On that night, hilrick had dinner with the technicians of junks company. He highly praised the spirit of serving the country of the technicians and encouraged them to continue to contribute their talents to the Empire. At the same time, several designers also received corresponding awards. These designers were all elated and wanted to complete all flight test projects in the shortest time, Finalize the equipment as soon as possible.

When he returned to Berlin, it was already evening. Sitting in his high-end bulletproof car, Shrek felt that he was a hard life. He looked at Reinhart around him and said, "is there a new situation?"

Even the time in the car would not be missed. Reinhart came to report to Shrek: "yes, we have attracted the attention of the families of the victims in Pearl Harbor in the United States. However, the FBI of the United States has acted faster, and we even have two members exposed."

Espionage in the United States is extremely dangerous, and the efficiency of the FBI is extremely high.

Shrek nodded: "in the end, he will see the high and low on the battlefield. Roosevelt is worried now. He needs to quickly control the situation so as not to be unfavorable to him."

"We still have something to gain. In Oak Ridge, the Americans ended the relocation of local residents, and our people can still stay there." Reinhart said.

"Well, let them continue to lurk. We have to wait until a large number of American technicians enter and make another attack. We have to make Americans lose their strength all at once." Said Shrek.

In Oak Ridge, Americans started the Manhattan Project. Now, of course, Shrek wants to stop the progress of Americans' nuclear weapons program, ambush personnel in advance, and cause irreparable damage to the whole base when necessary. In particular, nuclear physics experts are there. If a serious accident is caused, let these experts go to God, The American Manhattan Project will never improve.

Well, at that time, should we send our own junker-390 to carry out an accurate bombing? The idea, like a seed, sprouted in Shrek's mind.

"Also, we have detected that the Americans are organizing an operation. They want to use their aircraft carrier and carry B-25 bombers to bomb island countries." Reinhart said, "shall we tell the Islanders this information?"

American action has not deceived Reinhardt's eyes. After all, Germany has been in the United States for many years.

After thinking about it, Shrek shook his head: "no, the American action is only symbolic and will not pose a substantive threat to the island countries. At the same time, after this action, the United States and the island countries will continue to fight, which is beneficial to us."

If the Americans want to bomb, then bomb it. The battle between the island countries and the United States is good for Germany.

The more enthusiastic the fight, the better. Germany can also sell arms to island countries!

Leinha nodded, "OK, then we won't intervene."

"Our atomic development agency should also be closely protected." "We want to start with the American atomic agency. In the same way, the Americans will certainly keep an eye on our atomic agency," continued Shrek

Reinhart said solemnly, "yes, I'll pay great attention."

At first, German weapons were developed in secret bases in Libya. Now many German technologies were pre researched at that time. The Panther tank, which Germany is most proud of, was developed at that time.

After all, in the desert of Libya, it is the easiest to keep secret. With the continuous development, the scale of Libya's research base is becoming larger and larger, and a considerable number of troops are guarding there.

However, only those who are most familiar with the inside know that the importance of the Libyan base has become less and less, because the base has been exposed, and many intelligence agencies know the existence of the Libyan base.

Germany's development of nuclear weapons is the most secret. Anyway, Germany has occupied western Europe. Its territory is broad enough to find a suitable place. At the same time, it also makes larger nuclear reactors to generate more nuclear raw materials through nuclear reaction to meet the needs of manufacturing atomic weapons.

As project 1, nuclear weapons are also the focus of Reinhart's guard.

Reinhart is confident that the Americans will not notice finding their own secret base. Even if they destroy the Libyan base, it will not affect their own nuclear weapon development.

However, Reinhart didn't expect that there was still a sparse in Baimi.

In the north of Europe, there are four main countries, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland.

Among them, Denmark was a weak country and bordered on Germany. Therefore, when Germany advanced towards France after the beginning of the European war, it wiped out Denmark.

(for Germany, it's a piece of cake, so the hero of East China didn't mention it before.) After that, Denmark became an important supplier of ham, meat products and dairy products to the third empire.

Sweden has always been a neutral country. Although it appears to be neutral, Germany has obtained a lot of iron ore and other resources from Sweden. Anyway, Sweden is also Aryan, so Germany has not paid much attention to Sweden.

As for Norway, in history, Germany launched the war of landing in Norway across the sea. Later, in order to help king Hakam VII of Norway, the British and French allied forces landed in Narvik and fought with Germany.

Later, however, with the rapid deterioration of the situation in Western Europe, the king of Norway fled and Norway fell.

Now, more rapidly than in history, Germany did not launch a cross sea landing. Only after defeating Britain, Norway collapsed.

Haakon VII fled to trondhom in the Arctic Circle, and vidikunjislin, as the head of the Norwegian workers' Party movement, with the support of Germany, announced that he would become the new Norwegian governor.

After that, Norway completely fell to Germany. Norway supplied Germany with fish, leather products and molybdenum ore, which Germany needed most.

At the same time, after Norway defected, Germany obtained many excellent deep-water ports facing the North Sea and the North Atlantic, such as Norwegian fjords. More importantly, Norway has the most important heavy water production plant.

Yes, it's heavy water! In the eyes of nuclear physicists, heavy water is a good deceleration agent. Only by changing fast neutrons into slow neutrons can fission be induced. It can also be said that heavy water is a necessary raw material for the manufacture of nuclear weapons.

After Norway and Germany came together, Germany imported a large amount of heavy water from Norway, which made the United States judge that Germany needs heavy water as raw material for nuclear reactors!