Compared with the University of Chicago, the guard here is much stricter. Such a large number of scientists must be well protected. Just outside the venue of their meeting, there are more than a dozen armed police, and even snipers on the commanding height of the opposite roof.

For any country, scientists are the most valuable asset.

Now, these scientists are determining the future of the United States. They want to establish a laboratory here, integrate the resources of several universities, and work together to conduct nuclear bomb research here.

They didn't know that at this time, just above their heads and in the ventilation duct, a man was crawling gently.

The man's body is very thin, so that he can crawl slowly in the ventilation duct, but he wears a burden on his head.

Rubber products covered his whole face. Only the two front lenses let him see the outside. Under his mouth, there was a large filter tank.

Familiar people will know that this thing is a gas mask!

He was very careful every time he took action. He didn't make a little sound. Finally, he stopped. Through a shutter below, he could see the light below. There was a meeting going on!

With his hand wearing rubber gloves, he carefully took out a small bottle from his body, gently opened the switch, and the colorless and tasteless gas slowly evaporated out.

He crawled hard again and retreated in the ventilation duct. It was impossible. He could only continue to climb forward and climb to the room at the corner of the corridor.

At the same time, he must speed up, because the poison gas is so powerful that it will kill all the people below in a few minutes.

During World War I, poison gas was used on a large scale. Even Hitler was the victim of poison gas, resulting in temporary blindness.

However, there was no large-scale use of poison gas in World War II, because World War I has made people realize that poison gas war is a game of losing both sides. Even if the wind direction changes, they will be unlucky.

Therefore, no one is dedicated to developing new poison gas. Only island people still have a special preference for this.

Just two years ago, G. Schrader, O. Ambrose, G. ludig and van der Waals, researchers of the French company in Germany? Del? Linde first discovered the by-product of a new pesticide with strong toxicity, so they named the poison "sarin" with five letters of their four last names.

Yes, this is the famous sarin gas! It was only in World War II that no one used it, and it was not until the war that this poison began to be produced worldwide. American code GB, Soviet code P-35.

Now, Germany is only used in secret agents, because it is newly developed. Even if it does, there is no direct evidence that Germany did it.

The poison gas has been slowly spreading.

Generally speaking, industrial sarin is light yellow or yellowish brown and has the smell of fruit. However, pure sarin is absolutely colorless and tasteless, killing people invisibly.

"Now that we have agreed to set up a laboratory here, we must be quick." In the conference room, Oppenheimer said, "I propose that the research institutions of several universities move here within a month. This will certainly become a paradise for US scientists all over the United States. Doctors are nothing here."

When Oppenheimer finished this sentence, everyone present laughed. At this time, Oppenheimer felt that he was out of breath?

He wanted to continue talking, but he couldn't help taking two big breaths. Then, he felt that the more he breathed, the more he couldn't breathe. His feet were also unstable. He fell to the ground with a puff. Then his legs began to twitch violently.

"Come on, call people..." Oppenheimer didn't finish his words. He couldn't speak, or he couldn't breathe at all now.

When he breathed in sarin, the acetylcholinesterase in his body was irreversibly inhibited, his pupils began to shrink, his breathing was difficult, his bronchus was shrinking, and he was convulsing involuntarily.

At this time, the others present reacted the same way. Everyone realized what had happened. They wanted to call for help, but no one could shout out.

In order to protect them, there are guards outside to guard them. However, for the sake of confidentiality, their room is soundproof. After all, the guards are not completely reliable, at least they can't hear what they shouldn't hear.

Now, this has had the opposite effect. They want to call for help outside, but no one can make a sound!

When sarin poisoning occurs, it will suffocate and die within a few minutes. It belongs to nerve poison gas, and its lethality is quite strong. Even if it is rescued, this poison gas can also cause damage to the nerve, brain and liver, causing countless sequelae and complications, and finally let people die of this complication.

Now, the people present are dying painfully and walking fast

Half an hour later, Robert's secretary hurried over.

"I have urgent information to inform Secretary Robert." The Secretary said, holding in his hand a document just sent by the White House.

There was a terrible explosion in one of our bases. That base is connected with these scientists!

After checking his credentials, the guard let him go. When he opened the door, the secretary was dumbfounded.

The room is full of dead people!

The Secretary rushed inside. As a result, he took a few steps and then fell down. The guards outside responded, quickly put on gas masks and walked in. Unfortunately, there was no need to call an ambulance.

The whole scene was blocked. FBI agents investigated for several days and didn't catch the murderer. Even they didn't know what poison was in these people.


"It was definitely not an accident. It was completely premeditated!" In the White House, bad news came almost like a horse lamp, which made all the senior executives of the United States dumbfounded.

Roosevelt was angry.

When he was awakened from his sleep, there was an explosion at Oak Ridge base, and when he came to the conference room, more murders were reported.

Obviously, this is the Manhattan plan for the United States. All of a sudden, the Manhattan plan hurts muscles and bones, and even has the risk of miscarriage.

Who did it? Either island country or Germany! These two countries will not watch the United States develop nuclear weapons.

Wait, how did the U.S. nuclear program leak?