Chapter 1090

Mussolini was certainly unwilling to fail.

After turning to Germany for help, Mussolini inspired a sense of shame. He would never let the Germans see his jokes!

So Mussolini mobilized his army again. The fool viscanti polasca was dismissed by Mussolini and replaced by lieutenant general sodu.

However, lieutenant general sodu did not bring any good luck to Italy. After 41 years, Italy reorganized its attack, but it was counterattacked by the Greek army. Moreover, the Greek army took advantage of the victory to enter Albania and occupy the famous city korcha.

It seems that the Greek army can occupy the whole territory of Albania after fighting for some time, and the Italian army will have to return to Italy!

Facing this ending, Mussolini was extremely angry!

"There are Finns in the Greek army. These Finns are too brave. They are not afraid of the Soviets. Our soldiers were defeated by the Finns, not the Greeks!" A senior officer reported to Mussolini.

Hearing the news, Mussolini immediately said angrily: "immediately protest to Finland and ask them to withdraw from Greece. If the Finns don't withdraw again, we will declare war on Finland!"

The furious Mussolini, without any political consideration at this time, was completely an angry bull.

A day later, Mussolini received a reply from Finland.

"The Finns said that there were only three Finnish troops left in Greece." Ziano said.

There are only three people. The Finnish side is mocking itself. Ziano looked at Mussolini and knew he would be angry.

Sure enough, Mussolini stood up and shouted, "tell the Finns, I'm talking about these people! If these people remain in the Greek army, it is an insult to our Italy, and we will declare war on the Finns! "

Mussolini was extremely angry at this time. It was these Finns who defeated Italy!

"Party leader, why don't we ask Berlin for help again?" Marshal Badoglio, chief of the general staff, said to Mussolini.

If the headstrong Mussolini did not launch the second war to invade Greece, it would not be the result now. Badoglio already knew about the last time Mussolini hit a wall in Berlin, but he had no choice. The only thing they can rely on now is Germany.

Mussolini stood up and looked out of the window at the rising sun in the East, where the evil Greece was. He didn't look back and said to the back, "Badoglio, go to Berlin."

Mussolini will never run into a wall again. He also knows that now he can only rely on Germany, so let Badoglio go.

Badoglio was stunned and went by himself? Mussolini only met the foreign minister of the other party. If he went, any officer of the other party would send him away.

However, he could not disobey Mussolini's orders, so he nodded: "OK, I'll go."

On the plane to Berlin, Badoglio was worried. He was thinking that Italy had made no progress in recent years, while Germany had made earth shaking changes. Italy had hardly won. All this was caused by Mussolini's party leader.

If Mussolini's party leader is gone, it would be much better to find a new person.

When he thought of this, there was a cold sweat on his back. This idea must not be known to others, otherwise he would be at risk of execution!

Badoglio's life was also very bumpy. After several ups and downs of the official sea, he took off his military uniform several times. At the beginning, he did not support the Mussolini government and left the army. When the Italian army invaded Ethiopia, the early progress of Italy was not smooth until Badoglio was reactivated.

Now, he has retreated again. Moreover, if the invasion of Greece fails, Mussolini will certainly find another scapegoat. As the chief of general staff of the army, Badoglio is the most appropriate. I'm afraid he will be kicked away again.

Such thoughts constantly torment Badoglio. He is worried on the plane.

When he got off the plane, he found that the German foreign minister came to meet him personally. After getting on the car, he walked a long way and passed many outposts. Even he was dazed before he finally stopped.

Here is a secluded mountain with beautiful scenery. You can see that there is snow on the top of the mountain in the distance, but there are green trees below.

"Marshal Badoglio, please follow me. The head of state is waiting for you."

After getting off the bus, before taking back his sight from the beautiful scenery, Badoglio heard such a sentence, which immediately made him very excited.

When Mussolini came, Chirac didn't pay attention to him, but when he came, he was received by the head of state of Chirac. This honor is really amazing.

"Sheikh." When he saw hilrick, Badoglio saluted hilrick and sat down.

Badoglio was a thin man with a big beard, which was not commensurate with his face. When he sat down, he sat straight.

Chirac looked at Badoglio a few times and said, "what do you think of the Greek War?"

"This war, we are not fully prepared and did not anticipate various risks, resulting in the deterioration of the current situation." After thinking about it, Badoglio spoke.

"So whose responsibility is all this?"

As soon as Chirac asked, he immediately made Badoglio sweat again on his back. He had guessed what, but he didn't dare to think further. It was terrible.

The first failure can be said to be Visconti's ambition. What about the second?

The most fundamental is Mussolini's arrogance and arbitrary command, but can you say that?

Badoglio's face turned red. He didn't know what to say, but it seemed impolite not to say so.

"Don't worry, there will be no news here." Hilrick said: "marshal Badoglio, in fact, I am personally dissatisfied with the current situation in Italy. What we need is an Italy that can be alone at any time, not a drag bottle. We have to solve everything in Germany."

"You say, who caused such a result? How did the powerful ancient Roman Empire with a long history become such a weak country now? Don't you want to change all this? Marshal, I personally support you. "