"Launch tube one, launch tube two, three seconds apart, release!" At this time, more than ten meters below the sea, a large German XXI submarine has launched its own attack.

Otto krazimmer, bearded, originally, he had finished his cruise in the Atlantic and was preparing to return to Germany. As a result, after receiving the order, he immediately ordered to change direction and come towards the South Atlantic. He ambushed for two days on the route and finally waited for his prey!

The order is very clear. We must sink the target! There can be no accidents. Therefore, Otto did not use electric torpedoes, but used the latest thermodynamic oxygen torpedoes. This advanced weapon developed from island technology is very valuable. It can be used only when dealing with important targets!

The biggest feature of oxygen torpedoes is their high speed. This latest model of torpedoes can reach a high speed of 50 knots! Although the bubbles generated by combustion will expose its trajectory, no ship can escape, especially the slow cargo ship in front!

"Right full rudder!" When he found bubbles on the sea, Captain Danny gave orders loudly, as if he had operated a warship before.

Unfortunately, his men are not warships, but a slow cargo ship!

The stern and rudder of the cargo ship have all been unfolded, but the huge hull is rotating slowly, and the speed is not enough!

Danny watched the bubbles on the sea come towards his cargo ship in an absolute straight line, and then hit the side of the cargo ship!



There were two explosions and sounded on the side of the hull. The warhead of this torpedo is quite large. It is designed according to the standard that one can kill a 10000 ton warship and two dry sinking aircraft carriers.

Now, two torpedoes to kill a cargo ship is like killing a chicken with an ox knife.

The explosion of the first torpedo, the current lifted at the bottom of the ship, impacted the bottom of the ship, and instantly compressed the whole bottom. In the creaking sound, the hull broke from the middle and became the front and rear sections!

The second torpedo hit the back part and blew the back into two sections again!

The front hull, almost in an instant, like a fierce son, got under the sea, while the back was lifted first, and the people on board jumped out in panic.

The ship is sinking!

Otto looked at his goal in the periscope. There was no possibility to save it. It was a piece of cake!

"Two warships were found sailing here." Just then, the sonar reported to him.

Under normal circumstances, Otto should have ordered a retreat, but now, looking at the struggling crew on the sea, his face was still harsh: "dive to 50 meters, turn off the engine and keep silent."

Allen ward is an old ship during World War I, with a displacement of only more than 1000 tons. Over the years, it has become a little old.

Its main engine is accelerating and black smoke is constantly coming out of the boiler, but the ship is still sailing slowly. It is hardly suitable for this escort mission.

On the other side, the Bagley, which has only been in service for 37 years, is much faster. The warship has a displacement of more than 2000 tons. At the same time, the main engine has high power. During the trial voyage, it ran at a vigorous speed of more than 40 knots.

Now, it speeded up immediately, smoking black smoke, drove past the Allen ward and hurried towards the Kobe.

While moving, Captain Chloe was cursing. Those senior officers of the Navy were eating shit!

Let one's own side protect the cargo ship and open a certain distance. If something really happens, how can we catch up! Those people must have never flown a warship. They think it's as easy as riding a motorcycle? Just step on the gas?

"Kobe, Kobe, get it, please answer, get it, please answer!" As they accelerated, the radio was calling, but there was nothing in the radio.

What's going on? Have you had an accident?

Standing on the bridge, Chloe used his telescope to look at the sea in the distance, almost at the intersection of the sea and the sky. He finally searched the target.

Kobe, it's gone! Did the most important cargo ship sink in an instant?

"Antisubmarine deep bomb loading, fixed depth 50." Cried Chloe.

The Kobe encountered each other's submarines, and now, are those submarines still there? This makes Chloe maintain a high vigilance. The German submarine soldiers have a first-class combat level. If they are not careful, they will be attacked by the Germans.

"The speed is too high and the noise is too loud to hear clearly." At this time, the sonar on the other side of the bridge reported to Chloe.

Up to now, the sonar is still a simple underwater listening device, and the ship will produce noise during navigation, which will hinder the operation of the sonar. Especially now, in order to get to the scene quickly, the Bagley has sprint to a high speed of 40 knots. In this case, the noise will cover everything.

Chloe wanted to slow down, but then he saw the laser swimming circle floating on the sea.

That's the crew diving!

In the sea, even if there is a swimming circle, it can't last long! A wave comes, a struggling head, there is no!

Moreover, there are a few, did not get the swimming circle, fluttering in the sea.

When he saw this through the telescope, Chloe finally made a serious mistake.

Save people first!

As an American army, with taxpayers' money, it is to serve taxpayers.

Those who swim on the sea, seeing the warships here, are also struggling to swim towards the warships!

"Slow down!" Soon it flew over and Chloe gave orders.

The black smoke disappeared, the engine at the tail stopped working, and the speed of the warship decreased.

The sailors are on the deck, ready, put the rope aside, throw the rope to the drowning crew when they come, and then pull it up!

As the speed decreases, the sonar can also hear the sound of the ocean. He is listening carefully to everything around him.

As time passed, the warship almost stopped sailing and floated on the sea. An exhausted crew member was pulled up from the sea. He was wet.

"It's terrible! It's terrible! " He shouted, "our ship was blown in two!"

Just then, suddenly, the sonar frowned, and then he gave an alarm: "electric torpedoes, two, are shooting at us!"