Chapter 1088

The sea air war that broke out in the coral sea slowly came to an end. The sea war overturned the situation of previous sea wars and shocked the navies of all countries.

Until one side failed, the naval fleets of both sides did not contact. They all launched attacks outside the sight distance, and the party with advanced fighters and attack aircraft will gain absolute advantage in this naval battle.

The Americans lost two aircraft carriers again, worse than in history. They had to withdraw from the naval battle and wait to accumulate more naval power before they could regain the initiative in the Pacific.

At the same time, after defeating the US Navy, the morale of the island country's Navy rose again. For them, this victory indicates that their battle of Midway Island can go on smoothly!

However, for the island Navy, they also have regrets. In this naval battle, their aircraft carrier Xianghe was also damaged and had to return to the shipyard for repair. However, they want to organize the next midway naval battle, and their existing strength is insufficient.

Under such circumstances, lieutenant general Nan Yunzhong of the island country's Navy once again came all the way to Germany.

"We hope to order a new batch of Stuka bombers and two to four aircraft carriers from you." Nan Yunzhong came straight to the point.

The island countries do not have enough strength on hand, and even if the military factories in the island countries start production at full speed, they can not meet their needs. At this time, ordering from Germany has become a shortcut.

After all, Germany now has the shipbuilding industries of Britain and France and the German naval fleet. It is almost expanding like dumplings. At this time, ordering from Germany must be the fastest.

Looking at the Navy generals of the island countries, Shrek knew their purpose: "it seems that you are going to attack midway?"

Nan Yunzhong was stunned when he said this. His own combat action is top secret. How does head of state sirik know? He certainly didn't leak the secret, so that is to say, it was guessed by head of state Chirac?

Sure enough, it is unfathomable. There is nothing that head of state sirik can't know!

Nan Yunzhong blushed and didn't speak because he didn't know what to say.

"If you order directly with us, you won't catch up with the battle." "We can give our newly built warships to our Oriental friends," said Shrek. We have four Goethe class aircraft carriers, which have completed all sea trials and have not been incorporated into our navy. Now, we can give all these aircraft carriers to our friends. "

Goethe class aircraft carrier? Nan Yunzhong is not familiar with this aircraft carrier. In his understanding, the German aircraft carrier is the Zeppelin Earl class. Now six have been in service. What is this Goethe class aircraft carrier?

However, if there were such four aircraft carriers, they would be enough to expand their own naval strength and be of better help to the upcoming midway naval battle.

"The displacement of these aircraft carriers is only more than 10000 tons, and they can carry more than 20 carrier based aircraft. Compared with the main warships, they are a little slow, but more flexible. In addition to participating in operations with the main force of the fleet, they can also go out alone to undertake the escort task on the route. For the island Navy, I think this aircraft carrier is also quite suitable. " Said Shrek.

This so-called Goethe class aircraft carrier, of course, is an escort aircraft carrier, almost the same as the container cargo ships built on orders from the United States. Now, in addition to building the main aircraft carrier, Germany is also starting to build such an escort aircraft carrier. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Germany will have a long sea route to protect in the future, and escort aircraft carrier is necessary.

At the same time, only such aircraft carriers can be exported to island countries.

The technical level is low and will not leak out Germany's advanced technology. At the same time, the Zeppelin Earl class built by Germany is not enough for its own use. How can it be exported to island countries!

After carefully understanding the performance, Nan yunzhongyi finally agreed. In particular, he can drive back to the island country within half a month, which is very attractive.

"As for the terms of payment." "We don't accept loans. You can barter, for example, with rubber from Southeast Asia," said shirikton

Natural rubber tree is a tropical rain forest tree. The planting area is basically distributed within 15 ℃ in North-South latitude, mainly concentrated in Southeast Asia, accounting for about 90% of the world's natural rubber planting area.

Rubber is definitely a strategic resource. Let alone, take German tanks. The load wheels used are rubber hung, and this kind of is best to use natural rubber. Although Germany has started technologies such as synthetic rubber, it is always the best natural rubber in terms of performance.

With the expansion of the island countries in Southeast Asia, the island Congress controls a large area of natural rubber producing areas. So many rubber can not be used by the island countries. Exporting to Germany is the best choice.

Sure enough, Nan yunzhongyi didn't refuse and nodded in agreement. He couldn't be the master. He could discuss with pheasant 56 when he went back.

Compared with history, Germany's support for island countries is greater. Of course, this support is to let island countries contain the United States. Now, the greater the mutual consumption between island countries and the United States, the more beneficial it is to Germany!

However, Germany will never sign any axis treaty with the island countries. Chirac will never jump into the pit of the island countries.

After seeing off the visitors from the island country, Shrek didn't pay much attention to the situation in the Far East. For him, he is now focused on one thing.

Barbarosa plan.

It is already February. According to his plan, the Barbarosa plan will officially start in March. At this time, nothing can hinder him from implementing the plan.

The day after Nan Yunzhong left, xierik continued to call his subordinates to meet in the wolf cave.

"Our troops are gathering towards the border. So far, there is no sign that we have been exposed." Sherner said: "however, in order to be safer, I personally think we can have a little friction with the Americans at sea and let the Soviets know that we are still bent on fighting with the United States. The Americans have just suffered a loss in the Coral Sea and certainly dare not expand the conflict with us. Roosevelt will certainly regret running for president this time. He will become the last president of the United States. "

Sherner's words ushered in a burst of laughter.

By taking a bullet, Roosevelt miraculously won more support. In the general election, he narrowly defeated his opponent with 55% of the votes and won the election. At the same time, he also created a new era for the re-election of the president of the United States. He was re elected for three terms for the first time in the history of the United States!

However, this president is not easy to be. He will become the last president of the United States!

"Well, let the Propaganda Department congratulate Roosevelt like this." Xierik is very satisfied with this proposal. Anyway, it's normal to have a mouth fight now. Germany doesn't say that if Germany destroys the United States, the island countries can destroy them.

When it came to the ears of the Soviet Union, it must have thought that its own side was going to fight the United States! Continue to paralyze the Soviets!

"But, head of state Chirac, there must be a reason for us to launch a war against the Soviet Union?" Just then, Reinhart spoke.


Justice will win. This is the slogan shouted by the victor. Therefore, the just can't open the war mode for no reason. The Soviets don't understand this. Attacking Iran is a mistake made by the Soviets. They started directly without giving reasons.

Every war in Germany has good reasons. Even if it swept Europe, it is also because of the revenge war in which Hitler's head of state was assassinated by Britain and France!

Now, what excuse do you want to fight the Soviet Union? After all, the Soviet Union is still good friends with Germany!

Of course, there are too many excuses! As soon as Shrek's eyes turned, he remembered something: "aren't the Soviets also actively preparing for the big thunder plan to attack us? This is our most legitimate reason! "

The words of Shrek made the people present laugh. Yes, for this reason!