Chapter 1159

The attack of the northern army group is almost in a straight line, and their goal is quite clear, that is, Petersburg.

After the war, under the command of Marshal Bock, with the 4th Armored Regiment of hepna as the middle route, the 18th group army of quxiler as the left wing and the 16th group army of Bucher as the right wing, they attacked from konisburg in East Prussia to the general direction of taogfpils Pskov Leningrad with the support of the first aviation team.

The 4th Panzer regiment completely seized two bridges on the West de Wiener river outside the city of taogfpils and occupied taogfpils.

In this way, the loss of taugfpils completely exposed the Pskov Leningrad front line to the German army because it lost its natural barrier.

What is more speechless is that after the German army occupied Riga, the capital of Latvia, it broke through the Soviet defense line on the Latvia Russia border. The Soviet army was absolutely frightened and abandoned Pskov. In this way, the door to Petersburg has been opened.

(I don't know if everyone is tired of the description of the continuous land war. Let's make the attack of the northern Legion simpler.)

At the same time, the Finnish army has also driven the Soviet army out of its national boundary, and began new war preparations. It plans to launch fierce attacks on the Soviet northern front army in the directions of Pedro zawotsk and Viborg respectively.

In this way, Petersburg has become dangerous.

After tributz got the news of Pskov's occupation, he knew that the situation was quite bad. The German ground forces didn't even have to come to Estonia at all. They had invaded the Soviet mainland.

"We must go back to Petersburg and use our naval guns to support the ground battle and attack the German tank forces." Tributz looked at the people present, and there was a lot of discontent in his words.

As the most powerful Baltic Fleet, they have no ability to attack and attack the enemy. Instead, they want to retreat to Petersburg, but he knows that he must do so.

Petersburg is of great commemorative significance to the Soviet Union.

At that time, the Soviet revolution began in Petersburg, which was named after the great revolutionary pioneer. If this city was ravaged by the Germans, it would be a disgrace to the whole Soviet and even more angry than the occupation of Moscow.

They are going to defend their city.

As a fleet commander, he has the right to make such orders. At the same time, his orders will also be reported to Moscow. Radio waves spread back to Moscow from Tallinn and spread in all directions.

Like the Mediterranean, the Baltic Sea is almost an inland sea. It can communicate with the outer ocean only through the strait between Denmark and Sweden. However, unlike the Mediterranean, it is hard to be affected by the Atlantic warm current, so the temperature of the whole Baltic Sea is always very low, and even the outer channel will freeze in the coldest time.

The weather is not cold now. It is already spring. However, on the sea, you can occasionally see one or two pieces of floating ice floating over, which comes from the cold Gulf of Bothnia.

At this time, in the waters of Latvia, a fleet was sailing towards the interior of the Baltic Sea. The sea breeze was blowing and the flag was flying in the wind.

In front of this fleet are the "shanhorst" and "Strasbourg". These two battleships lead a vast dozen warships to form a huge formation. In their middle, there are three Goethe class aircraft carriers.

Although Germany has built several Zeppelin Earl class aircraft carriers, these aircraft carriers are not suitable for activities in the Baltic Sea. The swing space here is too small. Moreover, these aircraft carriers mainly deal with Americans in the Atlantic and do not participate in these operations.

Goethe class aircraft carrier is enough.

At this time, on the deck of Goethe class aircraft carrier, the shipborne Stuka bomber was preparing for takeoff.

The German Navy's all-purpose fighter, fw190, is absolutely versatile in the hands of the Navy. It can not only fight in air, but also attack the ground and ship. It can hang torpedoes and bombs. However, the output of this kind of aircraft is limited after all.

With the rapid expansion of the German Navy, the new aircraft can not meet the needs all the time. Therefore, in the hands of the Navy, there are still a large number of Stuka bombers. In addition to giving part to the islanders, the German Navy is also using them by itself.

For example, there are many Stuka bombers on Goethe class aircraft carriers.

Squadron leader Franz Stigler, with his flying cap, stood in the flight preparation room on the bridge. From here, you can clearly see the planes on the deck that have been prepared.

The window was open, and the cold wind was blowing in. Although it was spring, the Baltic Sea was still very cold.

"Our task is to take off from our aircraft carrier and completely destroy the main warships of the Soviet Baltic Fleet." He said to his pilots.

"Those Soviets are finally willing to come out?" Hearing his words, the pilots below were eager to try.

These days, they are very oppressed.

Because the attack power of the air force was limited, the Soviet Baltic Fleet was always preserved and the Soviet Navy was left to the German Navy.

However, the Soviet Navy played tricks.

Germany's air power is quite strong. German planes raided Scarpa Bay and destroyed the feat of the British navy in one fell swoop. It is simply a textbook classic war example, and the Soviets can't help worrying.

Therefore, the Soviets were shameless. After the battle started that day, they actually began to release thick smoke in the port. Yes, it was thick smoke. They burned those ragged rubber at the wharf, damaged the atmosphere and made the whole wharf smoke.

Their warships were shrouded in this layer of smoke, which hindered the German pilots from diving.

They began to study the Soviet Baltic Fleet a few months ago. Simulated attacks have been deduced many times, but they were perplexed by their trick.

"Yes, the Soviet fleet is about to anchor and set sail." Franz said that he had just got the news: "we should be prepared for taking off now, and the order will be issued at any time."

"Are you here to attack us?" Asked a pilot.

"No, they're going back to Petersburg."

"Cut, shrink your head, tortoise! Shrinking the head is also a knife. "

At this time, the whole aircraft carrier sounded an emergency whistle, and the order to take off had been issued!