Chapter 1036

Since ancient times, Iran has been a place where cavalry gallop. Because there are many mountains on the plateau, cavalry who can come and go freely are the masters here. Even the Soviets know that Iran is not easy to fight. It is most appropriate to rely on cavalry rapid assault.

When the Soviet cavalry attacked wantonly, they didn't see the figure of Iranian cavalry. This is because the most elite cavalry division in Iran was organized for the Iranian Royal Guard division. They are an important military force stationed in Tehran. They only guard the kingship!

This mission made them lose the blood spurting scene of head-on collision with the Soviet cavalry and showing the cavalry fighting on the battlefield of World War II. Until now, the Iranian cavalry has been sent out.

To become the Royal Guard division of Iran, their strength is certainly good. It can be said that they were the troops of King Lisha Khan in those years!

In those days, Lisa Khan was the colonel of the guard regiment of the Cossack division. In his early years, there were a large number of British advisers in the Cossack division. Lisa Khan had contacts with Britain for a long time and was regarded as a "reliable person".

Therefore, on February 21, 1921, the British military advisory group in Iran supported the pro British politicians said Zia and Reza Khan to launch a coup and imprisoned the king. Said was appointed prime minister, and Reza Khan was "Sardar Sepah" (Grand Marshal).

Originally, the British thought that this move could control Iran, but the British miscalculated. Reza Khan was not easy to be controlled. One month after the coup, Reza Khan overthrew said, became king and established the last dynasty of Iran.

At the same time, the cavalry division born in Reza Khan was reorganized into the Royal Guard division of Iran, which is the most trusted force of Reza Khan.

Some royal guards, belonging to the shelf army, are specially used to appear at various ceremonies to show the outstanding temperament of soldiers. In terms of actual combat effectiveness, it is quite poor.

This army is definitely not like this. They are the most powerful army in Iran. Even the mechanized brigade can't compare with them, because they are Cossack cavalry!

When it comes to Cossacks, you first think of Russia. As a "Czar's whip", Cossacks have been fighting for Russia for centuries. However, in addition to Russia, Cossack cavalry also appeared in other corners of the world, while Iran's Cossack cavalry was completely the result of Russia's own chicken flying eggs.

The word Cossack comes from Turkic and means "free man". It was originally a nomadic group formed by a military autonomous group in order to resist the imposed obligations of the Khanate in the era of the qincha Khanate. Its birth was even earlier than Russia itself. Its ethnic composition is also very complex. It is an out and out "mixed race" group.

In 1879, dozens of Russian Cossacks arrived in Persia under the leadership of cavalry Lieutenant Colonel Alexei domankovic. At that time, the Persian Cossack cavalry regiment was announced to be established, with a force of 400 and expanded by more than 1500 the next year, which was also the most elite army in Persia at that time.

Of course, Russia did not have any good intentions. At that time, it was exported to the Persian cavalry to indirectly control Persia, that is, later Iran. Unfortunately, this cavalry division took root in Iran and has developed until now. Because Lisa Khan launched a coup by relying on the Cossack cavalry, there is even a saying in later generations that the Pahlavi Dynasty was established by the Cossacks.

Although after Reza Khan became king of Iran, he carried out drastic modernization reform and introduced German consultants to build a new military and political system, the Cossack cavalry is still their most powerful force!

In front, the mechanized brigade was used to carry out a sneak attack. It was just a bait. Just after the mechanized brigade attracted all the attention of the Soviet artillery, the Cossack cavalry had gone around behind the Soviet artillery. Their task was to completely surround and destroy the artillery!

The Soviet artillery is the biggest threat to Ghazvin. They must eliminate all this threat!

Go! The Cossack cavalry waved their sabers. Their legs and stirrups had turned up on the horse's back. In this way, they didn't have to bump with the horses. The horses under their hips seemed to feel the murderous spirit of the battlefield and hissed excitedly.

Go! Division commander Tchaikov waved his Cossack cavalry machete and rushed to the front with the team.

If the Soviet artillery had markchin heavy machine guns, they could stop these cavalry, but now they have nothing!

What's more terrible is that their muzzle is towards the mechanized forces of the Iranians. Now, the cavalry suddenly appeared behind them, so that they have no possibility of confrontation!

The main business of the artillery is to operate cannons. They don't even have enough hands for a monasingham rifle! They are technical arms, not front-line troops!

Thousands of war horses were galloping. From a distance, it was like a boiling ocean. The raised saber was like a forest, shining with cold light.

Laprizze, who carried the shells, was completely blank in his mind. His hand was put down. The two shells fell directly to the ground and hit his feet. He frowned in pain, but did not shout out. At this time, he was occupied by his own panic.

Iranian cavalry!

Laprizze still issued an alarm. His cry startled others. Yakov, who was directing the fire, looked back. In a moment, he was completely stunned.

All over the mountains, the cavalry are coming quickly. At this moment, it is like a raging tide to drown them!

Yakov's heart was full of ashes. He knew that any battle was futile and they were about to lose.

"Come on, Yakov, come up!" In a short time, major Ivan had reacted. He grabbed Yakov's arm and pulled him onto the gaz61 SUV.

During the war, these off-road vehicles were convertible to facilitate getting on and off. Of course, there was absolutely no need to worry about being stolen. All the car keys were on the car, which was convenient for people to drive.

Major Ivan is also one of the few people who know Yakov's identity. He became good friends with Yakov in the artillery academy, which was also inspired by his boss.

As the head of an artillery regiment, it is absolutely cowardly to lose his troops at this time. He will be shot when he goes back. However, for him, a more important task is to protect Yakov's safety!

The artillery regiment without light weapons was made dumplings by others. You can think of the consequences with your toes. At this time, if you can save Yakov, he will make great contributions!

Yakov was pulled into the car by major Ivan. The 54 horsepower engine roared and rushed out.

The other artillery soldiers also reacted and got on the bus and ran away!