemal's father in heaven will never watch us do that!"

"Then, we will wait for the Germans to launch a landing operation, occupy our Istanbul, and then launch the Greeks to fight us, and we will end up like Poland in history? So you can go to the father of Kemal and say, "we fought?" Grajolu's words are full of irony.

We will resist to the end and never compromise! There is no problem in saying this sentence in the mouth of ordinary soldiers. However, in the national decision-making level, we must see all the consequences. Maybe their choice will be scolded as traitors, but they have no choice.

The current situation is that if Turkey does not agree, there will be a war. If only the German Navy, Turkey can also carry out a great war of resistance. However, when Germany pulls Greece in, it is different.

Even if Turkey can finally win its old enemy Greece, Turkey will be crippled. At that time, the Germans can still control the Black Sea Strait. Maybe that's the idea.

What good is resistance to Turkey?

Turkey is afraid of war. Even if they claim to be the first power in the Middle East, they have learned the lessons of the first World War and the ten Russian Turkish wars and dare not get involved in the war easily. Turkey suffered heavy losses in the Russian Turkish war. In World War I, Turkey lost all its pants. Therefore, as soon as World War II began, Turkey did not dare to see the excitement.

Now, Germany is threatening Turkey to get on the bus.