For the first time, it was not found by the other party. Ultra low altitude flight will be a blind area of radar. Even in later generations, this situation is inevitable. Only air early warning aircraft can monitor the situation on the ground.

However, if you fly at ultra-low altitude, you can't drag the glider behind. You can only parachute, which will greatly reduce the weapons you carry. It's impossible to destroy the whole factory. You can only destroy those heavy water cans and electrolytic cells, so that their heavy water plants can't produce heavy water for the time being!

This can only be a temporary alternative.

"Well, this new plan is called the gunman. This time, we must be well prepared." Stevenson said.

If you fail again this time, you will never have a chance. You must be ready!

A month passed when a group of volunteers from the Royal Norwegian Army who had defected to Norway were again selected for strict training and a sound battle plan was formulated.

Two small dga-15 nightingales, like last time, flew low on the sea. Under the cover of night, they successfully entered the sky over Norway and jumped down from it.

The number of people was small. Each plane only carried three people, two planes and parachuted down a small team of six people.

After the light of the day, the team of six people gathered together. Captain Ronnie looked at the factory at the foot of the mountain and said, "this time, we must complete the task!"

"Einnar, who picked him up, couldn't be found, so we're going down the mountain to meet him."

Ainnar is a local and an informant of MI5. Now, they must rely on ainnar's guidance. Unfortunately, he didn't come according to the scheduled joint time.

Armed with submachine guns and explosives, six people walked hard in the mountains.

Suddenly, Ronnie raised his right hand, and the people behind him stopped and quietly hid behind the big tree.

Opposite, a figure appeared.

One, two, three, four.

Damn it, just came out and met a German patrol! The distance is too close. If the Germans find out, they can only exchange fire!

Ronnie frowned. Once they exchanged fire here, they would be exposed. I'm afraid it's difficult to complete this task.

As the other party gradually approached, Ronnie's heart also came up to his throat. It's best to use a bayonet to solve the other party without a gun!

Thinking of this, Ronnie pulled out his bayonet and made a gesture to the people behind. They all understood and prepared one after another.

Those people are still coming, but they look strange. Their clothes don't look like German uniforms or Norwegian troops.

Close, closer, at this time, the other party raised his head, the sun shone on the other party's face, and he could see clearly here.

"Eric!" Ronnie couldn't help shouting, "haven't you been captured by the Gestapo?"

No one thought that the team more than a month ago was still active here!

Ronnie and Eric know each other. Now, they are very excited to meet here.

"Yes, we got away with it and have been waiting for the follow-up personnel." Eric was also very excited: "where's the big army?"

"Just us." Ronnie said, "the mission has changed. Let's destroy the key targets in the factory first."

It takes at least 30 people to blow up the whole factory and carry a lot of explosives. Now, they are only a small team of six people.

"Well, we'll join in, too." Eric said: "our transmitter has no electricity. Recently, the Germans have strengthened their vigilance. We can't get a new battery. Fortunately, we are familiar with the environment here and spend these days by looking for food in the mountains."

Eric's clothes were ragged and his face looked malnourished. Ronnie gave them the food they brought. Suddenly, Eric ate it.

Eating a can, a grouse sounded in front of him. Ronnie responded with the same voice. Soon, he saw the person who came to meet, einner!

"Sorry for being late. The Germans have just adjusted their deployment." Einner said: "I had to delay a little longer in order to observe the new situation in Germany."

Einner took out a map and spread it out in front of the crowd. It was a hand-painted plan of vimoc chemical plant.

"At the gate, the defense was suddenly strengthened. More than a dozen Germans were deployed here. Therefore, it was very difficult for us to turn over the nearby fence."

"What shall we do?" Asked Ronnie.

"We need to walk from the back, cross the forest area thousands of meters long, then climb 300 meters down into the canyon, cross the rapids and dangerous beaches, climb 300 meters of cliffs and rocks, and reach the railway embankment leading to the factory. The defense here is very weak. We can easily enter the interior of the factory from here."

No one will notice the cliff because it is almost impossible to cross.

"OK, let's go!" Ronnie said: "the gunman is the blasting group. We enter the factory for blasting, and the swallow is the cover group. Once we have an accident, we have to cover us."

This cover is more dangerous. In order to complete the task, they need to use fire to attract the guards in the factory and let Ronnie and others complete the destruction task.

But Eric agreed without hesitation.

"Let's take a break and start after dark." Said Ronnie.

Get enough physical strength and wait until night!

Relying on the tree trunk, no one can really sleep. Most of them are closing their eyes. As soon as it gets dark, they set off with einner leading the way.

The forest area is not difficult to walk, and the canyon can also walk through. In the middle of the night, they finally came to the cliff.

Here, it's the hardest.

Without any ropes, they climb by hand. Without more than a month's training, they can't complete such a task at all.

Although the gunmen were carrying explosives, they still climbed ahead, and the swallows fell behind.

Peter held the stone in both hands and tried to climb up, but he tried too hard, and the stone he held suddenly loosened!

Peter's body leaned back. His hand waved powerlessly in the air for two times to grasp something, but he still lost his balance and fell down like a big stone.

Eric stretched out his hand. Unfortunately, he didn't reach Peter at all. In Eric's eyes, Peter's body fell down!