Chapter 1081

In a room in Berlin's yuan capital, Mussolini stood up, sat down, stood up again, and sat down again.

He walked around the room for several times. Finally, he was impatient and asked the German side again, "when will head of state Chirac come back?"

As the leader of Italy's party, Mussolini must receive the highest standard reception when he comes to Germany, but now he is very dissatisfied. His plane is at the airport and only the people from the Italian Embassy meet him. The Germans have not arrived at all. Even if he came suddenly this time without notice, should the German foreign minister at least come?

Now, he has been waiting for seven hours to come to Germany. It's dark outside. Head of state Chirac still disappeared.

"Head of state Chirac is still inspecting outside. I don't know if he can come back tonight." Said the German on one side.

Chirac's inspection route is of course top secret. It is impossible to tell Mussolini for Chirac's safety.

"Where did he inspect? Take me. I want to see head of state Shrek at once! " Mussolini finally couldn't wait. If Chirac didn't come back, he went to find him. Is it always OK?

Just then, a voice came from outside: "sorry, leader of Mussolini, I just came back."

It's not Chirac. It's German Foreign Minister Ribbentrop!

Mussolini's face was very ugly. He looked at Ribbentrop and said, "where's the head of state Chirac? I want to see him! "

"The head of state is inspecting outside. The trip may take two or three days." Ribbentrop said, "please tell me what the party leader has to do, and I will tell the head of state hilrick intact."

"Then I'll find him. Where is he?" Mussolini repeated what he had just said. At least ribentrop should know the whereabouts of Chirac?

"The head of state's itinerary is uncertain. He is inspecting some factories below. I'm not sure where they are." Said Ribbentrop.

Mussolini's heart was angry. Xierik would rather inspect factories slowly below than come back to meet himself. Is his status so low in xierik's eyes?

However, when I think of Germany now, I am no longer the weak Germany. As a revolutionary mentor, I can only accept my life without being respected by the younger brother.

"Well, our army is not good at fighting in Greece. We hope the empire can send an army to defeat Greece with us. We have signed the agreement of Axis powers and the steel treaty. The Empire should help us selflessly at this moment."

When he first proposed the axis power, Mussolini was superior and signed with his students, while when the steel treaty was signed, he was already an aggressive Chirac.

In any case, the two sides, as allies, should advance and retreat together.

In particular, the steel treaty shows the obligations of the Germans.

There are three main articles in the steel Treaty:

1、 When the security or vital interests of one Contracting State are threatened by external threats, the other Contracting State will give political and diplomatic support;

2、 If one party is involved in the war, the other party will give military support by land, sea and air;

3、 Establish a standing committee to strengthen mutual coordination.

Now, Italy has been involved in the war with Greece, and Germany needs to support Italy!

Hearing Mussolini's words, Ribbentrop said: "the war between Italy and Greece is outside our steel treaty, because before that, head of state Chirac has urged Italy. Head of state Chirac has made a judgment that if Italy attacks Greece, it will certainly encounter failure. I hope Italy will not invade Greece. Now, Facts have proved the correctness of the head of state Chirac. "

"What?" Mussolini was finally annoyed when he heard what Ribbentrop said.

Mussolini certainly remembered that when he decided to do it, he received an urgent telegram from Chirac asking Italy not to do it. However, if Italy listened to Germany, who was the big brother? And how can Italy be so weak?

Mussolini was certainly not obedient at that time, but now, the development of the facts completely exceeded Mussolini's expectations. Polasca was beaten by the Greeks and returned from Greece. The Greeks have begun to recruit troops on a large scale, and there are signs of continuing to fight.

At this time, Italy must find foreign aid, and Germany needs to give Italy aid.

Who knows, the Germans say that?

"What's the point of our steel treaty?" Mussolini was furious: "is Germany forcing us to withdraw from the steel treaty?"

Hearing this sentence, suddenly, Ribbentrop's eyes shot cold eyes, and even made Mussolini shiver. No, it must be an illusion. Well, it's too cold here.

"We in Germany can implement the treaty, that is, to warn the Greek government that the two sides are subject to the border line before the outbreak of the war and are not allowed to cross one step to maintain a state of peace. If the Greeks cross the border, we in Germany will be regarded as an attack on Germany."

This is Germany's commitment, the steel treaty is still in force, and Germany protects Italy from Greek aggression, that's all.

Germany will not send troops to cripple Greece for the sake of Italy, which will seriously affect Germany's Barbarosa plan.

However, Mussolini will not accept such a commitment.

"It seems that I'm wrong this time. We can conquer the Greeks and restore the glory of ancient Rome without relying on Germany and Italy!" Mussolini stood up and walked out angrily.

Looking at the figure of Mussolini leaving, Ribbentrop shook his head reluctantly. People, it's important to have self-knowledge, and now Mussolini is on the wrong road, going farther and farther!

Mussolini, how dare you break up with Germany?

The whole Mediterranean is Germany's inland sea. After breaking up, Germany doesn't have to send troops to conquer Italy. Just change someone to replace Mussolini.

Well, anyway, Mussolini has been sent away and it's time to report to head of state Chirac.

Holding the phone and listening to the narration of Ribbentrop on the other end of the phone, Shrek was very calm.

"It seems that Mussolini still doesn't give up." "Then we won't intervene. When Italy is conquered by the Greeks, how can Mussolini ask us again?" said Chirac

In this regard, Chirac is very sure. In history, the Greeks drove all the way, and almost hit the French border. Therefore, Vichy's French border defense forces set up a sign on the border. Greeks, stop fighting. This is France!