Chapter 1163

In this era, only Shrek was the first to realize the power of carrier based aircraft aviation, vigorously developed aircraft carrier forces, and developed various tactics and weapons against battleships. This one ton rocket propelled bomb is a tailor-made killer for battleships.

Dive bombing ensures sufficient accuracy, and a ton of bomb ensures power. All battleships in this era only pay attention to side armor and ignore top armor.

More sadly, they didn't even realize the importance of anti-aircraft guns.

After an air attack led by Chirac, the German Navy has a deep understanding of all this. The warships built by Germany have very strong air defense firepower. The 128 mm and 88 mm anti-aircraft guns are responsible for long-distance air defense, and the dense 40 mm boforth anti-aircraft guns are responsible for short-range air defense. This kind of continuous rapid fire guns is the most terrible threat to the other side.

But the Soviet Navy did not.

Their 30000 ton warship has only six anti-aircraft guns and eight anti-aircraft machine guns. Its firepower is negligible. There are many dead corners of shooting. It dives from the dead corner, and the success rate is quite high.

In history, the Mara was attacked by Stuka, which led to the explosion of the ammunition depot and finally could not be repaired. As a result, the bow was cut off and used as a shore defense gun. This is also the most brilliant classic battle example of ruder. Now, the young airmen of the German Navy have killed a battleship of the red empire.

While the Mara was attacked, the October revolution also faced a dive attack by German bombers.

On the October Revolution, anti-aircraft guns were firing fiercely into the sky. Unfortunately, they could not stop those terrible planes. A Stuka bomber accurately found the dead corner of the other party's shooting and threw down the bomb it carried.

"Right full rudder!" Captain Trosky shouted, now, no matter how narrow the channel below is, he has to avoid the bomb first.

At this time, the Mara had a terrible martyrdom explosion, which put too much pressure on Trotsky.

The huge hull began to tilt to the right. At this time, the ship's speed did not decrease, which led to a terrible tilt of the hull.

A warship of tens of thousands of tons may tilt more than ten degrees when the right rudder is full. For the people on board, the feeling in their hearts at this moment is indescribable.

All the people hold tightly to the things around them, hoping not to be left behind.

It's OK for the people inside the ship to say that the most is a collision, and the people outside the ship may be thrown out.

For example, on the side of the rear deck, an unlucky man carrying shells immediately became unstable when the hull began to tilt. He stepped back several steps to the right to stabilize his body, but he missed the last step.

He let out a scream and fell from above. The cold water flooded him in an instant.

He can't swim.

No one took into account the unlucky guy. The high artillery looked nervously at the sky and saw that the bomb dragged the flame and jumped into the sea next to the side of the ship on its left. It was only one or two meters away!

"Boom!" The bomb exploded in the sea.

When they heard the explosion, everyone was frightened. Their hands tightly grasped the place they had just held, and they didn't dare to loosen it at all. Sure enough, there was a terrible vibration from the ship.

What kind of fuse is the bomb used by the Germans? It can detonate in the water. Moreover, this kind of bomb detonated under the water is not small at all.

In the violent explosion, the sea water under the impact of the air flow turned into a terrible shock wave, beating the bottom of the battleship. In the waves of sea water, small cracks appeared at the bottom of the ship body.

In addition to being afraid of dive bombers, battleships are also afraid of torpedoes. This battleship during World War I only paid attention to the armor on the side of the ship and did not pay attention to the parts below the waterline. After all, no shells came from underwater.

Therefore, during World War II, when many old ships were refitted, they added underwater armor, which was used to prevent torpedoes.

Now, the bomb has become a torpedo. With the beating of the water, a big hole has suddenly opened in the bottom of the October Revolution.

Here is a compartment for storing grain in the middle of the hull. In this compartment, a group of soldiers happened to be carrying a bag of potatoes. When the air raid suddenly broke out, he only had time to drop the potatoes, and then the hull began to shake.

Then, the huge explosion echoed in the whole cabin. He felt his ears hissing and couldn't hear anything.

Then the sea water poured in from below. No, the hull is damaged!

He stood up and ran forward quickly. Ten steps away, he climbed the ladder.

The sea came in frantically from behind him. He was racing against the sea.

Compared with other sailors, his stomach was a little fat, which made him pant when he ran. When he began to climb the ladder, the sea water had gone to his feet and the vegetables behind him floated.

Climb, climb up!

When he climbed the three meter high ladder with both hands and feet, he heard the sound of fear from above.

"Pipe damage, pipe damage immediately, close the cabin door!"

"No!" The gang soldiers shouted, "I'm down there!"

He continued to climb up, but the upper hatch had been closed, and the spiral switch was making a squeaking sound and being tightened in circles.

"Wait for me!" The gang soldiers shouted and finally climbed to the top. He grabbed the ladder with one hand and knocked on the top hatch with the other hand: "I'm inside, let me out!"

At his feet, the sea was pouring up, and his heart had begun to fear.

There was no response.

"Bang, bang, bang!" He knocked hard on the hatch door to let the people above open, but it was useless. No one paid attention to him at all.

He began to screw the hatch by himself. It was useless. When it was closed from the outside, the inside could not be opened.

When the sea water reached his feet, he felt the cold of the sea water, became more afraid, and knocked it up.

"Put me up, you guys are murdering!"

Above, two pale sailors, of course, heard the knocking below, but they didn't dare to open. The sea was about to come up. They had no time.

The answer to this multiple-choice question is very clear.

The sea water continued to pour up to his chest and head. The body of the group leader soldier was cold under the immersion of the sea water. He couldn't hold back in the water and vomited bubbles in series. At the same time, the cold sea water also entered his lungs. He coughed and struggled. After a short time, his consciousness became blurred and his body became stiff, Into the boundless darkness.